Thread: Harry Potter: Alexis. Just Alexis. - Sa13+
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Old 09-02-2011, 07:30 PM   #27 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lillian Strap
First Year

Authors note: Thanks you guys for the comments and yay for the sixth reader! Also, normally I would wait to post this (so more people could comment on the previous one,) I was jusut so excited for this chapter!

Chapter Three: Part two

"Are you sure about this George?" I asked rather anxiously, I didn't know if we could in trouble or not...

"You kidding me? I own this place, literally, now come on!" George cried, he seemed like he was twelve years old again. "All you have to do is sit here next to me, then when I say the spell, hold on tight and do the spell I told you!"

Nodding uncertainly I clutched onto the side of the bench that George had sat us on. He called everyone to attention, "Friends, family, enemies, strange booger-picking children, and mostly faithful shoppers, I advise you put all paper materials away!" Then he shouted out the spell that sent our bench flying into the air up high to the ceiling of the building, once we got up I used magic to send water at the unsuspecting civilians. People screamed, some in delight some in shock. Others laughed, and some children started running in the watter. Then during our slow decent down George and Myself each sent a partonus running through the crowd. Mine being a big dog (possible because of Sirius's animagus form), and George's as a Hyena (As that had been his dead brothers form and when he died Georges changed to the Hyena). I heard people "ooo"ing and "aww"ing. For the finally George sent firecrackers everywhere.

Once we landed people started cheering and clapping for us. George stood bowing low to the ground then noticing that I was still sitting, he pulled me up and told me to bow so I did with a big grin on my face. George had been right, I might not remember my past but I was certainly making new memories now.

He whispered in my ear as we bowed again "We do this almost every day, you'd think they'd be used to it by now..."

Afterwords we really did go shopping, well after George made me take some things from his shop that is. We got everything that had been on the letter that I received, hand delivered, from Minerva Mcgonagall. Plus George did an amazing thing and bought me an owl! "To make up for six lost birthdays," was his reasoning when I saw it. It was a northern saw whet owl, and we named himWolf. "Now," began George, "he's not much of a mail owl, in fact he's so small you could mail him in an envelope, but he's cute and fun loving, not mention different than the other owls, so I thought you'd like him."

Smiling I nodded, "Of course I like him, he's adorable."


The next morning my things were packed, Wolf was tucked away in his cage, and I was trying to detach Susana from my leg as I said bye to those there. "Susana, come on kiddo you know I have to go and I'll see you at thanksgiving..just think of all the food there huh? And you'll have Teddy to play with while I'm gone, and Ginny to drive crazy and Ron to calm Ginny down for you, and I'm sure you'll go into town at times and see George and Angelina, and get ice cream..."

She sniffled, "But, you won't be there to tell me not to do the dumb things and to get me knew shoes or take me to the playground.."

My heart just about melted. "You have Ginny for that, and come on, I'll write to you and tell you all about school and you can write to me and tell me about all your adventures with Teddy, okay?"

She sniffled again, pulling her face out of my sweatshirt, "Okay..I'll miss you.."

"You can't miss me if i haven't left, so go on, the faster you get back the faster you can write to me."

"Okay." She pulled away and stood next to Ginny, taking her hand. "Bye-bye Alexis."

"Bye Susana, Ginny, Ron.." I waved to them as I walked to the train.

"Oi!" Ginny called to me, "You make sure that Harry and Hermione write us okay?"

"Okay, bye!" I walked onto the train, lugging my trunk and other things behind me. It wasn't until the doors had closed and the train started moving that I remembered how much of an outcast I was. Making my way through the the train I searched for an empty compartment, but finding none I sat with two kids, one boy one girl. "Um...hi, can I sit here?" I asked rather nervously. I didn't know any of the student, and Harry and Hermione had already flooed to the school.

The kids smiled at me warmly, "Yeah, sure," the boy shrugged, and the girl moved over to make room.


"No problem, I'm Lydia by the way, this is Dennis. I'm third year, he's seventh. What year are you? I haven't seen you around so you must be in a different house and year...I'm in Ravenclaw, Dennis here is in Gryffindor, what house are you in?" Lydia ranted.

I could already tell she was a big talker. "I'm Alexis."

"Alexis..that's a pretty name, do you go by Lexi, Lexis, or Alex? Or just Alexis? I know someone named Alex, but he's a boy, and in fifth year as a Slytherin. You know, Slytherin aren't all that bad, Dennis says they were horrible his first year. He was a first year during the Great Battle, and then repeated first year so really he should have graduated by now, but by now they've all sorta filtered out the bad ones and mmmf..." Dennis had covered her mouth.

"Sorry about her...she's a bit of a talker..." Dennis said apologetically.

Chuckling slightly I responded with, "That's okay. To answer her questions in order. I'm fifth year, not sorted and Alexis, just Alexis."

The two strangers in front of me cocked their heads, "What do you mean? Did you transfer from a different school or something? You don't seem french or German."

"It's Russian Lydia," Dennis corrected.

"That too."

"Well, yeah I guess you could say that I'm a transfer student," I mean, it was about. I did transfer from the streets to the schooling of Hermione, and now to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Where'd you transfer from?" Dennis asked curiously.

"Well, I was kinda home schooled..." my tone suggested that we should drop that subject and we did.

"Hey, I'm going to buy some sweets and Mum gave me some extra money, so would you lot like some?" a boy with curly dirty blonde hair and the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen poked his head. He then spotted me, " 'ello there, don't think I've met you before, and that is horrible for my rep as the most out going person at Hogwarts."

Lydia responded before I could even open my mouth, "This is Alexis she transferred here, kinda, she says she was home schooled and she's in your year Alex, maybe she'll be in your house too and then-" She was cut off by Alex.

"Lydia, would you just shut your trap for one minute and let the girl talk?"

Lydia did shut her trap but did not look at happy with Alex. "Hi Alex," I greeted him, "as Lydia already said I'm Alexis."

"Nice to meet you Alexis, I'm Alex, Hogwarts best Heartthrob ....Alex sat across from me and crossed his foot over his knee.

Dennis cackled, "Yeah right, more like the Hogwarts Idiot."

"That's hurtful Creevy, down right hurtful, I come in here offering snacks and shall leave insulted..No snacks for you. But if you want something Alexis, you're welcome to it."

Smiling slightly I responded, "I'll take a chocolate frog." Who was I to pass up a good offer?

"And we have a keeper!" Alex cried as he jumped up, "Coming right up, one Chocolate frog."

He returned a minute later and handed me a chocolate frog and card. "A welcome to Hogwarts gift."

"And where's mine?" Lydia asked with a fake pout.

"Are you knew to Hogwarts?"

"If I said yes?"

"You still wouldn't get one."

"I see...."


The trip went great, I instantly felt at ease with these kids. Lydia was talkative, Dennis was well mannered, and Alex was rather cocky but friendly. Alex was in my year so I thankful that I now had one friend my age. That totalled it I was on a roll.

"When we arrived at the school I heard Hagrid's voice booming over the heads of the children, "Firs' years, firs' years this way!" Catching my eye he said, "You too Alexis!"

"See you guys in the school?" I asked, sorta nervously.

"Yep see you then, the sorting isn't that bad remember! We'll see you for dinner!" Alex called over his shoulder as he made his way to horse-drawn carriages that well, had these creepy skeletal winged horses instead of the average horses.

I felt tall, once the boats landed and we were lined up in the hallway. I towered over the little first years and stood right near the front because of my last name beginning with a B and my first an A.

At least I would get the sorting over with quickly. Headmistress Mcgonagall spoke to us quickly, "I will be leading you single file into the Great Hall where you will then be called up one by one to be sorted into one of the four houses, Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw. Once you are sorted you shall go sit with the appointed house until the end of the feast from there you shall go to your common rooms. Let us go now." She pushed open the big doors and walked on. The nervous line of first years and myself followed shakily behind her. We entered to the sight of four long tables where kids filled the benches and watched us enter. Each table was decorated in their colors. Gryffindors with maroon and gold, Ravenclaw with blue and white, Slytherin with green and silver, and Hufflepuff with yellow and black. I spotted Dennis and Lydia, but couldn't quite see the Slytherin's faces clearly enough to find Alex.

She began calling out names.

"Adams, Matt" A scrawny little blonde haired boy stumbled up to the stool where the hat had barely touched his head when it screamed out "RAVENCLAW!"

The relieved little boy nearly ran down to his table where I saw Lydia cheering excitedly." Alexander, Benjamen!" The hat took longer for the pudgy boy with brown hair and doe eyes. Finally he was placed with the Hufflepuff's. Next Andrews, Kevin went to Ravenclaw, and Bangle, Steven went to Slytherin. Then I was up.

Knowing I was up next, I watched Mcgonagall's mouth form the words "Black, Alexis!" I felt many students eyes on my back as I climbed up to the stool. People began whispering, probably about why a fifteen year old was being sorted. Sitting upon the stool, the hat placed upon my head.

To my surprise it started talking to me, well I'm pretty sure it was in my head, but it was from the hat no doubt. Another Black eh? Well then...Oh you aren't born a black were you? No...but still all the same you are much like your adoptive father, Sirius. And your mother, Sylvia. are cunning, sly enough to survive on the streets of London but loyal to your sister, very loyal. Smart too. But you belong to none of those houses. No no are brave. To have survived what you have..yes, very brave and strong. You belong to one house only.

"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat yelled out to the whole school. The table where Dennis was sitting burst into loud cheers, louder than any other table around. The was taken off my head and I walked over to sit next to Dennis. Once I did I took a deep breath of relief. "Glad that's over," I muttered to him. He clapped my back, "You'll do just fine here Alexis, just fine."

Many more kids sat on the stool and went to their appropriate house table, then came the feast. It was the most food I had ever seen in one place in my entire life. I was in shock, not shocked enough to not fill my plate, but enough that it took me a minute to eat it. Many people asked me about why I came at such a late age and I would simply respond, "I was transferred here after being home schooled for most my life."

Most of them accepted it. And I was glad, they didn't need to know my life story. Alex found his way to our table half way through the feast, "So, you survived the sorting."

"It would appear so," I responded cheekily.

"Only problem is you're here and not with us Slytherin's."

"Oh no, she's right where she should be," Dennis responded in defence.

I smirked, "I'm in the school and that's good enough for me."

"Well you have low expectations then," alex responded. "But that's okay, we still love ya. And Slytherins and Gryffindors have most of our classes together this year."

"Awesome?" I responded question like.

"Of course it's awesome, you get to see me, and lets face it, who wouldn't want that?"

"Me," responded Dennis and at least two other Gryffindors and Lydia who made her way to us just then.

"Oh you all are hopeless, Only Alexis here understands me, isn't that right Alexis?"

I gave him a very Sirius like answer, "Whatever helps you sleep at night Alex, what ever halps you sleep."

The guys around us gave that low and long "ohh" sound while Alex put on a hurt expression, "That's cold..real cold Alexis. And to think I bought you a chocolate frog!"
~A lion and a snake , twins for life~
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