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Old 08-16-2011, 08:50 AM   #150 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tilly C. Richards
First Year
Bluejay | Potatopop! | SRS - Stupid Ravenclaw Syndrome

SPOILER!!: Evie's Reply
Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
Hahah Lily beat me to all the replying.
I'd love to say thank you to everyone that's been reading, me and Lily appreciate it a lot! And to be recommended too. That's mind blowing and it's so nice to hear that people like out story enough to do that.

thank you again
Eeevvilllll LilEH.

We do. We seriously do.

Hehe. I couldn't wait! So here you go. I apologize - it's not my best work, I just really had to do a Ron/Ginny moment. Oh...and another ghosts P.O.V again...

I jerked myself out of the dark. Everything was blurry before one or two blinks I could focus on the potion bottle on the bedside table. I groaned as I remembered last night.


I winced. It was risky drinking the stuff. But even mum had recommended it. I was having nightmares. Sorry. Excuse me. It's the same dream over and over. I've tried just about everything. I sniffed the dark purple liquid and gulped it down.

My eyes crossed and I just had time to get the thing sitting at the end of the bed before falling back into darkness.


I pushed myself up on my elbows and glanced around. The drapes around my fore-poster were pulled back. Hermione was fast asleep and my mum was stirring constantly in her sleep. I glanced down and smiled at the old rabbit. It was a bit child-ish sleeping with a teddy but this teddy and I go way back.


I sat on the rocking chair, cradling my rabbit when a five-year-old Ron came rushing in, hugging his own teddy to his chest. “Hullo Gin. Whatcha doin'?” It came out in a rush. He was nervous. “Nothing, just playing with Bunn-” “I BROKE GEORGE'S TOY WAND!” Ron sobbed. Tears suddenly rolling down his cheeks.

“I don't want the twins to turn Teddy into a spider again.” He whispered hoarsely. I paled. “Quick, give 'im to me, Charlie said that if I treat them like my kids, I might be like Harry Potter's mommy without the dying.” Ron ran over and shoved Teddy onto my lap. I sat Bunny down next to me and sat rocking Teddy back and forth, whispering words or comfort.

Just then the twins ran into the room, and they were angry. VERY ANGRY. “Ron! WE'RE GONNA KILL YOU!” Ron was so scared he froze. They started to punch him and when he was down on the ground they started to KICK him. Possibly one of my favourite brothers was being beaten up. I jumped up, dropping Teddy on the chair and ran over to help. Ron was wailing. Gred and Feorge were laughing hysterically and I bit down into George's arm. HE screamed in pain and tried to shake me off.

That's when Bill came in. “What in Merlin's pants?”


I got dressed and peeked out the window. It was dawn and I could see the silhouette of someone sitting down near the lake. I pulled on my worn wool cardigan and tip-toed out of the dormitory.

I could make out the person just enough to know that it was a boy. As I got closer I recognized red hair. “Ron?” I sat down next to him. He said nothing. “Are you okay?” “I miss him, Gin.” he whispered. “Even though he wasn't exactly a great brother to me...ever. But, ya' know.” “Yah, I know.” I looked away from him and turned my gaze out to the water.

__“Can I tell you something?”
__“Of course.”

“I miss Fred but I miss you too.” Ron looked at me and frowned. “What?” “I was just thinking about it a while ago, we used to be best friends till you went to Hogwarts and...and since you came back from your first year, whenever I'd try and play with you – you'd treat me like-like a gnome in the garden. Always trying to get me to go away. Then the Chamber of Secrets happened and since then I've been something you needed to protect.”

I know it's not very Ginny-ish but I couldn't help the brimming tears. I
miss my brother, my best friend. “Ginny...” He pulled me into an one armed hug. “I miss you too...”

After a bit of sniffling and how we promise we'd try and be closer again, I finally sat up again and gave a watery smile. “So have you entered the Wizard Games?” “Naah.” “Awww. The Golden trio doesn't wanna be in the spotlight any more?” Ron chuckled. “Nope. Definitely not. Did you?” I was silent for a moment. “It was a moment of weakness.” “Oh. You're doomed.” I laughed. “Thanks. That was a wonderful pep-talk.” Ron started to laugh as well.

Fred smiled at his brother and sister, sitting cross-legged in front of them, laughing with them. Of course, they couldn't see him. He wasn't quiet ready to say goodbye and let them see him finally move on. He wasn't quiet a ghost but close enough. Then he was sad. His laughing died. “I'm sorry for all the crap I gave you two...”

I frowned. “Did you hear something?” “Yeah...It sounded like Fr-Fred.” I shivered and continued my conversation with Ron. “So...could you please explain why you and 'Mione aren't together?”



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