Thanks for the comments! I'm rather bored today so I've decide to make another chapter! Not yet to the teaching. This chapter will be Albus focused, but mostly short because its merely an overview of his thoughts. The next chapter will be about the teaching though!
RAVENCLAW.....excuse me?
Albus looked around the Ravenclaw common room. It was mostly blue, but differing shades of blue. He found it very relaxing, all of the blue, but at night the only light was the fire, which reflected across the walls, darkening the colors, which seemed to make it even more relaxing, to Albus at least. He sat on the blue chair. He nearly sank into it, resulting in him grabbing at the arms. He stared at the fire, nearly dozing off.
He wondered about his brothers feelings. Although James always poked fun at Albus, James was vey protective of him. They also had fun layin tricks on people alot, although James did it more than Albus. He had no doubt planned on them having alot of fun at Hogwarts, but the sudden desicion to put him in Ravenclaw slightly ruined that. But now, in time tomorrow they would be helpd by James and the Longbottoms to learn new abilities in magic that first years wouldn't learn until they were fourth years, which amazed him.
__________________________________________________ __________
Albus awok the next morning on his warm bed. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He could hear the creaking of bed springs, no doubt meaning he wasn't the only one awaking. He moved the blue curtains and stepped out, taking his robes out. He was slightly aching, no doubt from that fighting. He looked at his schedule. He had potions with Slytherin, Double Charms with Hufflepuff, DADA with Gryfindor. The classes ended just shy of 7 0'clock. He would have to rush to the seventh floor.
How fun.
The Connection- a Next Generation Fanfic