SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
Posts: 31,791
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Quote:
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady So, in order to express how annoyed he was, the Gryffindor grimaced his face at the man. That was until the second shock hit him, though. ''I am no kid. I am of age.'' "Then start acting like you are," Jared said, manner neutral.
And Josh could start by handing in that essay, within the next fifteen minutes. Text Cut: Responses Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Oooh. Finlay thought about the question for a moment, trying to come up with the correct answer. He really didn't want to look like that much of a fool infront of the whole class. That would've been pretty embarrasing. Finlay mused, for a few more minutes, before raising his hands. "Charms appear to last longer than spells..." He mused at first, trying to word his answer so that it made more sense. "I would think the the length of time a charm lasts depends on how powerful the charm is, for example the fidelius charm would probably last a long time, considering that it's a very powerful charm." Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou "It depends on the one who casts it," Helena said as she raised her hand. "If the witch or the wizard has enough... control over the charm, then it lasts for as long as he or she wants."
Simple enough. Hehe. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie With a slight frown on her face, Kurumi returned her wand to her holster and returned that to her robe's pocket. "They last as long as it takes for a counter spell to take effect?" Kurumi asked cocking her head to the side. "Charms seem to have certain boundaries set on them and the most powerful of these being the Fidelius Charm whose effects never really wear off. Sure, the information is then leaked when the Secret Keeper divulges the information, but when a Secret-Keeper dies, their secret dies with them, or, to put it another way, the status of their secret will remain as it was at the moment of their death. Everybody in whom they confided will continue to know the hidden information, but nobody else." Then again, this could just have been a special case with Charms, but every charm they had learned also had one to reverse its effects. Would a Severing Charm ever really wear off? Kurumi wasn't really keen on sitting in front of a several block for hours or days to see if it would ever come back together again. Quote:
Originally Posted by Harry174 Simon looked at the Professor. "It depends on who casts it and what spell you cast." Simon smiled. "If you cast it then it would last longer than if I cast it." Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Daichi raised his hand in the air at the next question. "The charm last as long the caster can hold it? Or ..uhm.. when a counter-spell is used." he hoped he was right. Quote:
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill What kind of question is this? How long does a charm last? Hmm..., the young ravvie started thinking. 'Well, they should last until the counter curse is used', she started saying. Whay else could I have answered? But... if I think about it... when using the killing curse... well- that's permanent. 'Maybe it depends on the charm?', Gwem answered. Actually, it sounded more like a question than an answer. Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn She kept glancing to Josh's general direction every now and then, not being able to help herself, however, she did semi-focus on what Professor FrenchFry was asking. "It usually depends on the spell and the person casting it..." she muttered, of course after raising her hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by MagicGlitter Ariella raised her hand. She put her other hand over her mouth to keep from yawning. This double period was getting boring. "Well, a charm can last from just a few minutes to a lifetime. It depends on the charm, doesn't it? Charms generally last for longer than other spells, though. For example, the Fidelius charm can last until the secret keeper dies and the levitation charm lasts until the user puts his or her wand down." Ariella paused. Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared Aiden has never enjoyed a class so much. This one, she does not even have to do a lot of thinking. Just those general things that everyone is supposed to know. "It depends on the casters. The longer they stay focus, the longer the charm would last. Like the Patronus Charm," she pauses, attempting to put the words together. "It also depends on the casters' will, I supposed?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra raised her hand. "It depends on how good the witch or wizard is. If they have strong will and focus, then the charm can last as long as they can keep it going," she said. With a shrug, she added, "...and if not, well, they're just out of luck." she lowered her hand. "...or you can force a charm to end by a counter-spell or something like finite." Jared nodded. "There is no 'one' answer to the question: how long a charm lasts depends upon a number of things, including the charm itself, the abilities and intention of the caster, and external factors. Some charms are irreversible, if a counter-charm is not used." Some irreversible and without a counter-charm, in fact. "Others, if cast correctly, can last for months or even years. Still others wear off after a few hours. This isn't something restricted to charms alone, but spells in general." He paused for a moment, before continuing. "In general, a charm will last longer if cast by an experienced witch or wizard, than it would if cast by someone who has just learned to cast that particular charm -" Quote:
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady Then, the BIGHead Boy Finny Finn Fin spoke only to make him.... ''BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA!!!''
What a smart Ravenclaw, wasn't he? ''I think...'' then he started once his laughter was over ''A charm lasts until you decide cast another on it. I mean it just lasts until the effect is fixed or vanished or something. It just lasts there. Like.''
He grabbed the slippery wood from Evelyn's lap, placed it on the desk and pointed his Hazel wand at it. ''Diffindo.'' Yeaa, maybe he had been determined not to practice this spell but...here, now he was demontrating something. It was necessary.
He smiled contently when the wood was in two pieces again. ''See?'' he told everyone actually. ''If its severed then its severed. There's no way it can turn back to its original state ITSELF.'' "- and, of course," Jared went on, as if the Gryffindor had just not disturbed the entire class with his maniacal laughter. "- as Josh has just attempted to demonstrate, the effects of a charm may be brought to an end by using a charm that can nullify or reverse them. In this case, Reparo."
The piece of wood Josh had just split into two, joined itself back together, stayed so - whole and motionless - for a few moments, and then disappeared. Text Cut: Josh and Evelyn xD Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn He did NOT just say that! "You want me to take your punishment for you?" The Slytherin was too surprised to remember to keep her voice down. Help him, perhaps she would've, but do it for him? No. Get off her shoouldeeer! Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn Well Merlin...it was just a simple misunderstanding she supposed.
Just about to actually say 'sorry', she closed her mouth shut when he continued. And...now that sorry was lost somewhere. Or maybe it was still there, but she was reluctant to say it now. Well, she wouldn't ask Josh to take her punishments for her, and he wouldn't even have to because she knew when to stop talking before she got one. It was just unlucky times in which she didn't know a professor was nearby when she did get into trouble. "Well maybe if you learned to keep your mouth shut, you wouldn't have to write essays or translate them into runes." she pretty much hissed back, crossing her arms and sitting back in her seat.
Pffft. It hadn't escaped his notice that Josh and Evelyn were whispering to each other, but it only was when the Slytherin forgot to keep her voice down that Jared glanced up.
For half a moment.
Then he turned back to the class. "We have fifteen more minutes, so I'd like all of you to try out the Bubble-Head Charm, before we wrap up this lesson," he said, to the class as a whole. "The Bubble-Head Charm, as most of you will know, creates a protective bubble around the target area. This can protect the enclosed area from simple spells and, when cast around one's head, allow one to breathe underwater." "The incantation is Viseo Ebullio, and the wand movement is a counter-clockwise motion around the area you want the bubble to form in. Like this." He traced the wand around his hand, and within moments a bubble had formed around his hand. Jared held it up for the class to see, before making it vanish. "Go ahead and give it a try. If you can already cast the charm verbally -" He suspected a good number of fifth years and above would know how to - "Try casting it nonverbally."
Last edited by Maxilocks; 07-25-2011 at 08:52 AM.