Thread: Harry Potter: Déjà Vu - Sa13+
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Old 08-21-2011, 02:56 PM   #17 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 2,689
It's perfectly okay to be a little loony ♥

Thanks everyone! I actually forgot this was even up! Anyway, here's Chapter 3:


Hermione broke in to a smile, a gentle one. But she could see Harry standing a few feet behind Ron, fixing his circular glasses back on to his nose, making sure to keep his eyes carefully focused on the ground.
Awkwardly, Hermione sidled from Ron slightly, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. She noticed Ron's lips were chapped and raw, so they must have been here a few days. Clearing her throat, she asked: "so how long have you been here?"
"Four days." Replied Harry and Ron is unison.
"Why are we here?" She asked them, her brows creased.
Ron shrugged but Harry answered: "We don't know. But we're not the only ones they're after. They want Ginny, Neville and Luna too." Only then did she detect the misery in his voice.
She turned to Ron. "Couldn't they have gotten Ginny when they found you? And Luna only lives over the hill a bit-"
"School." He replied.
"Oh yes," said Hermione, remembering. "They're in their seventh year now. What about Neville?"
"He's re-taking his NEWTs. He was a bit distracted last year what with, you know, Voldemort and stuff."
Hermione nodded.
"Professor McGonagall will protect them though." She said firmly. "I know she will. And Hagrid, and Slughorn, and..."
"Hogwart is not like it was, Hermione." Said Harry abruptly. "All the protection is gone, they just don't think they need it anymore. Ginny and Neville and Luna can come any minute now,"
And as if one cue, there was a shout, then a moan, and quickly the three stuck loose bit of tape over their mouths, put their ankles and wrists together. Harry and Ron ran to the wall, and leaned against it, their heads flopped down, and Hermione lay down aside the foot of the stairs, as if unconscious.
There was a thump and Neville fell down the stairs, landing on top of Hermione, then rolling loosely a few metres away.
Dolohov chuckled and slammed the door. Neville opened his eyes, and after a moment the three ran to untie him.
Neville's eyes were wide with surprise. "Whey, lads." He said, grinning. "I should've known you'd have something planned, eh?"
"It was Hermione really." Gushed Ron, and Hermione turned pink.
"Did they get Ginny and Luna?" Asked Harry.
"They got Luna, but she managed to get away. She's dead clever, she is." He said, blushing. "Ginny's with her." He added, and Harry and Ron gave a sigh of relief.
"Where are they?" Asked Ron.
"They're in-"
"Ssh!" Hissed Hermione suddenly, and they all looked at her.
"What?" Asked Neville.
She lowered her voice to a whisper so low they three boys had to put their ears against her lips. "I think we're being bugged." She whispered.
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