Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year | Chapter Two: Part Two Chapter Two: Part Two
"SUSANA! TEDDY!" I heard Ginny yelling from across the house, "GET OVER HERE! AND CLEAN UP THIS MESS!"
Looking around the room I saw Susana dash past the door. She had been coated in white flour and a smirk on her face then I saw Teddy run past holding a bucket that looked suspiciously filled with water.
"Uh-oh..." Hermione murmured before attempting to get our attention back on the cauldron in front of me.
"Now how do revers the effects of this potion?" She asked me.
"Um...with..." before I had to answer (Either incorrectly or with a very lucky guess) we heard a crash, Susana scream, Teddy laugh, and more running as Ginny yelled, "HARRY COME HELP ME WITH THESE KIDS!"
I started laughing and Hermione rolled her eyes. "Those two together..."
"Their just having fun," I shrugged.
"Those two together remind me of you and your father together when you were little," Hermione finished smirking.
Rolling my eyes I smiled.
Hermione and I were working on my schooling. Trying to get four years worth of schooling into one month. We worked about four hours a day sometimes more. When I finished I would go out and practice my quidditch with Harry and Ginny and Ron would occasionally play with us. Then, after dinner, Ron would take Susana and myself out and show us the wizarding world.
I was thankful for the busy schedule because if I paused and thought about any of what has happened in the past two weeks to me then I knew I would be overwhelmed.
"I'm going to go help Ginny," Hermione stood and left the study session which was well enough for me, we were near done anyway.
I stood, stretching my legs and deciding to go outside.
"How you doing?" Harry asked, jumping me.
From the corner of my eye I saw him coming over with two brooms.
"I don't know, I haven't...processed any of yet. I can't help but wonder about my parents, Ron was talking yesterday about my dad, he began to talk of a place called Azkaban but when I asked what it was he clammed right up. Can you tell me about them?"
He was quiet for a moment then he said as he tossed me my broom, "Lets get in the air, then I'll tell you all you want to know."
"What do you want to know?" Harry asked me as we flew side by side.
"Well, who were they?" I responded. "I mean, what were they like..."
"You're mum, I didn't know her all that well. From the times I met her I knew that she was nice, a bit of a control freak mind you, but very lovable. You're dad was an optimist, and even though he went through a lot of tough times. He hated sitting still and was a bit of a trouble maker."
"Sounds like my sister," I responded smiling slightly my smile disappeared as a new thought occurred to me. "But what tough things did he go through?"
Harry sighed, I could tell we were entering dangerous topics. "Well, you know that Voldemort killed my parents?" I nodded. "Well, he had gotten a tip off from someone as to where they were. And only a few very trusted people knew this information." I waited patiently, knowing this was hard for Harry to speak of. "Well, to make a long story short, Sirius was arrested for leaking
information to Voldemort. He was placed in Azkaban, the wizard prison and the worst place on earth. He stayed there for about twelve years before he managed to escaped, it was my third year at Hogwarts."
"So he was a criminal??" I was shocked, but something else also didn't add up with what he was saying.
"No. He was falsy accused. One of his best friends, one of my dads best friends, had been the real leak and he blamed Sirius then disappeared off the face of the planet by playing dead. That rat, Peter Pettigrew, died in my seventh year. Sirius died in my fifth."
I nodded again, some things still didn't add up. I sighed, "Sirius isn't my birth father, is he?"
He shook his head, "He isn't. But he took you in as his own. Your mother and Sirius had been married when I was born, then the azkaban thing happened. Everyone wound up believing he had worked for Voldemort, including your mother. She left him, and about seven years after she got together with a man I never knew, then had you with him. He died shortly after. When your mother discovered that Sirius was innocent they got back together. You looked enough like Sirius to be mistaken as his daughter, you two took to each other instantly and you began to call him Pawpa, because his Animagus was a big black dog. A little under nine months after Sirius died Susana was born. A little over a year later, the Great Battle happened. Your mother died during that. We went to your grandmothers house to deliver the news, but she had thought you were with Teddy's grandparents and they thought you were with her. We looked everywhere, eventually you and your sister were proclaimed dead, and therefore taken off of the enlistment to Hogwarts."
"That explains a lot," was all I could say.
"I can't no exactly what your going through, but I come pretty close," Harry said. He explained to me his widely known story. He could come close to what I was feeling, very close.
"You know," I started, "knowing all of this helps me, it explains to me a lot.
But at the same time it frustrates me because I should already know most of this but I don't. I know that at some point my memory may come back, depending on if it was a spell or just a traumatic memory, but I don't how I'll do at this school of yours without knowing things that they've known since they were little."
Harry laughed, "I had the same thoughts when I started school. But you sound ready to me, spending a bit too much time with Hermione if you ask me."
That made me smile, "Alright, I'm just nervous about school."
"And you know what helps with the nerves?" Harry prompted with a smirk.
"Um...depends on who you ask."
"I'm asking you," Harry responded.
"In that case than a good game of Quidditch." I smiled back.
"That is exactly what I had been thinking, I am going to get the brooms and gear, you go drag Ron and Ginny out here to play, Hermione to referee, and Susana and Teddy to be our audience."
This was the game.
Ginny and myself against Ron and Harry. There were no Keepers and technically all four of us were Seekers and Chasers because we each had the job of locating the little Snitch and catching the Quaffle.
We all battled it out, ramming each other and trying to get the better of the others. Harry and I chased after and lost the snitch so many times that we lost count.
In the end it had come to a close game, but alas Harry caught the snitch before me. Barely. It was that stupid dive. I didn't even pull out of it, he just managed to go straight down faster than me.
"Good game, Potter," I said through heavy breath.
"Good Game, Black," He responded through equally heavy breath. We shook hands.
"Can we go for some icecream?" Susana asked running up, "You know for...a congradulations?"
"I say yes, I could use some icecream," I laughed.
"Sure you know I think Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour is re-opened," Ginny responded smiling.
"Yeah, I used to get free sundaes there in third year," Harry cut in.
"I'm in, what about you Hermione?" Ron spoke up.
"Most definately, you know, during ice-cream Alexis we could over the seven uses of hmmmm!" Ron had put his hand over her mouth.
"OR," Ron added in as Hermione glared at him, "She could study the particles in the ice cream!"
We all started laughing, including Hermione after Ron removed his hand.
That night I had a dream.
I was about six and sitting up in a small bed, crying.
A man entered, he had longer black hair, and kind eyes. "What is it Lexi kiddo?" He asked concerned.
"I'm scared Pawpa," I whisped, as he sat and put his arm around me.
"What are you scared of sweetie?"
"The dark," I answered in a small voice. He laughed, a laugh that reminded me of a dogs bark. I set my face, "Don't laugh at me."
He stopped the laughter but he was still smiling, "I'm sorry kiddo, but I just don't see how the dark is scary. Without the dark we couldn't see the stars, or make shadow puppets, or see light."
"Would I lie to you?"
I looked him square in the face, "Santa?"
He laughed again, "That was your mother, not me."
I considered it, "Will you sleep with me tonight Pawpa?"
"No, but Padpa will," next thing I saw he turned into a big black dog who nosed his way under my blanket and curled up at my side.
"I love you Pawpa," I murmured as I fell asleep hugging the big dog.
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |