Join Date: May 2010 Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year | Hey everyone, I went on Vacation to Nashville TN! So I am behind on EVERYTHING! Though I must say it was much needed. I did get my honkytonk on! = D
Everything Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. Chapter Four.
“So Headquarters is located at Sirius’s house?” Ella asked.
“Yes” Ella could tell from his tone, that he wasn’t all that happy about the location.
“The Weasley’s will be there, and Potter later.” Putting away the dishes, Ella couldn’t help but laugh at how un -domestic Snape was.
“ I am going to go read for a bit, maybe even write Jenny.”
Sipping on his coffee , Snape nodding in response, she ran up to her room.
--------------------- Dearest Jenny,
Oh how I can not wait for us to see each other! I miss you. I am learning so much and it really does feel good to be useful. Remember the muggle saying “Knowledge is power”? I think that pertains to magic too. I feel it growing inside me, and frankly I can not stop it. I bought a couple of new books at Diagon Alley, it was fun. I went with a new friend named Roger. I hope to focus more on my studies this year at Hogwarts, all the while making new friends.
Write me back
Love, Ella.
Feeling satisfied with her letter grabbed her new book.
------------------------------------------ “Obscure Safety Potions” Reading the title aloud.
Opening the front cover , Ella read the inscription. “RESTRICTED SECTION, HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZADRY.”
Ella was very intrigued, she knew all about the restricted section at Hogwarts.
Searching around the inside cover, Ella located under the lettering was a pocket with a card in it. Taking the card out, Ella saw a familiar name.
Severus Snape. 12/24/1972
She wasn’t surprised at all, and smiled as she turned the page. “Chapter One, the basics”
Reading aloud often helped Ella understand basic concepts. In Salem she learned how to sound proof her bunk, so the other students wouldn’t hear her. Hogwarts was more inviting, with all Students learning at different paces. Reading aloud was common and accepted.
Reading the relatively short chapter, Ella couldn’t help but read the handwritten notes that Snape had enhanced each page. He was brilliant. “Everyone witch or Wizard should have the following with them at all times, some call these “ kits” as they are used when emergencies may happen.”
Wasting no time, she grabbed her cabinet and begin tossing her supplies out onto the bed. 1. Warming Potion 5 vials
2. Instant food 5 vials
3. Sanitizer 4 vials
4. Wound healer 5 vials
5. Burn Cleanser 4 vials
6. Bone repair. 3 vials Remember to label each vial, and package with care. Directions for each basic safety kit are below.
Ella felt something inside of her growing. It was nearly midnight, but she fight the urge to brew.
Making sure everything was set up, she proceeded with making the warming potion. Never in her life had she felt more alive. With each stir, and each measurement Ella grew more awake and filled with energy. Soon though she realized she needed more cauldrons and burners if she was to finish before dawn.
“Geminio” Pointing her wand at her cauldron and burner. After a few more times saying it she had a cauldron for each potions she was to make.
With sweat beating from her brow, she ran from each cauldron making sure everything was brewing properly. Time begin to slip from her mind as she was consumed by what was transpiring.
“ ELLA !” “ What are you doing in there?” “It is 2 am!”
With her eyes on her cauldron, she called towards the door. “ How did you know I was alive.”
“ Jane Bowman, wrote me from America, telling me I had a daughter.” Snape said sighing.
With a wave qof her wand the door opened with a crash.
“ What the?” Snape said puzzled.“ What are you brewing?” Snape scanning the room in shock.
“ Safety Packs Ummm do you see Christmas presents?!!! Oh! BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!” Running to her third cauldron, she almost stumbled on her cabinet.
“ Well I see you have started Chapter One” Snape said under his breath.
“Do you realize what great gifts these make?” Ella laughed uncontrollably “ Oh nice notes! There freakin amazing.”
“ Ella.” He whispered.
“ I know its late and all, but I have to soak in and learn as much as I can. I cant stop until I am finished.”
“ Ella” Again he tried to catch her attention
“ I mean I can make one for the order, and Harry of course , Hermione, Ron , Neville, Ginny, Dean….”
“ Ella, please listen.” “ No you listen , Dad, Severus, I mean Professor I mean I mean..” Her mind raced.
“ WHAT?” Ella yelled back.
“ Lets call it a night.” “ You are working to hard.”
Ella saw what she thought was Snape reaching for his wand.
She didn't even have to utter the spell when his wand flew in her hands. She had disarmed him.
Seeing his wand fly towards her he couldn’t belive it. He only thought about grabbing his wand, how did she know?
“ Ella! Never disarm me!”
With his wand in her hand, she calmly said. “ I will pour these into vials and then label them.”
“ Let me help” He said pleading as he held out his hand.
“ At least let me help you take them to the study.”
“ LET ME DO IT” She never screamed so loud before, and the sound of her voice scared her.
Staring at her in curiosity, he raised his right hand once again and utterd a spell. Instantly the one went back in his hand and with a flick the cauldrons and the there burners were following him out the door.
Once he had transported all the equipment to the study, he stood in her doorway staring intently. After a few minutes , he finally spoke.
“Go to sleep.”
“ I need something to wrap these packs in.” Ella stood from her chair and showed him the already made vials.
“I will purchase material tomorrow. Go to sleep.”
“I can’t sleep.” Ella felt her legs begin to wobble.
Reaching in his robes, he pulled out a tiny vial.
“ One swallow.” He spoke.
Ella took the vial and swallowed one drop has directed.
“ Now, don’t worry about waking up early.” Snape shut the door.
“ Protego” Ella spoke the protection spell as her eyes closed into deep slumber.
“ Its nearly noon.” He spoke in a teasing manner, the prophet in his hands.
“It felt good.” Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she pulled out a chair to sit down.
“ Safetypacks….” Snape said with a chuckle.
“ What? You know it is a good idea.” Ella also joined in on the laughter.
“It is. That’s why I made a few during on Christmas Vacation.”
“ Why was this book in the restricted section?” Ella said pouring her self some juice.
“I guarantee that you have heard the phrase , do not judge a book by its cover?”
“ Of course I have.”
Snape nodded. “ Same goes for that book.”
Ella looking at the already read portions of the prophet, saw her sisters name in bold ink. Noticing her glancing at the page , Snape picked it up. “Your sister’s column is well written, though I am afraid it will not be well received.”
Ella couldn’t believe what she was reading. “ Why don’t they believe he is back?” “ Harry saw him!”
“ Fear.” “ It’s as simple as that.”
“ You have seen him, haven’t you, that’s why you leave for “ meetings” Ella knew she wouldn’t get him to talk, but she still had the curiosity to ask.
“ As much as I want to tell you everything , I cant.”
“ I take that as a yes.” Ella said strumming through the rest of the paper.
“ I need to write Harry, he should know.”
“ No. Dumbledore has ordered no one speak to potter.”
“ Why?” Ella said with the tone of surprise.
“ Ella, I do no understand some of his decisions, but I trust him”
Ella nodded.
“ I put in the order for your packs, after my meetings I will pick them up.”
Ella nodded.
“ When are your meetings?”
“ I will leave around One thirty, and be back around six pm. You should hang out with Roger, do teenager things, no studying today.”
“When I come back, I will help you package your packs, if you help me .”
“No problem” Grabbing the bread Ella began to make her a sandwich.
“ Do you ever leave the playground?” Ella walked up the swing set.
“ Hey, I told my gram about you and she would like to meet you.” Roger stood up as if he knew the sunlight woud hit him a certain way.
“ Really? I don’t know..”
“ She has lemonade.”
“Sold!” Ella laughed.
Walking only a few blocks north of the playground, Ella saw that the scenery changed a bit. It wasn’t as run down, as Snape side looked. Flowers were seen in the windows, and children’s toys were strewn around.
The house where Roger’s grandmother lived was only a short walking distance from Snape’s house, yet it seemed miles apart.
“ Oh Roger dear she is beautiful!”
Blushing , Ella shook the old ladies hand.
“ Betty Davies, and it is a pleasure to meet you.”
“ Ella Greene , and the pleasure is all mine.”
Sitting on the couch, Ella heard Roger’s whole life story. “ He comes to me every summer since he was a young boy.”
“ Do you know that Severus Snape lives only two blocks away?” Betty asked.
“ Umm No, I didn’t.” Ella hated to lie, but she knew she had to.
“ Roger, doesn’t like him much, but I do not mind. Keeps to him self, but lately me and the girls have been noticing lights on.”
“The girls?” Ella asked.
“The nosy women of spinners end” “ They get together after church on Sundays, play cards and gossip.”
Ella smiled.
“ Roger, guess who I talked to today?”
“ Who gram?”
“ The Bowman’s.”
Ella’s eyes widened.
“ Really?” Roger said
“Yep, caught Jacqueline, going to the market, poor thing.”
Ella drank her tea slowly.
“Oh you don’t probably know the Bowman’s , Ella dear.”
“There daughter went missing, never to be found. Though everyone thinks she was murdered.”
“Ohh” Ella echoed reaching for her napkin.
“Quite a scandal here because Jane, that was her name, was good friends with Severus Snape.”
Ella stayed quiet and listened intently to what the old women was saying.
Rolling his eyes Roger laughed off his grandmother’s gossip. “ Oh grams, its only speculation”
“ Oh dear boy, I don’t think Severus killed her! I think he who must not be named did!”
Ella felt a sting. She knew the truth, but the fact that her mother and father knew Voldermort upset her.
“ Well, I should be off. My uncle will be waiting for me.”
“Let me walk you there.” Roger said getting up from the table.
“No. I can walk on my own.” Ella said etching a smile on her face.
“Thank you very much for tea Mrs. Davies.”
“Your very welcome! Come back soon!”
“I will.” Ella knew what she said was a lie, but she didn’t want to hurt the old women’s feelings.
As she shut the front door, she sqinted to see a glossy white figure walking around the park. Drawn to it, she walked quickly wandering what was lingering. Her pace quickened as the sight became clearer.
When she reached the park, a doe patronus met her face to face.
“Go to the river and stay.” “ Go to the river and stay” “ Go to the river and stay” The doe repeated three times before disappearing.
“ Well I guess his work came home.” Ella said aloud
Walking to the river was lonely. She missed her sisters and friends. The water was dirty and the smell of the factories made her breathing rapid.
For once in the week she had been there, she felt her mind clear. The urge to do magic wasn’t there,and she felt peace. As she walked up the banks of the river, she knew in her heart that everything happened for a reason. After about a mile Ella was joined by Chauncey.
“Baby, how did you know? Never mind, what do you have for me?”
“ Three letters? Wow, I am popular.” Ella, I am worried. Padfoot says you may have to start taking it easy.
-Angela. Ella its Lisa, I miss you. Write me. I am going to Romania to meet with Charlie Weasley. Aren’t you friends with a Weasley?
Smiling Ella felt the comfortable ease of what she knew. For instance, Angela was always getting engaged, Jenny, always worried and Lisa always traveled.
“Maybe Lisa will finally find love, Chauncey?” “Wait, were they all at the same place?” “ They could use their own owl.” Ella laughed at the sight of an annoyed Chauncey. “ I am glad you are walking with me, I need the company.”
Walking the length of the river, Ella could see darkness approaching. Walking
for a few more minutes, Ella spotted Snape’s patronus .
“It’s safe.”
“It’s safe”
“ It’s safe”
“Do you have that thing on repeat or something?” Ella said walking through
the back door.”
“ I am only glad that you saw and heard it.”
“ So , I bet you cant disclose why I couldn’t come home.”
“You already know the answer. Now, I will help you package your kits, if and only you help me.”
“ Okay, what do you need help with?”
“Why did I agree to this?” Ella groaned putting pieces of the gilly weed into a slim vial.”
“Because stocking up and getting things prepared for the new year, is what you will have to do every year for school.”
“You do want to be a potions teacher, do you not?”
“ Yess…..” Ella said rolling her eyes.
“After were done with Gillyweed, I have Polyjuice already made that needs to be put in vials.
“That can’t be for class. Oh wait its top secret!”
Ella let her sarcasm show through.
“ You young lady, are not funny, and please you are dripping the potion on the table.”
“Oh sorry.”
" I saw your father in the lift today, at the ministry."
Ella turned pale.
" I told him I know how he used to disipline you.I then turned told him if he so much as raised his voice to you, he wouldnt have a voice anymore."
" You said that. TO EDWARD GREENE?"
" Yes."
" Thank you."
Ella felt safe and that feeling made her happy.
She did not want to let Snape know she met Betty Davies. He seemed to worry enough already, and she didnt want him to know the gossip that went on in Spinners End.
“Lets play twenty questions!” Ella said enthusiastically.
“Ok, Do you like the Weasley’s?”
“Really?” Ella really was surprised at his answer.
“ Of course, Arthur and Molly are great parents and a great witch and wizard respectively. All there children are very good at their studies. Even Fred and George have their wits about them.”
“ Ron weasley?” Ella asked.
“Yes, Ron with a little confidence can do well. Ginerva is also gifted. To cut it short, the family is a good lot.”
Ella smiled.
“If it wasn’t for a certain Hermione Granger , I would go after Ron.”
Taken aback Snape gave her a frazzled look. “ Excuse me?”
“Oh come on! Would you rather have me with someone like Malfoy?”
“ Defintley not.”
“ Then who?”
“ No one. I would have you focus on yourself and your studies. You’re fifteen. You have your whole life to chase love.” Snape fell silent after he spoke.
Ella smiled. “You know your sounding like a father.”
“ I am?” He asked
“ Yes.”
“Ella, I feel it is my duty to tell you the truth, no matter how horrible it might be. There will a war and loved ones will fall.”
“Stop it.”
“ Ella”
“Lets just for one night pretend everything is normal. Let’s pretend there is
no war and I am just your daughter and you are my father.” Ella glanced up at Snape. She noticed his eyes looked darker than normal, almost as if he couldn’t contain the sadness that filled his heart.
“Dragon Blood and phoenix feathers, There is about fifteen vials worth in this cauldron. Be careful.”
“I will” Smiling, Ella handled the cauldron with caution. She knew life wouldn’t be as simple as it once was, but the yearning she felt as she grew in her knowledge clouded her thoughts and thoughts of war and destruction diminished and new thoughts of power filled her mind. |