Everyone convened at the statue, near a blank peice of wall. Todays first school lessons were quite boring, so they had plenty of energy after the several naps tooken.
James, Lorcan and Lysander walked down.
"Erm, yes. Got in trouble for talking." James said, smiling slightly sheepishly. He walked to the blank wall, then waved his hand.
Lines began appearing, then deepened, and then turned brown like wood. James knocked, then it opened.
They walked in to a large room, very much empty. They were talking amongst themselves, but then noticed Lorcan and Lysander and James standig in front of them.
"Alright... ROLL CALL!" Lysander shouted, until he was hit by James.
"That was MY line! Erhm. anyways.... Rose? Good. Albus! Er. Yes. Here. Scorpius! Here. I'm happy. Shawn Finnigan? Yes, you are here- thank you Rose for getting him- Lysander? Good, I couldn't see you. Lorcan? Yes. You are here. No need for loudness. James? Uh... JAMES! Were is that ridiculously awesome person.... OH! Ha, I'm him. Here." He said, putting the data into a clipboard, which he threw into a corner.
"Alright, tssk, tssk...... Introduction. Alright. You all know of apparating, of course. Now Albus- not Potter- Dumbledore created this form of it. Its a form of traveling that is more for short range traveling. Like, if your horribly lazy and don't wanna walk, you could just do this......" James' body collapsed into glowing white smoke, and he flew into the air.
"Thats what those Death Eaters did! Only black...." Scorpius said.
"Yes, well...." James began, landing. "You could choose the color. A fun little feature, which reflects Dumbledore's humor. He was a very funny guy, with what I've hear of him.... yes... Anyways, what you do is imagine yourself flying. Really any color. Quite simple, but it requires immense concentration. But you get used to it and can do it in a jiffy. Now.... start!"
Suddenly, the room was fillied with smoke. It was all white much like James' was, however when they flew it was shaky. Meh, they could use practice, but pretty good for a first. James nodded in approval.
"Alright. Now, you can also raise hands, grab things, and shoot spells in this form, although that will take more practice. For example....."
For the next two minutes, the room was full of flashes of light and white forms of smoke. Lorcan, Lysander and James were dueling.
James flew to the ground, groaning.
"Hmmm.... unfair! You both used Flipendo....." He yelled, holding his abdomen and standing.
"OK... ow... class dismissed... ow....."
The Connection- a Next Generation Fanfic
Last edited by Stupefy99; 07-21-2011 at 04:19 AM.