... lets just say that things will be getting interesting soon enough. Or at least thats the aim lol.
Next post!
After a minute of sitting there blankly, as the silver doe vanished into thin air like whisps of smoke, Ellouise replaced the alarm clock back on her table and sat bolt upright, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. She didn’t know what she was going to do. Had no idea whether there was anything she could do... but all she knew was that she had to try, she had to see Severus. Her heart was beating a hundred miles an hour, beating against her ribcage violently,
“Have to go...”she whispered to herself as she got off the bed, pulling on her boots and opening her wardrobe in search of a jacket. She selected a black one, and pulled it on, hastily doing up the zipper. Wand in hand, Ellouise wracked her brain for anything else she might need. What did she need? What was going to happen? What was she getting herself into?
As a precautionary measure, Ellouise slipped a handful of corked vials into a small back. She had a Pepper Up and Blood Replenishing potion, as well as Essence of Dittany, just in case she needed it, and she also had some Polyjuice potion. Shrinking the bag and its contents, Ellouise shoved it deep into her pocket. She had no idea what to expect, but it was always best to go prepared for anything. And so now, feeling somewhat prepared for what the night had in store for her, Ellouise turned off her lamp and made her way out to the second floor landing. She tiptoed slowly, eyes and ears peeled. Stopping, she listened carefully. It was uncharacteristically quiet, if she didn’t know any better Ellouise would have thought she was on her own. But no, perhaps they were all in bed... or just busy elsewhere.
Stealthily, Ellouise crept down the stairs, taking care not to make any sound at all. The last thing she needed was for someone to realise she was trying to sneak out. She’d gotten away with it before, but she didn’t want to take any chances.
It wasn’t until she reached the dark, musty hallway, that she allowed herself to relax. She inhaled deeply, satisfied with her efforts so far. Brandishing her wand, she conjured a note, and left it hovering in midair, hopefully nobody would notice it till morning, by which time she might be back. Might... because she really had no idea what was going on.
After taking one last look at the dark hallway of number twelve Grimmauld Place, Ellouise turned on her heel and disapparated. Destination, Oxford Street.
When she opened her eyes, all she saw was darkness, she could feel the hard cement beneath her feet.
“Lumos,” she whispered, steadying her wand before her eyes. She was down a dark alleyway. And she was alone, completely and utterly alone. But that didn’t bother her, she expected it. Though what Ellouise didn’t expect, was the silence. London was quiet... too quiet. The usually busy Oxford Street beyond the alleyway was ... deserted. She couldn’t hear a single car in the area. Then again, it was to be expected... she hadn’t been here since before the War broke out. But it made sense for it to have been affected, becoming desolate like so many other places that have once thrived. “Nox.”
Keeping close to the wall of one of the buildings, Ellouise made her way forward, wand at the ready. Once she reached the corner, she peered around the side of the building, and stole a glance down the street. There really was nothing left. It was... empty. Still not wanting to risk being seen, Ellouise cast the Disillusionment Charm on herself... feeling the cool sensation run down her spine as she became virtually invisible.
Right, here goes nothing, she thought to herself, walking out into the street. The wind was chilly, she could feel her hair whipping back and forth as walked, occasionally feeling it sting her eyes. It didn’t take her long to find it... the old Whitlam Theatre. It was shabby, and run down... it had been this way for many years. The green paint peeling off its ornate doors, the windows in the front were cloudy and opaque. It had clearly aged, it was no wonder people referred to it as the old Whitlam Theatre, even if its actual title didn’t change. Ellouise placed a hand on the door, but didn’t move. She could still turn around and leave if she wanted to.
But did she want to? After waiting for so long to finally be able to do something, and she was... chickening out? No... she had to do it. Making sure nobody was looking, that nobody had turned up, she entered, pulling the doors open just enough for her to squeeze through.
It was darker in here than it had been out in the alleyway, and to make things just that little bit more unpleasant, the air was thick and stale. Ellouise could feel her lungs protest in discomfort, starved for oxygen already.
“Homenus Revelio,” she whispered, brandishing her wand in front of her. An eerie glow appeared a few feet away, almost like a shadow coming from the next room, it had that celestial feel to it. No doubt it was probably Severus, but just to make sure, Ellouise sent her patronus in front of her to scope him out. After a short moment the silvery African Wild Dog returned, its tail wagging and its ears pricked. It was safe.
Shinning her wand in front of her, Ellouise took the few stairs up to the main floor landing, and moved on into the Theatre auditorium. The grandeur had long died out, everything was stained and tinted with age. It wasn’t what it used to be. The large silver screen backdrop on the stage was tattered around the edges and hung slightly crooked.
“I’m glad you came,” said Snape, his silvery voice drifting up to meet her. Ellouise turned around to find him sitting in one of the old seats, he wasn’t looking at her, rather he was looking around her. “I know you’re here.” Ellouise removed the Disillusionment Charm, she had grown so accustomed to using it that she often forgot she had it on.
“What’s happening?” were the first words out of her mouth.