♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Having take care of certain... things, Jared slipped into the classroom, an ancient-looking tome tucked under an arm. The place had filled up, and he gave the class a smile in general. "Good afternoon. Looking forward to the summer?"
He placed the book he'd been carrying on his table, and turned to face the students. "Since it's close to the holidays, and I'm sure no one is looking forward to extra study load, especially not those sitting OWLs and NEWTs -" Those kids had enough to study, as it was - "Today's lesson will be a review lesson. We’re going to have a quiz that will be part-theoretical, part-practical. This means some questions will require you to cast charms." In the nick of time. "Not all the questions will be worth the same amount of points, and there may be certain restrictions on several of the questions, so make sure you pay attention before answering."
He gave them several moments to digest the information and settle down. "Right, then. Let's start with the basics. First question, for two points and for all the houses... what is a charm?" OOC: Some of the questions may be for Gryffindor/ Hufflepuff/ first years/ etc. ONLY the students these questions are aimed at, should answer them. Other than thaaat... the tone of this lesson be informal-ish, so you RP'ing your charries talking or stuff, in smaaall doses, be fine. No hugging. =p <3 |