Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed Chapter 14: The First Twenty-Somethings
Cassy reached her hand into the her green box hat and pulled out a piece of partchment and asked Whos? Ginny's hand shot up into the air. Of course she would be boring and use white. I grabbed my red EXPO marker and wrote down the five names 1. Ricky November
2. Derick Frank
3. Regulas Black
4. Tony Lopez
5. Harry Morgen
I reached my hand into the hat once more and pulled out a pink piece of partchment and without even having to say it I started to write down the names with my dark orange EXPO marker. Yes it was mine. 6. Luke Monte
7. Chanddler Sane
8. Sirius Black
9. Tom Mallory
10. Kevin Stevin
Reaching into the hat I pulled out my hand and saw a rainbow partchment, I glared over at Rose and Rose said Guilty! Cassy handed it to Rose and said Read it! Derick Taylor, Joey Mike, Kyle Boat, Sirius Black, Taylor Guilt
I grabbed my purple EXPO marker and wrote down 11. Derick Taylor
12. Joey Mike
13. Kyle Boat
14. Sirius Black
15. Taylor Guilt
Pulling out the last partchment, it was red. Taking out her Blue EXPO marker I wrote 16. Toni Mitch
17. Mitch Royal
18. Luke Rank
19. Seth Taylor
20. Hale Cohen
Looking at the list: 1. Ricky November
2. Derick Frank
3. Regulas Black
4. Tony Lopez
5. Harry Morgen 6. Luke Monte
7. Chanddler Sane
8. Sirius Black
9. Tom Mallory
10. Kevin Stevin 11. Derick Taylor
12. Joey Mike
13. Kyle Boat
14. Sirius Black
15. Taylor Guilt 16. Toni Mitch
17. Mitch Royal
18. Luke Rank
19. Seth Taylor
20. Hale Cohen
Smiling I said Okay looks like we have a repeation, Sirius Black. Pick one name that you think is the best and lets go research, Rose and I both can do Sirius but not suggested.
After an hour, Ginny had picked Regulas Black. I had picked Sirius Black, Rose had picked Seth Taylor, and Tina chose Mitch Royal...Ugh this was going to be harder then I thought. I still had to go talk to Dean...It just wasnt working out. Rose was wrong...A Gryffindor and a Slytherin can never be together...
__________________ ♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕  ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Last edited by Luna_Midnight; 03-14-2012 at 09:19 AM.