Thanks Ava!!!!
Again your comment is muchly appreciated!
Next Post!... tis a little short, and I appologise, just been busy busy busy recently.
Snape considered her for a moment. His eyes travelling over her body briefly before locking on her face. He heaved a sigh.
“They’re moving your parents... tonight...”
“When?!” retorted Ellouise, eager to hear more.
“In a few hours.”
“Is there a set time, or just whenever they feel like it?”
Ellouise huffed a little, she wanted more answers, more detail, and Snape wasn’t giving it to her.
“Yes... they’ll be making the move in four hours.”
Four hours... that was plenty of time, for what? Ellouise wasn’t sure yet. But she had time to figure that out. Her brain was ticking, thinking methodically, she needed more information.
“Where are they moving them to?”
Snapes lips curled up in a faint smile, he pat the seat beside him, indicating that she should take a seat.
“... To Azkaban,” he mused in that deep voice of his.
Ellouise starred, why wasn’t he saying anything? Telling her this information instead of having her extract it from him... painstakingly. She waited, but he just starred, a small twinkle in his eyes watched her through the darkness of the room. It was unbearable, every second that they sat there unmoving, unspeaking, was wasted.
“Sorry... Severus, but why is it you called me here?” she asked a little icily.
Snape let out a small laugh, but soon recovered. “I called you here to tell you how you can save your parents... I’m just trying to ascertain whether or not you are up to such a task.”
Oh well that was a bit rich, what did he care whether or not she was up for it?!
“And... what have you concluded?” she asked, returning his stare.
It was quite for all of a minute before Snape responded, “I think... Miss Browne, that if anyone can do it.. it’s you.” He sounded genuine, even sincere, with a hint of... pride, in his voice.
“So tell me what I need to know.” It wasn’t a question this time... It was a statement, and she wasn’t about to take no for an answer. If she was going to do this, tonight, then she would need all the information she could get.