Join Date: Jan 2011 Location: A planet.
Posts: 480
Hogwarts RPG Name: Lillian Strap First Year |
We arrived to a small, cute, house in a place called Godric's Hollow. Later it would be explained that it was near the place Harry used to live as a baby.
"Sis?" Susana whispered to me as we walked into the house.
"Yeah kiddo?" I bent down to hear her properly.
"Are we going to live here like an actual family?" Her big eyes looked up at me in hope.
I gave her a small smile, "For a bit anyway, I want to hear what they have to say."
"Will they help you remember or get rid of your night scares?"
I bit my lip, "I hope so."
We entered the house and I gasped, as did Susana. We had entered into the kitchen. The dishes were doing themselves, through the doorway into the living I saw knitting needles working in thin air, and what really set it off was a five year old, or maybe six, boy flew into the kitchen on a broom stick, literally flew. I was in shock. "HARRY!"
The little boy jumped off the broom, "Did you see that? Huh? George bought it for me! Cool huh?" Then he paused, seeing me and Susana. "Who are they?"
"Teddy," Harry smiled, "this is Alexis and Susana, they are going to be hanging out with us for a bit, you okay with that mate?"
"Hmm..." he considered it, "I like them," he smiled broadly, and was it just me or was his hair blue and white? Wasn't is blond when he came in? "They can stay."
"Good," responded Ron, "because you didn't have a say in it anyway. "
He stuck his tongue out at him. "I'm going to go tell Muma Weasley that you're all here. Come with me Susana!"
Susana pouted at me, giving me puppy dog eyes, "Go..." I muttered.
She grabbed his hand and ran off with him, up the stairs, Susana instantly accepting the unexplainable things around her. I, on the other hand, was not so accepting.
"What the heck is all of this?" I demanded, whirling on the four others behind me. I had seen unexplainable things, but I always found a way to explain them away. For instance, that time the person caught me stealing, I was running then the next thing I knew I was on the other side of town, and I could not run that fast. Another time in late winter, Susana and I were frozen to our core, I was frustrated and kicked the place I was trying to make a fire and it lit up so fast it almost burnt my face. Then Susana, one day she had cut her leg up pretty badly. I ran off to get her something to help and when I came back her leg was healed completely.
The four looked at each other, "Go on Harry, she your God sister after all mate, you tell 'er," Ron nudged Harry.
"Well, Alexis. Tell me this, has anything...odd ever happened to you? When you were scared?"
Thinking back to all those times I nodded, "Yes, several times, more and more recant." The most recant one was when I had been looking for my hoodie and it literally flew into my hand. I had put it off to wind, even though I was certain that there was no wind that day.
"Good then, you see Alexis you are special compared to mug- er, normal people. You can do things that other's can't. Well, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and people we know can but...Gah, Ginny help me." He pleaded to his wife. I was confused.
"Alexis, you are a witch, so is Susana. You parents were both both magical as well."
I was silent for a moment then I just shook my head, "You are all crazy. I'm sorry but magic doesn't exist."
Ron muttered to Harry, "Now I see why they explain it to kids when they're eleven, much easier to convince."
Hermione, ignoring Ron, stepped up to the plate, "Alright, Alexis. I know you are confused and can't remember things. Let me at least explain what happened that night when you were nine, when you heard cheering and saw bright lights..."
I was ready to just walk out, but Susana was still with that Teddy kid and I wanted to hear what she had to say. Sighing I responded, "Okay. but this had better be good."
We sat on a comfortable couch in the living room, I ignored the floating knitting needles and listened intently to what was being said.
"A few years back there was a horrible wizard," Hermione began, "he was the worst, the most evil thing on earth. He killed or caused the death of countless people, including," she gave a glance to Harry and he nodded, "Harry's parents, you parents, Ron's brother, Teddy's parents. Either way,seven years ago he had taken over Hogwarts, the biggest Wizarding school and stronghold to the wizarding comunity. then six years ago, people rebelled and there was 'the great battle' at Hogwarts. Many good people died during it, but so did Voldemort. You must have gotten in there somehow. The lights you saw were spells flying everywhere. You were probably hit by a spell, odds are one of the three unforgivable curses and it hurt your mind, making you forget most every thing. The cheering you remember was right after Harry killed Voldemort. It was during this battle that your mother died. Two years previously, Sirius died at the hands of one of Voldemorts followers. The folllower died during the battle."
I was silent, I hated to say they were right, but it all made sense. What she described sounded like my dreams. Everything she said sounded painfully familiar but I just couldn't remember it. "Okay, so... Why did I want up on the street?" I was on the brink of losing it again, but I didn't want to. They had been nothing but nice to us and I didn't want to yell at them. "Why did I spend six years taking care of my baby sister on the streets of London?"
Harry talked next in a quiet, "Because, we thought you were gone. You're mother had left you with Teddy's grandparents, you went missing during the battle and we all went frantic looking for you. I don't know how you wound up in London, maybe someone in the battle found you and sent you to London to be safe. If we had known about you..." he trailed off. I knew what he meant. If they had known they would have protected me, taken care of Susana and myself. Let me be a kid. Well, too late. The sad thing was, I was buying the story. I believed them. They really did care for me.
Nodding I asked Harry, "Who was that women you were eating lunch with the other day? The strict looking older women?"
Harry's friends looked shocked, "You were eating lunch with Mcgonagall?" Hermione asked in surprise.
"What for?" Ron asked.
"Because she was asking me a question, like a lot of people seem to be doing right now." He gave his friends a look.
The rolled their eyes. "What did she ask?" I cocked my head at him.
"She was in need of a position at Hogwarts, which, Alexis, you should be enrolled in because Mcgonagall, the headmistress at Hogwarts, has had her eyes on you. In fact she was the one who alerted me to you. After you and Susana stole our lunch...well, Susana is a little Sirius."
Hermione's eyes widened at the prospect of us stealing, Ron snickered and Ginny grinned. "A very long and complicated story later," I said, trying to sum this all up, "Susana and I are the kids of magical people and Harry defeated the evil wizard who caused the death of a lot of great people, including my parents, and I am now going to be enrolled into an all wizarding school even though I have no knowledge of magic. Do I have it right?"
"Well, frankly, yes." Hermione responded, "But you won't go in blindly, I am a starting as the librarian there this year, and it seems like Harry is taking up some position there. We will prepare before you go, try our best to catch you up to you classmates."
"Wait, we have one month before school starts, and you want her to waste her summer studying?" Ron seemed appalled.
"Well Ronald, she will need all the studying she can get.."
I listened as Hermione and Ron began to debate about my schedule. I looked between Harry and Ginny. They motioned silently for me to follow them. And I did. We went our back.
Harry disappeared into a small shed and came out, to my surprise, holding three broom sticks. "You're kidding me, right?" I asked as he handed me one of the three and told me to mount it.
"No. I am not." He looked completely serious. I groaned. "Look, just put it down beside you, like this." He put his broom to his side. "Now hold your hand over it, like this." He showed me and I did. "Good, now say this simple command. Up!" His broom flew into his hand instantly. My eyes widend. Then I remembered the dishes doing themselves. I was going to have to get used to it.
Sighing I said to the broomstick, a broomstick mind you, "Up!" I expected it to lay on the ground like brooms are supposed to. But insted it flew in my hand. My jaw dropped.
"Good," Harry beamed, "Now mount it." He sat on the broom. After what I just saw, I decided I would listen to him. I mounted the broom like a horse. "Now, kick off the ground." He pushed off the ground, beside him I saw Ginny do the same. They were flying. On brooms. And I was going insane.
Shaking my head I did as I was told and I flew up into the air. I let out a squeal that was sooo not like me. I smiled finally. "This is....Amazing!"
I flew around the yard, it was so easy. I didn't need Harry's tips that he gave me anyway, or Ginny's advice. I somehow just knew what to do.
"HARRY! What are doing letting her fly like that, she doesn't know what to do!" Hermione's concerned voice floated up to us. I just smirked.
"Oh shut it Hermione, I mean, leave her be!" Ron responded rolling his eyes. "Look at her! She's a natural! Alexis, are you going to try out for quidditch?!"
"For what-itch?" I called back down, confused.
Ginny answered, "Quidditch, a wizard sport."
"It's kind of like basketball on broom, but more dangerous and exciting,' Harry laughed.
"Like Bask-a-what?" Ginny and Ron asked at the same time.
"Oh never mind!" Harry laughed. I could tell he loved riding on the broom, I wondered if that was what I was like.
"SISSSY!" I saw little Susana on the ground, looking even tinier down there, staring up at me in awe, "YOU'RE FLYING! HOW?"
I swooped down next to her, hovering about a foot of the ground, "Well kiddo, these brooms just love to go into the air. But they can't unless some one's on it. Look," I stepped off the broom and gently nudged it to the ground where it stayed. "Now," I picked it up and got on, and placed her on in front of me, "look, now it'll rise up." Making it fly higher and higher as Susana kept yelling "Up! Up!"
Then, deciding to spare Hermione of a heart attack, The four of us in the air went down slowly. "That's soo cool! Teddy says that I have magic, do I?" She looked up at pleadingly.
"Of course you do, you always did cutie." Her smile broadened and she hugged me tightly.
She ran off happily with Teddy. I turned to the four people behind me. "Okay. Once a day for a few hours, Hermione you can teach me whatever it is that I need to be taught. Ron, I will spend another few hours just having fun and doing summer things, and possibly seeing other parts of this wizarding world. Harry, can you teach me quidditch, with Ginny's help if she wants to? Then I guess, whenever this school starts, I'll be there. But I will only do this all if it can help me get my memory back." I stood, my back straight, head high, and inside hoping I wasn't asking for too much.
The four friends looked at each other and smiled, "It's a deal." Harry nodded his head.
I sighed in relief. I didn't know where any of this was heading but I was staying to find out.
__________________ ~A lion and a snake , twins for life~ |