Assistant Marauder | 1/2 of BenSky | Hit Wiz! | Mischief Managed Chapter 13: The First Act
I stood outside of the Gryffindor Common Room wating for Ginny so I could ask her about her 5 dad possibilites...As Ginny came out of the room she showed me the book and said We have a task She sounded like she was in a trance...I opened the book and read Open the Chamber of Secrets...Speak Snake in the Haunted Bathroom... Moaning Murtle's bathroom? I asked. Ginny said I think thats the only haunted one right...It also said earlier the sink with the snake eyes.. I looked over at her and said Okay... Without even comanding myself to I began walking to the haunted bathroom. I said Ginny why dont you do it this time and Ill do it next?? Ginny made a hissing noise, and I jumped as the sinks began to move...She hissed again following his directions...And I scotted back as we looked down to see a gigantic snake moving at the bottom of the hole. I looked up and said Please tell me its not coming up here, Im terrified of Snakes... Ginny said I dont know where its going, why dont we ask Tom? I looked at here with a scared look on my face. She wrote Tom, we opened it, theres a snake at the bottom...Where is it going? I took the quill before he could reply Is there anything we need to do now? Both messages faded and his apperaed Dont worry he only does what I say or you girls say. And who knows it wont hurt you too y... It looked like he was about to write something for there was a y written at the end. It faded and then another apperaed Strangle the roasters... Strangle the roasters, the thought rang in her ears repativealy...I looked over at Ginny feeling like the world would end if I didnt, Lets go... We walked to the Roaster Pen that wasnt to far from the Chickens and the many other animals that Hogwarts held...Ginny and I began chasing after them...Ginny caught the first one, and even though her hands were trembling, she strangled it...But dropped it soon afterwards...After seeing their friend die we were only able to catch one, I had caught it. I had tried with all my might not to do it...But it ended up being killed...We took out the book and wrote We killed 2, its all we could catch, now what? It faded like all ways and another message from him appeared, Get the blood and think about who is the most important person here besides the Headmaster, who keeps this school clean and protected...And figure how you can destroy that person... We looked at eachother until I whispered Mr.Flich... Ginny let out a quiet shriek Mrs.Norris?? I let out a tiny nod, and Ginny started whispering No, No,No, I wont
Then it was like I was no longer controlling my body, I was no longer there. It felt as if I was dead...
I watched as the snake slithered into the hall, then Ginny started to write The chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the Heir beware!.
The last Image I remembered before I awoke screaming was Mrs.Norris laying lifeless on the ground.
__________________ ♕♕ Fire works through my veins into my heart ♕♕  ♕♕ Remember the night’s dancing under the sky♕♕
Last edited by Luna_Midnight; 07-15-2011 at 09:33 PM.