thanks everyone for the comments! Here is the enxt chapter... along with a little suprise!

The Sorting Hat Strikes Again!
Neville stood in the hallway, watching the students arrive from afar. News had traveled fast of the attack, and he had heard who took the Death Eaters out. He didn't realize how long he had been there- students were starting to come in. He went to the Great Hall and took his seat.
Albus had traversed the lake on a boat, seated with Scorpius, and was now walking into the Great Hall. He was amazed. The candles stood there by magic, the ceiling was no doubt enchanted........ the sight was breathtaking.
Albus walked on, only stopped when he was near the steps. All of the first years were there. Headmistress McGonnagol started calling out names. Albus was slightly scared by that hat.
He looked to the staff where he saw some familiar faces; Hagrid, Neville being cheif of them. He smiled at them, when his name was called. He slihtly sheepishly sat on the stool, and the hat was put on.
"A Potter..... hmmm...... clever, clever, a Slytherin? Hmmmm.... but smart...... very smart.... yes, very brave as well......" The Sorting Hat mused. James sat there, and empty seat next to him. His brother was about to be sorted, no doubt Gryfindor!
"RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted. James fist tightened. He looked murderous... how.... how could this happen..... that... stupid...hat.....
James ate, but there was an anger in his face, although he was laughing and talking much like his brother over at Ravenclaw. They were dismissed, and James made his way to the Gryfindor common room, flanked by Lorcan and Lysander.
"How was he sorted to Ravenclaw?" They asked.
"I don't know! I knew he was smart but honestly....." James went on a rant that lasted five minutes, and he was almost to the common room when interupted by Scorpius.
"Albus, Rose and I were talking," he said. "We think you should teach us more defense against the dark arts.... after all you know more spells than us and these Death Eaters mean battle...." James looked at Scorpius intently.
"Fine with me. Tell everyone to meet on the Seventh Floor near the statue of the Hunchbacked Tree Dweller at 7 O' clock." He said. After all, he didn't want anyone dying because of Death Eaters.