Miss Eviee<3: Hey Eviee, thanks so much for reading and your comment. I'm glad you liked the post.
crookchanks kitty: Hey Ava, thanks for reading and commenting. That's interresting about the Vision Quest, I haven't heard of it, but it does sort of go along with what Harry is striving for, (with the exception of religeous awareness.

I thought Harry lost his ability in speaking with snakes after the connection between him and Voldemort was broken.

I didn't get that when I read the books. Well, in any case, I think it was a useful piece of magical ability, and it's a shame it wasn't made more useful to him in the story. So I did. It came in very handy for him on his quest, and just a little clue, we haven't seen the last of Beau. Harry named him Beau because of him being a boa constricter. Just a little quick wit on Harry's part I threw in.

Thanks for your thoughtful comments Ava.
ashfig: Hey Ashley, thanks so much for reading and commenting.
the books don't really make it so useful towards the end that he can speak parseltongue. the beginning yes, but not really the end.
You know what? I hate snakes, and it really creeps me out even writing about them. But, I agree with you. And as I briefly said to Ava, I think it was a shame it wasn't used throughout the story somehow. So, I did.

Thanks Ashley.
Obi-Wan K'Lari: Hey Lari, thanks for reading and commenting. I know I say that to everybody, but it does mean a lot to me, and I just want to make sure I let everybody know.
Oh maybe I read it wrong o_O
No, you didn't. That was free information.

I danced around the topic when Harry was talking to Molly before he left. He said he wanted to marry Ginny, and Molly interrupted him saying she still had 2 years of school to finish, and then later Ginny was telling Hermione, Ron, and Bill (when they arrived at the Burrow)that she was quitting the Harpies. She had her 2 years of school, and Harry was gone for 4 years, so that left 2 years with the Harpies, assuming she went right in after she graduated Hogwarts.
this exchange reminds me of the garden of eden and the snake
I understand the connection you drew from that, but I didn't have that in mind when I wrote it. However, I did try to keep the background theme going that JK Rowling has in her books; the parellel of Jesus Christ and Harry. Make no mistake about this though, I am not saying in any way that Harry is Jesus, or even compares to Him. I am parelling the events of the two as she does in her books. This is why I have Harry starting his quest alone and unaided by any, "comforts of home" as is mentioned. He does have some help with him available, but he refuses to use it, until he has overcome his weaknesses, (wanting to give in and ask for help, give up and go home ...) This parellels Jesus when He was in the wilderness and was tempted by Satan. Jesus could have called on God or even the Angels to help him, but He didn't.
Thanks Lari.
Harita: Hey Haritra, thanks for reading and commenting. I'm looking forward to your next ff. Hope all is going well with that. I know you are a very dedicated student, and writing has to wait till you have appropriate time to committ to it.
Thanks to everyone for reading and being patient with me for the untimely postings. I am back from Ohio, and settling back down to my old routien. Next Friday's chapter is, 'The Explanation' Hope you enjoy this chapter.
Chapter 4
Fabrication Of The Truth
Harry looked around and figured he had about forty-five minutes before the storm hit and he’d have to get some protection for himself. Just then, Minerva McGonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt Apparated right beside him continuing a conversation they started before they appeared at the Burrow.
“And you say it wasn’t you who sent the note to meet here at the Weasley’s?”
“No, it most assuredly was not me,” answered Kingsley.
“At first I was taken aback. The handwriting looks just like Albus’s handwriting. There’s no way possible it could be him, so I was wondering if maybe it was from Harry Potter.”
“I’ve never seen the boy’s handwriting to know Minerva. But, I do agree it looks just like Albus‘s. I would think that Harry’s penmanship wouldn’t be so eloquent.”
“You remember the meeting we had right before he left?” She continued without noticing Kingsley had said something. “I was thinking of those awful cuts and scrapes on his arms and face. I was so shocked when he told us of his “scuffle” as he put it. I didn’t know whether to take points from Gryffindor the minute we reopened Hogwarts, or to paddle him. It was an idiotic thing for the boy to do. Honestly! He could have been killed.”
Kingsley just nodded his head and got in a “yes ma’am” now and then as Minerva continued her rant.
“But you know? He was so quiet, tired looking, defeated seemingly, and I was worried for him. I wonder if the year he went through before that and then doing off with Voldemort was just too much for him. He was just a boy after all. Well!” She said with finality as if closing the subject. “I just hope the boy is okay.”
“Yes ma’am. I am in complete agreement with you. Though there are those at the Ministry who think he is dead. Stories began floating around right after he left, that he died in Australia, Madagascar, South America, South Africa, North America, and I can’t remember all the other places around the world the young man has supposedly died. Rita Skeeter has been asking me daily if she could publish his obituary.”
“Oh that woman!” Minerva huffed.
“You do remember the book he borrowed before he left. ... Wasn‘t it something to do with The Dark Continent? Nobody but you and I knew where Harry was going, and yet we have these rumors. Now I don‘t go on with rumors, but there is something to this that is suspicious.” Kingsley audibly noted.
Minerva stopped and looked hard at him, as she considered his words. “Well, let’s get inside before we get caught in this storm that’s fast approaching. Harry isn‘t dead and that‘s all there is to it. It just isn‘t to be that he die, when he’s off all alone on a quest thousands of miles away from everyone who loves him. It just can‘t be.” They went on through the gate and onward to the house.
Harry remembered the morning he left. He hadn’t noticed the cuts Professor McGonagall mentioned. He was tired that morning, excessively tired as a matter of fact after draining all his energy from the night before burning the lake. Snape’s portrait scoffed at him and said how like it was of him to think so highly of himself that he thought he could wipe out an entire lake of Inferi, and think he would be no worse off than before he arrived there.
“That’s enough Severus,” scolded Minerva respectfully. She looked at Harry with eyebrows knit closely together with her displeasure of Harry’s story of the “scuffle” he had with the Inferi. “It’s a wonder Harry, that you weren’t killed in the effort.”
Harry’s face flushed as he said he must have been sleeping in class during the part where they teach that the energy it takes the wand to work its magic comes from the person doing the magic, and not from the wand.
Just then Professor Dumbledores portrait spoke. “It was prohibited by the Ministry to be taught. It was felt that students wouldn’t be in the position to ever need to know or use such strong magic that it would wear them out, or even kill them.”
“But, it is taught in Aurors training.” offered Kingsley.
“OK, well I need to say what I came to say so I can get on with things.” Harry said as he walked over to the wall of books. “I need to find a certain book and borrow it, if I may that is. He pulled out his wand and walked along the books letting it thump on the binding of each book, much like a child walks with a stick along a picket fence thumping each one as he walked by. As he reached the near end of the row he stopped and took the book the wand was resting on.” He looked at Professor McGonagall and asked if it was ok to borrow it.
“Oh, well Harry … some of those books are very valuable and” But Dumbledore’s portrait spoke up and finished the sentence. “need to be used before the pages themselves turn to dust just sitting there. Of course you may borrow the book Harry.”
“Thank you sir?” He said turning his gaze from the Professor to the Headmistress, who had just been overridden by the portrait, to make sure it was ok with her.
“Yes, you may borrow it Harry. Take what you need. I know you will take exceptional care of it.”
“Thank you Professor. I’ll bring it back in the best shape I can. I am leaving and I can’t say when I’ll be back. If you need to know more, then please speak with Mrs. Weasley. I was out there last night saying good-bye to them.”
He looked down and said softly. “Ginny hates me now. I can’t blame her. I’ve left her twice before against my wishes, but, for her own safety. This time is for me to collect my thoughts and try to find out what I’m supposed to be, and learn how to be a contributing person to society, and all that stuff.”
“Harry, surely you of all people has been a contributing…”
But Harry stopped her, “Please Professor. I don’t want to be a killing machine. I know that when I become an Auror, I might have to kill, but I want to have a concience and feel something other than hate. I think I almost had something… well, I mean like when I was trying to get Tom Riddle to ask for forgivness, and feel some remorse and compassion… before I killed him. He couldn’t because he, like me, never learned to be compassionate, or loving. We both lived to kill the other so we could get on with what we want. He wanted total dominance of the world, and I wanted to avenge my parent’s death. Now, I want to live with something inside me that will make me be like Mr. Weasley. I don’t know any other way to put it. Anyway, may I please spend some time with the Professors privately before I go?”
Minerva came forward and hugged him. “I don’t like the thought of you going anywhere by yourself. You’re still so young Harry. Just please be careful.”
Kingsley came forward and put his big hand on the young man’s shoulder, and shook Harry’s hand with his right hand. “I hope you find what you’re looking for Harry. When you get back, we will discuss you becoming an Auror. I think we could have taken you right in as an apprentice seeing what you have on your resume right now. We’ll see what you can do when you come back.” He handed Harry a slip of parchment and turned to Minerva, who was approaching the door.
“And Harry,” she paused as she reached for the door handle. “I’m hoping you’ll be done before too long, because I’ll need my office in an hour and a half.”
“Yes ma’am. I need to be quick and leave myself. Somewhere there are Zombie’s waiting for me.” he said carelessly and laughed.
“Zombies! Oh dear no Harry!” Kingsley, who was just as shocked as Minerva was but able to compose himself, helped her regain her balance and gently guided her out the door. “But didn’t you hear what he said? He said he was going after Zombies!” She said near hysteria. “We can’t let him go! He’ll…” but the door closed and then they couldn’t hear anything else.