Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Chicken Holiday’s
EV! Amy knocked on Everett’s door during the holidays, ready for the summer PAAARTAAAY...well, sleep over. The sixteen year old shrugged to herself as the door opened and Everett’s beut mother, Mia answered the door “Amy sweetheart” she said, enveloping the girl in a hug “Hey Mia” Amy grinned “where's-“
“He’s in the garden with Jensen and Reed” Mia said, patting her on the back and letting her through
Amy walked into the garden, and spotting Ev, launched herself at him “EVVVVVVVVV” She shouted jumping at him, before stopping suddenly “Errm.... Ev why do you have a chicken?” |