Thread: Harry Potter: Alexis. Just Alexis. - Sa13+
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Old 09-01-2011, 02:44 AM   #23 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lillian Strap
First Year

Authors Note: Sorry it's so short :/ But at least it's something!

Chapter Three: Part One

"Come on Alexis, pay attention. This is our last session and you still haven't figured out wordless magic!" Hermione cried in frustration as I picked myself off the floor (Again.)

I was about ready to strangle Hermione, we'd been working non-stop for the past three hours on this and all that happed was I'd get angry and Hermione would get frustrated. "I'm sorry 'Mione, I'm trying, I am! It just doesn't come as easily as all the other stuff!" I had already mastered the patronus (my memory had been that dream, which I was almost positive had actually happened), most charms, I could turn almost all small things into animals, potions I was okay at, I hadn't blown anything up for the past three weeks, divination was a waste of time in my opinion but I still did as I was told, herbolagy wasn't that bad but the mandrakes had most definately been my least favorite project there. I just couldn't get wordless magic.

Harry walked in to the sight of Hermione and I on opposite sides of the room, cushions under each of us, wands out, and Hermione saying, "It's not that hard Alexis, just focus all you can into the thought of the spell and try to disarm me before you hit the floor."

Finally noticing Harry I smiled, "Harry! Please tell this crazy women that disarming people silently is hard after three hours of hitting the floor?"

He shook his head in dis-belief, "Alright Hermione, time to stop. You already have her past the other kids, she's going to be learning this later in the year, and the patronus..most kids can't do that until there sixth or seventh year! I am commendeering your pupil and you may only have her back if you are teaching her the proper way to be a normal student." Harry put his arm around my should and led me out of the room.

"Thank you!" I whispered as we walked out. "I was so sick of lessons..."

"Good," was his response, "because you are over do for some school shopping. You leave tomorrow morning for Hogwarts and most students bought their stuff ages ago."

"Now you sound like Hermione," groaning I rolled my eyes. "But I guess I am a little over due."

"Alright, I'm going to get you down there then you are going to meet up with a friend of ours who is going to take you around as I go talk to the Headmistress."

"How do we get there?" I asked excitedly, I knew about portkeys, floo poweder, flying, and the knight bus. I wondered which we would take this time. I had yet to be on the knight bus and was looking forward to it.

"We apparate," Harry smirked.

"We Apa-whata?"

"Transport from one spot to another with magic, just hold on to my arm very tightly and you'll be fine." He grinned at me and I mentally said 'uh-oh.'

Holding onto his arm so tight that he probably lost circulation, we were sucked down a tunnel and I had a sensation like I was being squeezed out of a tooth-paste container. Upon landing I was dizzy and would have fallen over if now for the tight grip on Harry's arm.

When I finally got the stomach to look around I saw we were amongst many people in Diagon Ally, where I had been on several occasions with Ron and Susana. Harry looked around also, but he was looking for his friend. His search ended when we heard a booming voice from behind us, "'Arry, ole boy! Good to see ya!" We turned. My jaw just about his the pavement. Making his way to us was a giant. Well, as close to one as I'd ever seen. He was twice as tall as a regular man and at least five times as wide. The word to describe him was wild, his mane of black hair and beard were every which way and in need of a good wash, his clothes were patched in many places but yet seemed to fit him perfectly. His jacket had too many pockets to count, some of which were wiggling suspiciously. Hands the size of garbage can lids were holding a cage covered in cloth, from inside it we heard this small squeaky growling sound.

"Good to see you Hagrid," Choked out Harry as he struggled to get out of the bear hug.

"And who might this be?" The man, Hagrid, turned towards me just as I snapped my mouth shut. "Uh..Alexis sir...Alexis Black.." I stumbled on 'Black' as I was not used to using a last name. I was always just Alexis, always Alexis.

"Merlins Beard girl! It is you! I 'eard you had resurface you had, but didn't believe it 'till I see it," Hagird cried out in delight.

Harry stepped up, thankfully, "Hagrid, dare I ask what's in the cage?"

Hagrid gave a slight chuckle, "Oh it's nothing really, just a slight project, seeing as I am Care for Magical Creatures teacher."

"Right, well, you haven't happened to have seen George or the wife Angelina, would you?" Harry asked hopefully.

"Well, I'd imagine you could check that joke shop of his, I bet yer he'd be in there manning the counter and all.. Nice meet'n ya Alexis, I'll see ya at school!"

Harry and I made our way to this building with big blinking letters that read "WEASLEY'S WIZARD WHEEZES!". Then, as I was still staring in awe at the sign, Harry laughed, "What? Ron neglected to bring you to his brothers joke shop?" I nodded slightly and slowly walked in, as I did my mouth dropped even farther. The shop was amazing, pranks of all kind every, candy that Harry advised me not to eat, kids everywhere, laughing, things flying around the room (like paper airplanes that were meant to fly, or a fake bird or even that child I saw giggling as he flew across the ceiling), it was amazing simply and truly amazing.

Harry was already walking away so I ran to catch up to him, "Ron's brother owns this place?" I asked him in awe.

"Yep, he and his twin, Fred, founded this in my sixth year I believe, Fred died during the great battle, but he lives on in the store, George even named the biggest enchanted firecracker he's ever made after him. They were always the practicle jokesters at school, much to Hermione's dismay."

I smiled at the idea of that, Hermione getting all mad because of Ron's older brothers, it was just so her. "Harry! Good to see you mate!" Looking around I saw the owner to the voice with flaming red hair, just like Ron, come walking over to Harry, they hugged and talked for a little bit, mostly about the shop. Then George saw me and his grin turned into a broad smile. "Lexi! Great to see you in one piece, literally! last time I saw you we were getting scolding by Mum for giving Ron a bunny tail and ears to match!"

I smilled slightly, instantly liking George. I knew he already knew me, but I didn't remember him (no surprise there). "Hello George, I like your joke shop, it's brilliant!"

"And I thank you," he bowed slightly, "But honestly, you don't remember me huh?"

Shrugging sadly with an inevitable answer, "Sorry George, sounds like we had a lot of fun and all but I really don't, not anyone really."

"Ah, well, I'm sure you'll make new memories at Hogwarts, make great friend and all that. Just be sure not to study all the time, honestly Merlin knows we don't need another Hermione! I bet she's been working you like a dog, not to offend your father or anything like that," George smiled. I couldn't help but laugh. Yeah, I difenately liked George. Angelina's going to watch the shop while I get to go shopping with the Jokester Pup, that's what we called you when you were little, and you will have the best day of your life because it is a day spent with moi."

Laughing still we bade Harry a good-bye. George, with a malicious smirk, said, "And now that he's gone, it's time for a little fun..."

~A lion and a snake , twins for life~
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