Originally Posted by
"Some plants have oily looking leaves, I don't remember what the official name is for this oil, but it can cause severe skin rashes," Kurumi suggested with her hand up in the air. "I am sure that there are other things that plants secrete that could be harmful.”
Seren nodded, smiling brightly,
"Yes certainly, biochemical secretions whether they be oils, pus, sap or spores, are all things we need to be cautious of." Quote:
Originally Posted by
Miss Evi3e <3
Okay she was on a roll for a change, actually participating in a class. Woah. Sipping her tea once more she looked around the class room at other students and Louisa. "Look for thorns? or any stinging factors on the plant?" Woah she was sounding like she'd read a book!
Seren nodded...
"Yes, we need to be cautious of stings." Quote:
Originally Posted by
What other cautions?
Helena wasn't sure whether to say it out loud or not, but she said it anyway, with her hand in the air. "I know it sounds stupid, but maybe we should also check if the plant... moves, somehow."
She was definitely not going to forget about that Herbology lesson with professor Vindictus.
"Yes checking whether or not a plant moves is a factor of identification, but why should we be cautious of it? What consequences could there be?"
Seren was looking for a little more detail... something a bit more specific.
Originally Posted by
Samira Malfoy Potter
Samira raised her hand, unsure of her answer because of her lack of knowledge of plants. "Some plants have thorns or spikes to show that it's poisonous...or maybe some plants have, like, pus or something to show that it's poisonous."
Tilting her head slightly she considered Samira's response.
"Mmm... yes... and no. I think your a little caught of on the poisonous bit, think... a little more... boradly." A lot of things could indicate a plant is poisonous, but what else did they need to be cautious of?
After taking another sip of her tea, she looked down the long table at the students.
"All good responses so far... but what else could go wrong if we are exposed to an unidentified plant? What other cautions do we need to consider?... think outside the box a bit." OOC: Again, ONE aspect per answer... I'll continue onto the next part of the lesson in ... approx 5-6 hours.