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Old 08-21-2011, 12:20 PM   #14 (permalink)
Some Mystical Girl
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Becca. x Lauccatastic! (: Love You Girlies. <3

98. Pajamas : The Tent Saga
Beauxbatons: Summer 2072

Dani threw the sheep covered pyjamas at ‘Belle, who was having a good moan as usual. “Just put them on Belle and let’s go to sleep” Dani sighed as she moved to lay back on the very uncomfortable ground of the tent. “This is ridiculous” ‘Belle muttered as she scrambled around the small tent trying to put the pyjamas on quickly. And Dani couldn’t help but smirk a little

“But you have to admit, on the whole it’s been pretty cool” she nodded to herself, thinking about the awesome week they’d had seeing the dragons and stuff. “Hmm” ‘Belle groaned.
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