Text Cut: Wingardium leviioosa people
Originally Posted by
the fastest seeker
Lara's feather disappeared before it touched the desc. So Lara turned back to the Professor.
Basic Levitation Spell?! Lara was a bit confused? Didn't they just say it "isn't it Wingardium Leviosa, sir?" she wondered raising her hand with an exclamation mark on her face .She hoped that this is what the Professor is asking about.
Originally Posted by
Samira Malfoy Potter
Basic levitation spell?
Was this a trick question? It seemed a little too...easy. Almost tentatively, Samira raised her hand, sure it was some kind of trick question. "Sir? Is it Wingardium Leviosa?" If this answer wasn't right she would feel like an idiot...
Jared shook his head. He couldn't have said that he hadn't expected a good portion of the students present to make this mistake. "Close, but not close enough," he smiled, a faint sort of smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by
Anna Banana
Sierra raised her hand. "Levioso is the basic Levitation Spell," she said. "Unless you're looking for what we just did--Wingardium Leviosa, or the Hover Charm..."
Originally Posted by
Helena remembered now, since she'd never forget that water balloon fight from the last term. "It's just Leviosa, and to cast the charm successfully, a prefix indicating the item to be levitated is added."
Jared nodded. "Very good. The basic Levitation Spell is Levioso. Wingardium leviosa is a variation - to make the charm serve us better, we add a prefix indicating the target to the word Leviosa." It was a proven method of making levitation easier to execute and control, especially at the beginner's level.
"Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. For three points, can anyone give me the incantation and wand movement for the Bubble-Head Charm?"