PHILOMATH ❅ not one atom, but two ♪ ♪ made of starstuff ❅ def main(): 41. Thestrals Fourth year; A weekend; Cemetery Olivia turned away from Grandpa’s grave in tears, still unable to believe he was gone. There was only one person she knew she could lean on, but their relationship was tentative; she didn’t want to lose Guido again.
Looking to the cousin next to her, an annoying boy who didn’t care about Grandpa, Olivia sighed sadly. “I guess from now on I’ll be able to see thestrals.”
“Er, nope, cousin, you actually need to SEE a person die – go CAPUT – in order to see thest-
“MERLIN’S GREAT UNDERPANTS ERIC, do I LOOK like I need a CoMC lesson now?!” GAH.
__________________ yeah I like tеlling stories________________________
but I don't have to write them in ink_____  _____________I could still change the end |