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Old 07-26-2011, 07:40 PM   #5 (permalink)
newtscholar8's Avatar
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Iowa , United States
Posts: 141
Second Year

Everything Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. I also believe this is the longest chapter I have ever wrote

Chapter 3

“Now think of a memory that can blanket your mind in positive thoughts.”

Ella closed her eyes and nothing came to mind.

“You must have something.”

Ella closed her eyes and smiled. Jenny and her went to the movies, just the two of them. They laughed, cried and got angry all at the same time. She smiled remembering the smell of the hot dog shoppe and the vinegar they poured all over their fries.

“ I got one.”

“ Good. Now, have your wand ready and say the words Expecto Patronum”

Taking a breath, he interrupted.

“ Wait,make sure your mind only thinks of the memory.” “ A visual form of your patronus, is hard at first to conjure, but more effective.”

“ Ready?” He said

“ Yes”

“ Expecto Patronum!” She said it loudly and direct. With her mind only focusing on the memory .

“ Good ! Very Good!”

“ Open your eyes Ella!”

Ella opened her eyes to see a large Bald eagle soaring around the room.

“ He is magnificent!” She exclaimed.

“ Yes,he is .” Snape said with a permanent smile on his face.

“ First time” he said shaking his head looking baffled.

“ Expecto Patronum” Ella whispered and this time the eagle flew around dodging books and circling her.

“ Ok, I am obsessed with this spell!” Laughing she followed each movement .

“You should get some sleep. Tomorrow, we will review this spell, and move on.” He took his wand and moved around the furniture to their original spots.

Ella walked up the narrow stares to her small bedroom.

“ Protego.” .

Seeing Chauncey wide awake, she thought of putting him to work.

“ Chauncey, I need you to find Jenny, Ok?”

Grabbing her quill and ink, she rummaged through a bag to find a ratty piece of parchment.

Dearest Jenny,
I am sorry I was mad, but you have to understand the way I feel. Can we squash this? Ok, so I have never felt this way before but I actually feel my wand and I get stronger! Is that weird? In one night I have learned how to conjure up a patronus, and guess what mine is ……a bald eagle! He is so beautiful. I guess I always took the bird as a symbol, and nothing more. Everything is good here…. Did I tell you, Snape thinks the ministry will begin to monitor my wand soon? Since I am not a citizen quite yet, I don’t have the trace! That is why I am trying to cram everything before they trace my wand. Tomorrow Begins day one and I am so excited. I find myself unable to sleep tonight, because I want to see the eagle again. What is your patronus? I know I am mumbling through this and this letter probably doesn’t make much sense, but I know you will understand. Oh by the way, he is nothing like what Padfoot says. He might be a little rough around the edges, but I think he is lonely.

Love you, Write Back soon.

P.S Please Feed Chauncey.


Ella made sure she woke up early enough to get ready for the day. She didn’t know what time he expected her up and she didn’t know his routine.

Throwing on an old pair of jeans on, and wearing a ratty t-shirt, she threw up he hair in a high bun and proceeded down the steps to the kitchen.

“I thought I would beat you!” Ella said laughing at the sight of Snape drinking his coffee.

“I did not sleep.”

“Oh, bummer”

Pouring her some orange juice she gulped it down fast and wanted to hear what she was going to be doing for the day.

“ So what’s today’s lesson.”

“I tossed and turned all night, because I debated whether or no to teach you this craft. Its hard and its like nothing you have ever done before.”

“Well what is it?”

“ Occlumency.”

“To shield the mind from skilled Legilimens”

“ Wait are you reading my mind now!” Ella jumped back from the table .

“ No. Not yet.”

“The Dark Lord is a skilled practitioner of Legilmency. He knows when someone lies and he feeds off their memories . You need to learn how to properly clear your mind , so that no one can penetrate it.It’s stressful , time consuming and can break you. Do you still want to move forward?”

Ella sat there for a minute pondering whether or not she fully grasped what
she was going to be going through mentally.”

“ I am ready.”

“ Ok , then”

Moving to the living room she felt a burst of anxiousness.

“Sit down.” Calmly he pointed the couch, where she proceeded to sit.

“You will not be able to learn this branch of magic easily, it might take years.”

“You’re quiet.” He spoke in his normal tone of voice.

“Well, I am nervous.There’s stuff I don’t want you to know.”

“Then hide it. Think of nothing.”
She nodded.

Not hearing what he had muttered Ella felt her body stiffen.

Memories began to flood her mind, as if Snape was watching a slide show presentation of her thoughts.

“Clear your mind.” He uttered.

“I cant, its impossible!” She yelled gasping for the air to speak.

“ You can!”

“ See how easy this is for me to read your thoughts, to journey down memory lane?”

Ella couldn’t believe someone could do such a thing.

“ The dark Lord is so skilled you can be miles away and he can enter. He does as he pleases.”

“ Focus Ella!” “ Its like turning off the lights!”

His talking helped her cope with the fact she about to loose all control.

“ Find your inner strength”

Her mind began to slow down, she clutched her head for she knew what memory he was about to see, and she couldn’t stop it.

“ Does your parents, know your out?”

“ No”

“There going to kill you,Ella”
Rolling her eyes she sat on the hood of an old car

“ Lets go to Pennsylvania!”

“ Are you in Ella?”

“Of course.”

The girl Ella watched get in the car was young and innocent. She was fearless yet vulnerable. Tears streamed down Ella face as she crouched down on the dusty hard wood floor. The memory shifted.

“ Oh crap the police!”
“ELLA RAE GREENE, STEP OUT OF THE CAR.” An officer with a mega phone bellowed.
“Get out, Ella, the police want you not us.”

Winding down country roads , Ella felt herself sick to her stomach.
Again the memory shifted.

“You are nothing like your sisters! You are so insufferable!” Edward Greene screamed at the top of his lungs.

“WHY DO YOU INSIST ON EMBARSSING THIS FAMILY!” Just when she thought he couldn’t get louder he did.

“Edward.” Deborah Greene whispered.

“No Deborah, I will not calm down! This is the third and final time she will do this to us.”

“IF YOU DON’T LIKE ME THEN WHY DON’T YOU JUST GIVE ME UP.” Seeing herself slumped in the back of the car brought so many memories back.


Ella shudderd knowing what was going to happen next.


Ella screamed remembering the memory as if it was happening in the now. She watched her self twist and turn in terror in the back seat of the car. Her limbs flailing from the pain.


“That’s barbaric Edward.”
“ No Deborah its necessary. She is no daughter of mine.”

Completely drained Ella quit caring if Snape saw the buried memory that she so desperately tried to block out. .

“ Up. Ella up on the couch." His voice turned frantic. As if he knew she had pushed too far.

Pulling herself on the couch she laid down

“Accio Blanket.”

Feeling the warmth of the blanket she began to close her eyes, as if she was begging for sleep.

“ How old were you? Tell me now!” Snape said in sharp tone.


“Since then has he used the curse on you?”

“Never had to, I never ran off again.”

Still crying she fell into a deep sleep.

I will be gone till Evening, remember to lock up.

Tiding up a bit Ella winced at the headache that forced her to remember the events of the night before.. Shuddering she found comfort in seeing

Chauncey come to the window with a letter.

“ Hey sweetie pie!”

Grabbing the letter she opened it quickly.

Dear Ella,
I was wrong too. I love you. Just remember you are only fifteen! I worry about you…..An eagle? That’s great! My patronus is a great owl. Pad foot says it is because I am wise beyond my years…… I am glad everything is going well. Have you met anyone your own age? Anyways I love you and look for my new piece in the prophet. Got to Run!


Maybe Jenny was right… She should go out and venture to meet some teenagers. Wanting to make a good impression, she hurried into the bathroom and fixed her hair a bit and put on some make up.

“ I think you are wearing too much makeup.”

“First of all where did you come from?” Ella flustered at his sudden return.

“I forgot something, so I had to come back”

“Ok, and second of all,did Edward Greene tell you to say that?”

Snape laughed. “I am serious, take some of it off.”

“Fine” Pouting back to her room she removed the eye shadow.

“I wont be out too long.” She sad grabbing her bag.


The area was mostly industrious, but she saw a playground where some older and younger kids hung out. Who knows maybe someone there could tell her any fun things to do. It was as if she was entering Hogwarts for the first time. She was the new kid on the block and going up to a bunch of teenagers was nerve racking.

“Hey , I am new to this neighborhood any fun things to do.”

The older boy laughed. “Your looking at it.”

They looked rough, with there baggy clothes and unkempt hair.

“Who are you.”

“ My name is Ella, and I am staying with a relative for a few weeks.”

“You look weird.” A girl in blonde pig tails said.

“Excuse me.” Ella said looking at herself trying to see if it was true.

“ You look stuck up.”

“Um, if I was snotty, I wouldn’t even of spoken to you.”

“Well look what you are wearing.”

“Oh its because I look nice.” “I see.”

Ella turned on her heels and walked away.

“ Ella Greene?”

Turning back around, Ella saw a familiar face walking towards her.

“Oh , I am sorry I am Roger Davies. I know you from school.”

“Oh yes, of course.” Ella said walking up to him

“ Don’t mind these idiots.” He said directing his head there way.

“ I’m glad I could see a familiar face here!” Ella said

“I am here with my grandmother, its not very fun at all. Lets go over here.”

She followed him to the nearby swing .

“Your so mysterious Ella .”

“ Excuse me?”

“ Sorry for me being so blunt and all , but in school everyone wanted to know who you were.”

“All they had to do was ask.”

“Well I apologize.” “ I should of.”

Ella blushed a deep red.

“So, your going to be a fifth year right?”


“I am going to be a seventh year.”

Ella didn’t mind the flirting that was going on, frankly she felt very comfortable with him. He seemed nice, and was handsome. They sat there the entire afternoon telling each other their life stories.

“I remember you couldn’t even eat around Fleur.” Ella said laughing.

“Well she is part Veela” Roger said trying to defend himself.

“ Ok , Ella here is a question if you weren’t placed in Gryffindor where do you think the hat would of placed you?”

“ Slytherin”

“ Really?”

“Yes. There not all bad.” Ella said in an unsure way.

“I think I would have been in Gryffindor, but I cant complain I love Ravenclaw.”

“So you’re here with a relative?”

“Yes, a muggle.”

“ I thought you were pureblood.” He asked.

‘Wow, you have done your research. My aunt married a muggle, then divorced, but were still close. What time is it?”

“ Oh its about six.” Looking at his watch he smiled at her.

“ You mean to tell me , we have been talking all day?” She was in shock.

“ Yep.”

“ I got to go.”

“ Hey , wait when will I see you.”

“Meet me here tomorrow at eleven.” As she ran off she could here him say “ We should go to Diagon alley tommorw”

“ That will be great , bye!”

Humming to herself she walked in to Snape sitting at the table.

“ You have been gone all day.”

“ I am so sorry, I met a fellow student at Hogwarts.”

“ Who?”

“ Davies, Roger .”

“We sat at the swings, and talked FOREVER.” Ella started to giggle.

“You are too young for Mr. Davies.”

“ Oh jeez! We just talked.”

“Ok, as long as its nothing more than friends.”

“ I am going to hang with him tomorrow, and he wants to go to Diagon Alley. Which is great because I need to get my school supplies.”

“ Be aware of your surroundings, and don’t stray off the main alley.”Snape knew he was being over protective, but he had to make sure no one would find out.

“ Tomorrow morning we will practice some occumlency and then at night I need some vials filled for my cabinet.”

“ Do you need money?”

“ For what?” Ella said gathering her things.

“ Diagon Alley. You are getting your supplies.”


“How much do you think you will need?”

“You don’t have to .I have my own money.” Ella felt awkward and begin to stare at the floor.

“ Ella, let me pay. I wasn’t in your life and I would like to at least help out.”

“ Ok.” still feeling guilty for taking his money, Ella put the money in her purse

Eleven came fast as Ella made her way back to the playground to see the same teenagers lingering at the jungle gym.

Roger was at the swing set.
“We will travel by portkey, I am starving.”

“ This is my second time going to Diagon Alley”

“ Really? Oh right American”

“ Are you two freaks going to sit on the swings all day?”

“ Maybe” Roger daringly said.

“ Well I would like to swing.” The larger girl stood and said.

“ Can we sit on the jungle gym?” Ella asked already knowing the answer.

“Well no”

“ We were just leaving anyways.” Ella got up and gathered her things.

“ Our first date.” He said laughing.

Ella took a step back

“Ella, I am just kidding , were friends.”

“ Good, because when my dad found out I was hanging out with you, he kinda freaked out.”

“ Your dad?” “ I thought you were staying with your uncle.”

“ I am….He stopped by last night.”

“ He doesn’t know you , but I told him your age.”

“Oh I see.”

Ella wiped her brow.

“ Shall we?” He ushered her next to him and they set of towards the portkey.

“ Yes.”

Ella stood right in the center of Diagon Alley.

“ Where should we eat?”

“ Here, this way.”

Ella followed him to a café where the outdoor patio had colorful umbrellas

“Everything looks really good!”

Eating until she couldn’t eat anymore, Ella paid for her food and got out her supply list.

“ Lets split up and I will meet you for ice cream in an hour”

“ Why do you want to split up?”

“ Do you really want to watch me try on robes?”

“Good Point.”

Making her way down to Madame Malkins she basked in the sites and sounds of the bustling alley.

“ Ella Greene. Ella Greene.” Ella stopped and was afraid to turn around, because she had heard the voice many times.

Gathering the courage she Turned around and was face to face with Draco Malfoy and his father.

“ What? Cat got your tongue? ”Draco smiled seeing Ella uncomfortable.

“Draco, where is your manners.” The silver haired man stared intently at Ella.

“ Miss. Greene, pleasure to meet you.” Lucious Malfoy bowed his head.

“Draco , here tells me he and you were an item.”
Ella couldn’t speak.

“ I know your father, he is a good man.”

“Draco, you must have done a number on this girl. Pity she is beautiful.”

Ella was stunned. She couldn’t move or make a sound. Watching them walk away she felt herself able to breath.
Realizing that time was fading she ran into Madame Malkins.
Finding what she wanted, she hurried to get her books and a set of extra quills. Flourish and Blotts, was Ella’s favorite store in all of Diagon alley. The smell of the old and new text books enchanted her and created an atmosphere of new thoughts and intense learning .
“ My dear , let me have your list.” Said the old shop keeper.

“ I have been here once before, but it feels like the first time.”

“A reader, are you?”

“ I like to , do you have anything other than textbooks on potions.”

“ Of course.”

“ This whole section” Ella’s eyes widened.

“How about you buy one and I will give you a book of my choice for free.”

“Deal.” Ella smiled.

“ Obscure Potions for safety.” Ella read aloud “ I want this one!”

“Hmm interesting choice.”

“Now, this is the one I will give you for free”

“The art of potion making. Its an extensive read, but I am sure you will love it!.”

“You are missing a textbook on this list young lady. Potions, for fifth years.”

“Oh, I get private lessons, Professor Snape has his own textbook for me.”

“Oh, a bright young witch then.” The old man smiled.

“Thank you , sir!”

“ My pleasure.”

Seeing the sign for Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour she sat by an outdoor table waiting for Roger.

“ Did you get everything?”

“ Yes.”

Ella spent the rest of the time in Roger’s company. She laughed at his jokes and felt his much needed company a blessing.
“ Would you look at that.I am fifteen minutes early.” Ella smiled

“ Good God you had me worried.” Snape had his hands on his head

Ella laughed.

“ I have thought about it, you shouldn’t be anywhere a lone. Its very dangerous.”

“Davies, might have some brains , but he is no match for a death eater.”

“ I saw the malfoys.”

“ You did?”

“ Yes, Draco and his dad.”

“ Did you say anything to them?”

“ No, I just stood there in shock, while they did all the talking.”
“ I was humiliated. What is with Draco Malfoy, that I cant get a grip when I am around him?”

Snape shrugged.

“I see you got two books for potions”

“ I am excited to read them”

“ There both good reads.” Snape said examining the covers.

“ Now, lets try occumlency again.”
Making her way to the living room, Ella tried to gain composure.

“Be brave Ella” Snape was calm and collected.

Ella stood in duelers stance, then he looked her in the eyes and she knew he was in her mind.

Stopping all thinking she put herself in a trance like state. She fought him and pushed away his efforts to read her mind.

Opening her eyes she was faced with Snape smiling.

“ You have the gift.”

“ Both Jane and I were skilled at occumlency and we must of passed it down to you.”

“ I did it?”

“ Yes.”

“You need more practice, because you will need to learn to block it at all
times, but attack wise, yes you can!”

“ I need to sit.” Ella said feeling sick to her stomach.

“ Oh, I must tell you that you will not be spending the end of your holiday at the burrow.”

“ Wait why?”

“ You will meet them at Headquarters.”

Confused Ella asked,“ Headquarters?”
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