Thread: Harry Potter: The Way the Wind Blows - Sa13+
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Old 09-09-2011, 02:02 PM   #155 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Enya Mayberry
Fourth Year
Default Sorry for the wait.
Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee.

Haii everyone *waves* As you read this you will notice that this tie's with a chapter a few chapters back but from a different point of view. It's written like that so that everyone is finally together. Hope you enjoy and sorry for the length.

Chapter Twenty Part One.

He walked away and I did nothing, I couldn't. The tears prickled the side of my eyes, threatening to fall. I was angry at Ron, but I was angrier at myself for opening my mouth and saying what I did. I watched the guy I love walk away from me and round the corner, probably for the last time, and made to run after him. To call him back and say sorry, kiss him and make all this go away…but for some reason I just…couldn’t. I stepped back and let him leave.

The tears fell from my eyes now heavily, it clouded my sight but I was stood still just staring after him, and it didn't matter. After a few minutes I wiped away the falling tears frantically and finally rushed after him. When I rounded the corner I expected him to be leaning against the stone wall with his arms folded, still angry, waiting for me, but there was no sign of him. The hall before me was empty; it seemed to run forever with no end. I felt faint for a moment but pushed the feeling away and started to run. I'd left it too long and he'd gone, I needed to find him. That was the only thought fixed in my usually overflowing mind at that moment: Finding Ron was the most important thing in the world.

Many minutes later, I stumbled along yet another corridor, which was thankfully empty: I didn't want anyone to see me like this. The tears were still falling just as fast and my heart felt like it had been ripped from my chest. I fell into a window seat a few feet up the hall, bringing my knees to my chest. I let the remaining tears fall. I cried my heart out over a stupid boy I loved and will always love.

My luck seemed to be with me because no one ventured down the corridor. This was odd, even for Hogwarts, because there were more than enough people in the school to fill every inch of the place.

I don't know how long I sat there crying. A few minutes? Hours? But after a while I slowly cleared my eyes of tears and stood up, a little shaky on my feet, but still I managed to find my way to the Gryffindor Common Room. I wasn't very far away, for which I was thankful; all I wanted to do was lie in bed and forget it all. As a result, it came as quite a shock when I stepped through the porthole and there he was. Just sitting there with our friends playing chess! I stopped walking and closed my eyes; the feeling that ran through me now was overwhelming.

The love I felt for him, and the pain I felt of losing him, (which I was afraid was happening even at that very moment) filled me. I waited a few moments, my mind whirling round and round with no end before giving up and opening my eyes. He was still there, his handsome figure and his soft brown eyes. His red flaming hair set him apart from the crowd and I missed running my fingers through it.

Taking a deep and determined, yet terrified breath, I strode over and took a seat beside Harry, opposite Ron. I turned my gaze onto the chess boardm not looking at him, in case I started crying again. The game was quietly advancing and by the looks of it Ron was winning yet again. This brought a smile, though unwilling, to my face.

I looked up to steal a quick glance at Ron and was shocked to see him watching me and not the board. His eyes were roaming my face; was he looking for clues of how sorry I was? The feeling of making this all better overpowered my not-so-better judgment, and I opened my mouth.

Just as I was about to speak there was another voice that filled the room. The happy look that had filled Ron's face a moment ago vanished like the speed of light and he looked away. I gulped my next sob and followed his gaze to rest my eyes on Professor McGonagall.

She stood before us holding a piece of parchment in her hand, her glasses watching us all in turn, and her hat sitting perfectly on her head. She waited for silence to fall over us all before she unfolded the parchment and began to read...

"All students are to gather in the Great Hall this Saturday for the sorting of the wizard games. All students are asked to gather at the starting of the feast and the sorting will begin once the feast is over. Anyone still wishing to enter has until Friday evening to do so. We wish everyone good luck in the following games...." She paused and pushed her glasses up further on her nose as she looked up. "Thank you."

She finished speaking and folded up the parchment, and with one more look at all those gathered in the common room, she turned on her heel and walked away.

I was surprised to hear it was finally the time to choose those who would compete in the games. It felt like the Triwizard Tournament all over again, but the time then between the beginning announcement and the actual choosing of the champions had seemed so long, and now it seemed so short somehow.

I also remember last time Harry had been part of it all, but not this time. Neither was Ron, and that I was glad about. But me, I had entered and I don't know why. I was relieved that so far no one knew except for Ron and me. It was our little secret.

The sound of voices around me began to rise, slowly at first until it had gained its full height. "What's that?" A voice said behind us tiredly. I turned my head - along with everyone else - to see Neville standing before us. In his hands he held two heavy looking books. I couldn't see the titles but I could tell he'd been spending time in the library again.

"Did you just hear the Professor's announcement?" Seamus asked him with excitement in his voice.

"I came in just as she started," Neville replied, taking a seat next to Lavender and giving her a smile. I looked around the group before me. Harry and Ginny were sat the edge of the group with their heads close together - red and black - whispering about something. I let my eyes travel across and there were Seamus, Lavender, Dean, Neville and the Patil twins laughing about something one of them said. Opposite of me sat alone boy with red hair, slowly packing away his chess set. I watched him for a moment, watching the obvious love he felt for his chess game be displayed by the way he replaced the pieces where they belonged.

"Can I talk to you?" I asked quietly, wandering over. Ron didn't look up but carried on packing away his game.

"I don't want to hear it." Clearly he was still mad at me.

"Ron, please..." I pleaded, taking his hand in mine.

Yanking his hand out of my plaintive grasp, I watched him walk away from me yet again. I wouldn't let it happen this time; jumping from my seat, I followed him across the crowded common room.

"Ron, LISTEN TO ME!" I demanded, grabbing hold of his arm and turning him firmly round to face me. It took me a lot of effort with him being such a big person, but I tried not to let it show.

"What? Here to tell me you don't trust me?” he spat at me. His words felt like knifes to my chest.

"Ron...Please..." I whispered, stepping back. His tone frightened me.

"Just leave me alone 'Mione!" He started to turn his back.

"What do you want me to say!?" I demanded, my anger rising.

"Say? I want you to say nothing. You've said enough." Ron began to retreat, and now I was desperate.

"I’m sorry, I didn't mean to say it..." He took no notice of my pleading. "I...I trust you with my life!" I called after him. He stopped. Had I finally gotten through to him?

Making my way to him, slowly, I took his hand in mine, moving to be in his line of sight. "I'm sorry...” I whispered, looking deep into his brown eyes. I could get lost for days in those eyes…but I restrained myself. Now was not the time.

"Ron..." I tried again but my throat closed around a sob and yet he said nothing.

"God dammit, say something!" I cried after a few more agonizing moments. I raised my fists and began to beat his chest, as if that would help it somehow. It seemed hopeless then and the tears came once more, fast like before and just as thick. My strength failed me and I fell into Ron's arms, to cry my eyes out. His warm comforting arms wound around me and pulled me close. He had broken.

"'Mione...” He whispered into my hair before kissing it, "I love you...” He didn't finish, but instead pulled me a little closer. At his words I began to cry harder, hating myself for my hasty words.

"Hey, shh..." Ron said calming me down, "I forgive you. Hell, I've said worse and you've forgiven me for it!" Gulping down my remaining tears I pulled back.

"I...I didn't mean to say it, it just slipped out!" What kind of excuse was that!? But I was desperate to make Ron understand, and I didn’t really care about making sense anymore."I was just mad at you, I...I…" I tried once more to explain my actions.

"Did you mean what you said before? About trusting me with your life?" I heard Ron ask me, as he leant his forehead against mine. I could feel his breath on my face, whispering against the strands of my hair there. I nodded, unable to speak.

"I love you, Ron," I managed to choke out in a broken, tear-filled whisper.

"I love you too," he replied. I could feel his deep voice rumbling in his chest, pressed against me in our embrace. Could it be that he was close to tears as well? I couldn’t tell, and pulled back my head to look at him.

With a smile growing on his freckled face, Ron leaned towards me, his lips hovering half an inch away from mine. I drew in a shaky breath, preparing myself for what I was certain was about to follow. And I was right; with an inclination of his head, light and sweet as a feather buffeted by the breeze of a song, his lips tenderly touched mine. The kiss that followed was both passionate and breathtaking. I could feel the both of us suddenly lost, intoxicated by the presence of the other. I closed my eyes. With each new movement of his lips, dancing with mine, came a new wave of happiness. I was elated, exuberant. He had forgiven me. My Ron Weasley loved me again.
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.

Last edited by Ladybug; 09-14-2011 at 05:57 PM.
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