Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 08-21-2011, 10:21 AM   #134 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887

Chapter Fifty Seven

Arthur sighed placing the cup of tea in front of her ‘Molly, see sense will you’
‘Sense – that girl has addled his brain, I bet she’s not even pregnant, she doesn’t even look pregnant’
‘Charlie’s shown me the scan love’
‘What will it take for you to come to terms with this – to see how happy he is with her?’
‘He only thinks he’s happy, he’s never even been with a girl properly for years’
‘They’ve been together years, he has done better with her then Ron has with the parade of airheads he’s brought into this house’
‘Ron’s young, he’s still searching’
‘He let go of the only girl who would ever put up with him and she’s still wandering the globe to escape him only sending the occasional postcard to her parents’
‘Charlie is making a mistake’
‘He doesn’t seem to think so’
‘She’s just like her father – out for whatever she can get’
‘It’s not like we have a fortune he’s going to inherit Molly, it’s not like she’s going to be taking anything from him or us for them to be together’
‘She’s taking my baby’
‘Charlie is twenty seven!’
‘My first born’ she sobbed,
‘He’s a grown man!’
‘She doesn’t even have her own mother’s approval!’
‘She is as daft as you are for attempting to get in the way of there happiness – they fell in love after three months, they were ready over a year ago to get married and you’re the reason they’re waiting Molly, they want you there, they want your approval to be happy still, after years and I think the only thing there being stupid about is waiting for it when it’s never going to come because your as stubborn as your own mother was about me’
‘With good reason’
‘We were married at sixteen’
‘We were completely different’
‘Were not, they’re waiting for you so do the right thing and let him go Molly, release him from your apron strings or he’s going to leave again and this time he won’t be coming back, and you will never see your grandson’
She grumbled, crossed her arms and frowned ‘I’ll think about it’
‘You’d better because in two days it’s going to happen with or without you’

‘Pregnant – but you don’t even – your not even showing’ Ginny said staring trying to tell, ‘That’s not fair I got sooo fat’
‘She weights like a ton more’ Harry grinned ‘Her hugging me was like being hit by a car’
‘Just think how lucky it was that I wasn’t hey Charlie’ she smiled turning to him, ‘Or I would never have met you’
‘Think about it every day’ he sighed kissing her forehead ‘Thanks for not letting her get squashed Harry or I’d have ended up alone forever’
‘You would have found someone’ she put in with a frown, ‘surely, you would have?’
Gin shook her head ‘Really he wouldn’t have Soph – he never, ever looked – not like Ron when a slightly attractive girl walks past and his mouth hangs open, not like the twins when they charm the girls with there jokes, not like Percy when he bores them to sleep with his cauldron thickness reports – no that doesn’t get him girls only there strange looks… or Bill – even though he’s married to a half mystical creature he still give them occasional glance’
‘Are you sure your not -’
‘- Soph I never looked cause I was waiting for you, I knew you were out there somewhere and you would just wander into my life one day because we’re both so laid back we knew it would just happen and it would just be right, it would just feel right’
‘Then why in Merlin’s name can’t your mother understand it’ she held his arms around her,
‘I don’t know’
‘I think I should go and see her – alone’
‘Not a good idea, stress is not a good idea for you or them, trust me she caused more then enough for me and Harry’ Gin said before Charlie could ‘Stay away from her because she’ll only make things worse if you try and make peace, she has to make the first step so she feels like she has some facade of control’
‘That sucks’
‘She’s raised seven kids over twenty seven years she knows what she’s doing Soph’ Charlie put in ‘She knows exactly what she’s doing’
‘Argh – I could just – let’s go dress shopping Gin’ she stood up ‘I need retail therapy’
‘Sure – Harry could you -’
‘They’ll be fine, me and Charlie will go see Bill about some other stuff, Fleur will take over before I can even do anything for them anyway’
‘Alright’ she kissed his cheek affectionately ‘We’ll see you later’

Sophia stood admiring the gown and then wondering aloud to Ginny ‘You’d think after Jade she’d be happy he was settled’ she twirled in the mirror looking at the shape of the dress,
‘It’s not in her nature to be happy – ever’
She tilted her head ‘You can tell I’m pregnant in this – I don’t want people to know yet’ she frowned, ‘but then they’d wonder why we came back and frankly he is the main reason cause it’s not like it’s to see Molly because Charlie missed her – he didn’t mention her the entire time we we’re gone, though that may have been a silent agreement we’d both come to because she just makes us both upset’ she stood hands on hips, ‘What do you think?’
She laughed vivaciously ‘The dress or Molly?’
‘Oh I don’t know – both’ she shrugged ‘Anything you can say that makes me think she’ll eventually come to terms with it would be nice’
‘Once she holds that little one for the first time she’ll forgive you for stealing her son’ Gin said smiling ‘And honestly the back of this thing is hideous – you need simple, let your figure and face do the job, Charlie always says your gorgeous and you are so don’t hide it under a diamante tent’
‘You know how awesome it is to have a sister right?’
‘Right’ they half hugged and then she stopped and touched the bump
‘It feels really strange doesn’t it’ Gin said watching ‘Like they’re trying to tell you something’
‘Exactly – hmm this ones going to like football never mind Quiditch’
She went to the rack for another dress ‘That the first kick?’
‘Yeah – he’s moved but nothing like that, he’ll be about five months on New Years Eve’
‘Once there bigger it’s not so weird’
‘Still worried that this one’s not going to be very big’
‘It’s just your body – your actually all filled out already where I was – well honestly I’d had the body of a twelve year old until I popped out those two, I’m lean thanks to my dads genes but I was still growing, where as you got Sirius and your Mums DNA and the age over me, you got the curves and the height every girls wants and you got it in the right places’
‘Way too nice Gin’ she grinned ‘And you’re just as hot – you made Harry Potter fall crazy in love with you for just being awesome you, when every single teenage girl in our world wanted him’
‘I did didn’t I’ she smiled to herself ‘Hmm – anyway you think he’s small have Mungo’s said anything – what about the doctors when you were away?’
‘The doctors and healers told us not to worry and he’s a good weight’
‘Then don’t worry – you have every right to – but if they’re saying he’s fine, they’re not often wrong’
‘Charlie says the same’ she turned to her just in time to see the dress Gin held up ‘That’s the one’ she smiled beaming at the white gown with the black detailing at the bust and hem with a black ribbon at the waist ‘I know and I haven’t even tried it on yet’ she reached for it holding it in front of herself in the mirror ‘It’s perfect – I mean I wanted something different and this is definitely different’
‘You are working the whole black theme’
‘You don’t think it’s too funereally?’
‘There’s nothing morbid about you two, your not even Goths’ she laughed ‘Black is fabulous and you make it so – now try it on!’

She stood looking in the mirror eagerly taking in the dress ‘I love it’
‘It’s as if it was made for you – you can’t tell you’re pregnant the fit hides that but doesn’t squash him and my god will Charlie gawp when he sees your butt and boobs’ she giggled ‘Pregnancy does wonders for the female form’
‘That it does sister, that it does’ she rubbed him gently, ‘Now I have one more question – what do you think of white roses?’
‘Perfect – you need one in your hair though since you don’t want a veil’
‘I was actually thinking that – Charlie’s got their shirts and dress trousers – suits are just not him, black trousers white shirt, black shirts for Harry and Bill but white roses and the bouquets… so is it daft if I can see you three in black holding only a single rose?’
‘Didn’t I tell you – Hermione’s coming back’
‘Oh Gin – I could have sworn I said something, I’m sorry’
‘It’s ok’ she smiled ‘It’s your day honey, show me the dresses you had in mind for us’
‘Well Cara actually has them at her place – if you can believe it she sent me a picture of them this morning through the fireplace and I sent her the money through to grab them’
‘Sweet – they better be good though’
‘Trust me – Harry won’t take his eyes off of you’
The woman walked in to the room ‘Oh that’s perfect for you, absolutely perfect’
Soph grinned ‘I think we’ll take it’
‘And when is the wedding?’
‘Erm… Christmas day’
Her smile faltered for a second ‘So late in picking a dress?’
‘We’ve just come back from a round the world trip – kind of a spare of the moment let’s get hitched thing, he did ask me to marry him a year and a half ago but we never really got round to it’ she shrugged ‘It’s a big thing for us but it’s a bigger thing for our families’
‘And who’s the lucky fella?’
‘Charlie Weasley’
‘Weasley’ she turned up her nose ‘Really’
‘Do you have a problem with my brother?’ Gin said defensively,
‘And I thought I recognised you – Ginny right – the girl that got Potter’
Her face turned to thunder, ‘What do you mean “Got Potter”?’
‘I mean you guys – so fast – then with the babies and weddings not even out of school yet’
‘You work in a wedding dress shop; learn some tact and some manners’
‘But everybody knows about the Weasley’s they’re – they’re’
‘They’re what’ Soph stood hands on hips ‘Loyal, loving, honest, and completely family orientated?’
She gulped ‘I’ll just get the other assistant to tend to you shall I?’
‘You do that’ Sophia replied glaring at her while reaching to hold Gin’s hand, ‘don’t worry on it Gin’
She laughed apprehensively ‘I’m pregnant again’ she sat down ‘There must be something in the flaming water’
‘What – but – wow!’
‘Harry doesn’t know’
‘You’re going to tell him soon right?’
‘Christmas present, it’s only two months in so they’ll be younger then yours’
‘And you want a boy or a girl?’
‘I think a boy – Harry’s surrounded by women so he’s always got a nervous edge on him, a son will give him something to do about it I guess’
‘Are you – are you ready?’
‘I’ll get there, another baby is another adjustment to the life plan but hey, Harry wants five, maybe this will be triplets and I’ll be off the hook’
‘Don’t worry about me, I’m not like that – I just, I was getting ready to start my life now, I love the twins and I would never give them up or this one, it’s more I’d finished school and I was going to start looking for a job and putting them into care so they’re ready for school – I’m not like my mother, I couldn’t home school in this day and age’
‘After this one you still can’
‘Not if another comes along’
‘Weren’t you guys using-’
‘- oh yeah but I got the stats on that, and guess what there are more than we all think that were using something end up pregnant’
‘What about you and Charlie? This must put a dent in your plans to travel’
‘Big time’ she stood up twisting the ring around her finger ‘But I love Charlie, and CJ only adds to that, I can give up travelling for them – he’s still promised we can go places, but he’s right when he says it makes sense to do it when he’s older and can appreciate where we go – can you imagine me on a plane with a screaming baby?’
‘I’m still considering CJ’
‘Charlie junior’
‘Does he like it?’
‘It was his joke’ she grinned ‘He doesn’t think I’m serious about it though’
‘It’s cute’ Ginny grinned ‘We’re supposed to be thrilled about being pregnant aren’t we’ she smiled now sitting back in the chair ‘But it was never like that the first time for me, I love them but – but they weren’t something I wanted so soon and I know I sound heartless and selfish talking about my own daughters like that, but I mean they just weren’t part of my plan straight out of school and I had to change my life for them’
‘You love them and want them now’ she sat beside her and held her hand ‘We have to adapt, life never ever goes to plan’
‘I should be so happy’
‘If you’re worried about not feeling right why not talk to someone at Mungo’s do they have counsellors in our world?’
‘Yeah… potion for this, talk it out for that, what would Harry think though?’
‘He’d just be happy you were getting help Gin’
‘Do I have to tell him?’
RIP JD Salinger
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