SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
Posts: 31,791
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Quote:
Originally Posted by Herminny Well that was crtainly a suprise. How would a charm like diffindo help with all this water. Well it seemed before long Chloe would find out. For now it was time to answer the question so she raised her hand and responded, "Well difindo is a severing charm that beaks things into parts, but how is that gonna help get rid of all this water. I don't think diffindo can break up tiny elements, can it?". "We're not going to get rid of all the water, Chloe," Jared said, giving the girl a bit of a smile. While it wasn't hard to see why some of the students seemed to have gotten that idea in the beginning, it was surprising to know they hadn't let go of it after hearing what charm they would be learning. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lara_the_Firelady ''Excuse me, professor.'' so he began clearing his throat ''Are you saying that what all those people...'' he indicated the students in the class rather dramatically ''...have been saying so far were not their opinions? I thought anything one might voice about a any topic would be an opinion whatever they are guess, comment, request...whatever. If not then...well...i don't think i understand professor. Hope that won't be a problem for me to figure this class out.'' Jared grinned. "No I'm not, kid. The difference you're missing would be that, while everyone's guesses were opinions, all opinions are not guesses." The Gryffindor's opinion on charm hadn't had much, if anything at all, to do with an actual answer.
And? "If it is, we can work out a time for you to take Remedial Charms."
Moving on. Quote:
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley Wiliam raised his hand. " Will we use the Difindio spell like some sort of Magic trick?" William asked the professor. "We'll use it to split things," Jared said. "Of course, any charm is likely to look like a magic trick to a muggle." Quote:
Originally Posted by Joooosh ''If it is like what people has said it to be then i can confidently say that it is the most useless charm ever. What is the point of casting magic for something i can do with my hands? With your own hands anything you do the result would be more satisfying.'' "Unless you possess a superhuman power I'm not aware of, I believe you can't split this desk into two in under a second with your own hands, Joshua," Jared said, face deadpan and voice neutral. "That's one of the things a Severing Charm can do."
Besides, which - "I didn't ask for an opinion on how useful the charm is. Your essay on why it's not a good idea not to pay attention in class, should be on my desk tomorrow morning. Fourteen inches, at the least." Text Cut: Everyone eeelse <3 Quote:
Originally Posted by RachieRu Oooh. Finn knew the answer to the this. With a grin Finlay raised his hand. Oh. he was pretty proud that he knew the answer, because he was just that cool. "Diffindo is the severing charm. That means that the charm is a spell that cuts something open." Yes. Finlay did know some things. His brain wasn't completly empty. Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity "Well its also called the severing charm so its purpose is essentially...to sever or cut something," he answered lowering his hand. Quote:
Originally Posted by Miss Marilyn "I believe Diffindo is a severing charm, sir..." Quote:
Originally Posted by dragon_star Suddenly, the fourth-year Snake saw a student opening his bag. Open...split...divide...divide! That's it! The word Diffindo means divide. Savannah raised her hand high in the air. "Diffindo tears an object...divides it." Quote:
Originally Posted by Presley Black Presley knew this answer. Her hand shot up. "It is a charm used to sever something," she replied. Like in HOM when they saw that video...ew. Quote:
Originally Posted by Starbreeze "Diffindo is Latin for divide, split, cut, or open." Eino said after raising his hand. Since that was what it meant, that was also probably what it did. "It can be used for... many things, including wounding someone." Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou Alright. Diffindo. The girl raised her hand, once her cheeks started to turn back to the usual pale colour. "It is used to divide something, or to split, cut," he probably got the idea. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "Diffindo, the Severing Charm, is a spell that cuts something open or that separates an object into other parts," Kurumi said with her hand raised and a slight quiver appeared on her lips as she remembered a time at Hogwarts when she had seen this spell in action. "It is a spell used on baby crup's tails..." Yeah, she remembered that lesson very clearly Professor Saylen. Quote:
Originally Posted by MagicGlitter She was annoyed. Diffindo? Well he could have put that on the bulletin board. Why would you need to get wet to cast a diffindo charm? Raising her hand, she answered the question. "The diffindo charm is a severing charm. It can rip or separate an object into pieces." Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul "Diffindio?" Louisa repeated disappointedly and her body went limp on the seat after all the excitement, "Isn't it the explosive charm? Rip things apart in an explosion?" She saw someone perform it and it blew something apart.. she didn't really know if he'd done it correctly or not but she thought it was pretty cool... and cruel. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoom WOOO. One point!  Macy raised a hand. "It's a severing charm. So it cuts things," she answered. Like pineapples, should your ambition be to make a lovely fruit salad... Or if you're just in the mood to demolish some pineapples. Pineapples were tasty, they made her feel all Hawaiian-y. Hawaii would be a cool place to go to. Lots of beaches. And coconuts. They were good too. And don't forget pineapples. Quote:
Originally Posted by sevensnared "It is the severing charm," she has used it before in Herbology class. But what does the severing charm has to do with water? Quote:
Originally Posted by cheeseStrings Janice raised her hand and answered.
"It's to separate things, or break things." Quote:
Originally Posted by vijaya Okay, so they were going to learn about the Diffindo charm. Hmm, why didn't this strike me earlier? Anyways i know about this charm. she thought and then heard professor calling out for another question! "Oh yes i know this" She quickly raised her hand and said "Professor, Diffindo, it is an incantation for the Severing Charm. It can rip, divide and also separate objects from each other. If the spell is not used in the right way it can also cut human flesh" Oh!!!! That is going to be a hard spell to practice. she thought. After she finished saying that she took her hand down. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake Hmm...so nothing to do with water, after all. But what Diffindo was, she knew. Raising her hand once more, hoping to be right this time, Ariadne replied: 'Diffindo is the incantation for the severing charm, used to divide or separate objects into multiple pieces.' The Gryffindor was already excited at the prospect of trying out this Charm. "You're all correct," Jared said, giving the class a collective nod. "Take two points each. Diffindo is the incantation for the Severing Charm, and Latin for 'split' or 'cleave.' The charm splits or divides its target and, depending upon a caster's abilities, it can be one of the weakest or most powerful charms out there. Someone with enough power and concentration could divide this classroom into two without having to say the incantation out loud." "This charm is a historically famous one, and there are a number of recorded instances of famous witches and wizards using - or attempting to use - it. Does anyone know about any of these instances?" OOC: There are plenty of examples of Diffindo being used in both HP canon and SS canon, but please list only one so others can get a chance to mention something new. 
Last edited by Maxilocks; 07-15-2011 at 09:20 AM.