SPOILER!!: Review Quote: Originally Posted by ThePureBloodPrincess Love it so far! Great characters, can't wait to find out what happens! Thank you so much. Here is ChapterTwo!
Heaven-Sa13+ ImaBRE! Chapter Two | Dress Shopping Later that evening Heaven and her friend Atlantica walked down to Hogsmeade to buy gowns for the Winter Ball. The sky was black only being lit by the full moon. Snowflakes were falling lightly from the sky onto a blanket of white on the ground. The roofs of all of the shops were beautifully covered with blankets of snow as well. Heaven and Atlantica walked into a small but cozy shop. The walls of the shop were pure white with little lights of all different colors pointing at the walls. The floors were a dark wood and they were beautiful. At the end of the shop there were five dressing rooms. Both the Slytherin girls walked over to a clothes rack with gowns. Atlantica pulled out a mirror and fixed to bright red hair as she sat down in a pale pink chair next to the rack as Heaven was looking through the gowns for the perfect one. "So she really said that to you?" Atlantica's high pitch Scottish accent asked. "She really said that she was going to tell Nash you're a liar?" She asked her. "But that's not the truth because you're the most honest Slytherin in the history of Slytherin-hood." Atlantica told her. "Yeah she did." Heaven's soft Irish accent spoke. "But that's not the best part." Heaven told her. "Nash was standing behind her with his arms crossed when she spoke of it and I just had a smile on my face." Atlantica looked shocked for a moment. "You mean that he was behind her when she said that? What did she do?" She asked Heaven. Heaven smiled and said "She walked away down one of the corridors." there was joy in her voice. "So what do you think of this one?" Heaven asked showing her the big poofy, lacey yellow dress that was in her hand. Atlantica shook her head. "No! Only a happy go lucky hippie of a Hufflepuff would be caught dead in that sorry excuse for a gown! It's terrible and should be burned!" She said loudly as Heaven was pointing to the two Hufflepuff girls listening to what Atlantica had to say. "Yeah I went there now turn your little frizzy haired heads around and mind your own business." Atlantica said rudely. She was one of those people that didn't care what she said out loud or what people thought of her. Heaven nodded and ignored the glares of the now mad Hufflepuff's. "You're right it's totally not my style, Lanny." She said putting the dress back on the rack. Lanny stood up and walked over towards Heaven and looked through the gowns on the rack. "Here. This one is perfect for you and will make Nash be all knee wobbly." She said picking a sleek red gown with glitter scattered along the top of the gown. Lanny handed the gown to Heaven. "Hmm...now you need some shoes." Lanny told her and walked away to the shelves with boxes of shoes. "Now silver heels would look great with the gown because of the silver glitter." Lanny told her as she found a pair of silver platform heels and handed the box to Heaven. "Thanks." was all Heaven had to say to her at the moment. "Who said that I want Nash to be all knee wobbly?" She asked Lanny. Lanny walked away and found the gown she hid earlier today and showed it off to Heave. "You like?" She asked showing her the white and silver goddess-like dress. "Now I just need some shoes." She spoke. "YOU?! Need shoes. You have thousands of pairs in the Dormitory." Heaven told her in shock. "Now answer my question." "Yes I do need shoes and I'm going to get the same ones as you because they will look fab with my dress." She told her. "Okay, okay geez it's because you love him and if you try to deny now all hell will break lose. So don't." She told her as she walked up to the register. Heaven followed. "I am not in love with him!" Heaven whispered in anger. "Don't ever say that again!!" The girls walked out of the little shop and started their way back to the castle. I hope you guys like it and as I speak chapter three is going to be finished in like an hour.