sorry for the wait and that it's not the best chapter. i've been seriously sick and busy with school

Chapter Twenty Part Two.
“What are you staring at?”
I blinked myself out of my daze and turned to Astoria. She wore her long sandy blond hair in a fish tail plait that hung over her shoulder. “Nothing,” and something clenched in my stomach. She quirked an eyebrow at my lie but let it go. The hall was packed and the air was so tight with anticipation and excitement was so thick you could almost taste it. The buzz of delight could be heard throughout the castle.
Astoria knew all too well what or who I was staring at. She sucked gently on her lower lip as she thought. I turned away from her and looked back at Ginny Weasley. Maybe it just was the thought that I couldn't have her. I tended to go for girls like that. But I throw them away like an old toy when I eventually did get them.
Pansy jabbed me in the ribs with her elbow. “Ow. What was that for?” She scowled. “For staring at a blood traitor.” I sniffed disdainfully and put my arm around her to shut her up. Astoria glanced at us and narrowed her eyes, pouting slightly before standing up and leaving the [empty] Slytherin table and making her way over to the packed Gryffindor table and shyly sitting down next to
Looney Luna Lovegood and saying something I couldn't make out. But Luna seemed to agree as she laughed and hugged her.
“What's up with her?” Pansy hissed. “Maybe she just...misses Daphne. They were really close.”
Pansy rolled her eyes at my answer but as she opened her mouth to say something back McGonagall walked to the top of the hall the goblet of fire in her hands. Purple flames licked the brim of the bronze cup. “Good evening everyone.” Her voices echoed around the suddenly quiet hall.
“As you all know, tonight we draw for the Wizarding Games. The prize will be one million galleons,” Even my father's eyes widened at the thought of ONE MILLION galleons “and a plaque made in their honor.” The buzz of talk started again at the prizes.
People began to speculate about what they'd do with the money. “QUIET PLEASE!” McGonagall shouted and the hall quietened quickly. The goblet's flames turned bright red and a piece of parchment flew out.
“Neville Longbottom.”
Suddenly parchment after parchment flew out.
“Luna Lovegood;
George Weasley;
Lavender Brown,” A gasp rippled through the hall at that and a whooping cheer could be heard from a corner.
“Ginny Weasley. ...And, Pavarti Patil.”
All the competitors stood up and smiled, basking in the glories of being a champion. But the goblet shot out one more name. McGonagall frowned but caught it. “D-Draco Malfoy.” Silence descended on the hall once more as everyone swiveled in their seat to see me.
Pansy turned to me and squealed, “Well done Dracipoos!” And pounced on me giving me a big smacker on the lips.
I really don't know if I'm glad about doing this...