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Old 09-09-2011, 07:55 PM   #15 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2010
Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year

Hey Everyone, Keep writing them comments! =)
I had fun writing this chapter! Brought back a lot of memories.

Everything Harry Potter Belongs to Jk Rowling.

Chapter Six

“You’re up early.” Snape said drinking his tea.

“What time is it?” Ella said brushing the sleep from her eyes.

“Four am.”

“Are you kidding me?”


Ella sat down. So this is our last day”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean it has to be sad day “ I will be at headquarters several times, before you go back to school.”

“That’s true.”

“Let’s do something fun. Enjoy our day.”

Ella glanced at him clearly annoyed. “Like what?”

“I don’t know, anything.” Snape said.

“I know this hot dog shop that makes the best chili dogs in the US.”

“Are you saying America?” Snape surprised at the notion.


“Ella, do you think I could really fit in down there?”

“We could eat at the park! We could apparate there, and I will get the food, and then we will disaparate to the park.”
Ella hoped he would agree.

“You’re serious?” “What about the time difference.”

“Its like ten pm there! Oh so yeah we should just eat inside.”

“Why?” Snape said.

Because um... Lets just say when its dark you don’t want to , well I am not going into details.”

“Ok, give me fifteen minutes to get things in order.” Snape said

“Well in that case give me twenty!” Ella ran to the bathroom and fixed her hair and make up.


“You know I never tasted a hot dog before.” Snape said before taking a bite of his plain hotdog.

“ I don’t know why you didn’t want anything on it.” Ella took a big bite off her chili cheese dog.

Snape smiled.

“ Not too bad”

“ Try your chocolate shake! Oh and the fries!” Ella said grabbing her strawberry shake

“ You look funny in muggle clothes.”

“ Thanks. This doesn’t seem like the best area.”

“I know, but you have to risk your life to eat these!” Ella said laughing.

“You know there was a dead person propped along a phone pole right next to this place.”

“ What??” Snape said gasping.

“ Yeah, people still went in to eat.”

Ella began to laugh at Snape’s snarky expression.

“You miss your home, don’t you.”

“ Yes,I do. You know some wizards stand out, or look different in London. Almost like you can spot your kind in the crowd.”

“ Yes.”

“ Here you cant, For example, This place is packed ,so I gurantee there is at least ten people who are wizards or witches.”

“ Really” Snape said looking around.

“ Watch”

“Yeah, Dad I cant wait to go back to Salem and see my friends.” Elevating her voice a tad the server went her direction.

“ What year are you?

“ Fifth”

“ You?” Ella said


“I go to Hogwarts now.”

“Oh cool!” The girl said wiping the counters.

“Anything else for you two?” “ Nah were good.”
Snape looked puzzled.

“Told you.”

That old man and women looked our way, and the boy in the ball cap did too.

“This place brings so many memories to me, I am glad you are here with me.” Ella smiled at Snape.

“ Wait how are we going to pay for this?? “ Snape said backing away from the table.

“ Don’t worry I have a ten.”
Ella laughed.


“All packed?” Snape said standing at the door way.

“Yep.” Just finishing. Putting her last book away, she buckled her trunk.

“I need to inspect the house and make sure your not…..” They both heard the sound. The front door was opening.
Snape pointed at the closet. Ella hurried into the it, and unlatched the trap door. Taking one last peek through the crack of the door, Ella noticed it wasn’t her bedroom anymore, it was a full of storage.

Closing the door, she was surprised to see a set of stares that led to a small room. It was dark, but quickly she switched on a light that had an ornate sconce around it. The place had a small cot, a few blankets, and old magazines and books. Seeing a picture pinned to the wall, Ella blew of the dust and smiled. It was Snape with that same green eyed girl. She was leaning on his shoulder and his eyes were huge. Looking around she found an old newsletter of some sorts. Picking it up she was shocked to see the heading

Slytherin Blood

The date was 09/01/1973

Welcome all new Slytherins, let me tell you about our house. By Severus Snape

Ella concluded the room was like a hideout, or club house. But what was he hiding from?

Putting down the newsletter she sat down and picked up some books.

“ Dark Arts” The haunted edition

“ Dark Arts for Practitioners of the art.

Shivering, Ella dared not open those books.
She decided to grab the newsletter again. Laying down on the cot she read the entire thing front to back.
Two hours.
Hearing footsteps, Ella found her self nervous and defenseless.

“Ella ,open up. Quickly.”

Running up the steps, she opened the door to see a frazzled Snape.

“We need to leave now.”

“ But its still early.”

“ The person who came , will be back. And she will bring more people.”

“ Lets move.”

Ella ran into her room, and made sure she all of her books were packed and did a few once overs. “Here is your cloak it is oddly cool outside.”

“ Thank you” Ella fastened her Gryffindor School cloak over her tightly

“ Put the hood over your head.”

“ Why?”

“ Just do it.”

Ella glanced at herself in the mirror. Everything had changed. Her dark hair like waves came out from the cloak and her eyes were dark as coal.

Everything was different now, and she had to accept the fact that life was going to change for her.

“Come to the living room.” Snape said rushing her .

“Ok, when we get there, make sure you are not seen, walk swiftly behind me.”

Ella nodded. After one last glance around the place, everything became a blur and she had arrived at their destination.

“This way.” Snape whispered.

Ella realized they were in a dark alley, the smell off trash made her cringe.
Following him closely, Ella walked a few blocks and then came upon a back door.

“Pulling out his wand, He tapped on the door three times, and it opened.”
Ushering her in, Ella felt a sense of relief.

“Did anyone follow you?”

“No.” Ella was sure.


Walking into the main portion of the house, Ella smiled at the sight of Ron and Hermione laughing.

“Look who it is!” Ron said smiling. Embracing them both, Ella felt so happy to be with her friends.

“Where is Lupin?” Snape said asking Hermione.

“In the study , Proffesor” She answered back.

“How was it? Was it bloody torture?” Ron said his eyes widening from the thoughts running through his mind.

“It was perfectly fine” Ella didn’t want to go into details. “Where is everyone?”

“ Lupin,and Sirisus are in the study, and everyone else is in the kitchen.”

“Jenny! Where is my sister?” Ella felt her excitement over flowing.

“Your sister had to leave.” Sirius voice was cool and calm as he walked down the steps to the back entry way.

“ Why?” Ella said in shock

“The Prophet was asking too many questions, so she took a leave ..”

“She will be back before the baby is born, and I hope she could live here again. She left this for you.”

Dearest Ella,
I had to leave, the prophet has their suspicions. I took a leave and I am living in a safe house at Hogsmeade. I will be back soon, it’s almost time!
Love you.

Disappointed , Ella asked where to put her things, and left the group in a somber mood. .

“ Hey Ella!” Ginny who was reading got up to greet her.

“ Hey.”

“ Jenny, left a couple of days ago, I knew you would be sad.” Ginny gave Ella big hug.

“ I wish she was my big sister.” Ginny said laughing. “ Instead I have all brothers.”

Ella laughed at the notion of having that many siblings.

“ So where are your brothers?”


“ Were right here!” Fred and George said laughing.

“ Oh great your of age now.” Ella said.

“ Yes it does Ella, we are not sixth years anymore.”

“ So.” Ella said.

“ We came to let you two know that dinner will be ready in approximately ten minutes.”

“ Thanks.” Ginny and Ella both said.

“Well, we better get down there.” Ginny said getting up and leaving the room. Walking behind Ginny, Ella noticed the door to the study cracked, and Lupin and Snape were still talking.

“My dear , My dear! How exciting to have you join us !.” Mrs. Weasley said making Ella feel better.

“ Excuse me Molly, but I need to talk to her.” Snape walked into the kitchen.

Walking into the living room, Ella sat on a chair while Snape stood.

“ I have to go, I have stayed too long. “

“Why do you have that hideout?”

“ My grandfather made that for me when I was a child.”


“My parents weren’t the nicest to me.” Ella put her head down, embarrassed she had pressed for an answer.

“ But my mother tried to make amends in the end”

“ I want to give this to you. It was hers.”
Looking up Ella saw a beautiful emerald cut Emerald ring. The band was gold, and shimmered in the light.”

“I am afraid this doesn’t represent her birthstone, but the slytherin house.

“I don’t care, its wonderful.” “I love it.”

“The Prince women have been wearing this ring for generations.”
Ella stood and smiled.

“Thank you”

"I will see you soon, goodbye.”

He disappeared in front of her , her fingers still holding the ring.

Feeling left alone by all who she cared for, Ella suddenly lost her appetite.
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