Join Date: Mar 2009 Location: Deep in the <3 of TX
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Everleigh Tris Annesley Fifth Year x9
| Examples of Stage Magic...Relating this to Wizard Magic...Quuestion Five *RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel* SPOILER!!: Wow, I had never even heard of some these crazy tricks...thank you everyone for sharing...some of these are crazy and I had to look up videos to see what you were talking about...some are even kind of freaky/scary... Quote:
Originally Posted by Imsosikk07 Elektra knew a lot about David Copperfield. You could call her a magician nerd for David Copperfield and Harry Houdini. As she watched the video, her eyes lit up and she smiled. "Woah..." she said softly to herself. When the video was over she heard the professor's question and Elektra thought for a moment and then she raised her hand. "I remember watching this man he- he was doing something on a stage and then out of nowhere this woman went through his body. I swear I have never seen anything like it before. I still can't explain how he did it, but everytime I think about I feel like I'm going to throw up." She shudders remembering it and then sits back in her seat. Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Louisa's eyes stared at the screen 'wow'ing and 'oh'ing at the right places. When the professor explained and asked for an example, she had to think for a moment before raising her hand, "I saw David Copperfield doing a huge stunt on stage." It was on tv really but people were at the theater so.. ".. he gets into a big bag with a camera inside, locked with small locks and chains.." she paused wondering whether or not to explain what a camera was. Meh. That video they'd just seen was made by a camera, no? ".. then the assistant hangs the bag over a big plate of sharp knives. A timer goes on and David has to get out of the locks in a minute before the bag opens and he falls to his doom" She stood up so absorbed into her story, " And when there's about five seconds left, he shouts help and claims that there is something wrong with his locks but they have no time for any adjustments so.." She lowers her voice for dramatic effects, ".. BAM! The bag opens and something falls on top of the knives and people shout!" Another dramatic pause. She moved her gaze around the stage-class to see if her classmates were impressed or not. Then, "But suddenly he comes from behind the audience intact." She grinned as if talking about one of HER tricks. "I never knew how he does that. But it's pretty cool." She nodded before sitting back down. Quote:
Originally Posted by MagicGlitter Ariella's hand shot up into the air. "Well, one time I was walking around London doing some shopping. And I saw this street magician who disappeared a car right in front of everyone's eyes. It was quite strange.....but I'm pretty sure I know how he did it." Well that sounded kind of stupid. Why would anyone care how a muggle disappeared a car using fake magic? Quote:
Originally Posted by city_girl_95 Amy put up her hand. She loved this lesson. I don't know if this would count professor, but, she continued, I saw on telly. Yes, telly, get over it, a guy called Derren Brown, and it was really weird because he did some sort of trick through the telly and this was 100% genuine, when he said that "you can't get up", I genuinley couldn't get up. She had been awed. Awed and creeped out. So would that be magic, or just forcing an idea into someone's head so they believe it, like the opposite of subliminal messaging?
But of course you have the box twirl so like someone goes in the box and then the box is turned around and they aren't there anymore and they re turn it and they're back Quote:
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn Aurora raised her hand. "I guess you could vanish stuff, or make stuff look like it's blowing up or something." she said. She wasn't sure why you'd want to... Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina rose her hand and said interested, "Well this one time I saw a Magician pull a hanky out of his wand and the more her pulled the more hankys were attached to the end of the previous one. Until, at the end of the trick, all of the clothes streamed together spelled vanish. And when he dropped it to the floor it vanished right in front of everyone's eyes." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley William raised his han d. " The most famous Escape Artist had a great Stage Magic trick" William told the professor. " His name was Harry Houdini" William said to the professor.It is called "The OverBoard Box Escape" William smiled. " Houdiniwould be locked in a create while he had leg irons and handcuffs on his hands,the crate was nailed shut, everyone could see him because of a Mahogony box that was a seeable, the crate was two hundred pounds and was lowered into water" William explained to the professor. " Waot, there is more, William added for dramatic effect, Houdini escaped in less than two minutees with the mannacles still inside the crate, hw did this trick in his shows, but he did it also in New York in one of the city's waterways." Willaim finished explaining his example to the professor. Quote:
Originally Posted by Fred is awesome Rose raised her hand. 'There were two men, and they locked one of them, forced to wear a tutu, in the box, and the first man opens the box and a lady comes out and she's got the tutu on, and then the man in the box comes out from the top of the stairs!' Rose grinned remembering her watching this on T.V. in her house. Quote:
Originally Posted by aidan Audrey raised her hand again. She was a huge Criss Angel fan. "Criss Angel broke a world record in 2010 when he had 100 people handcuffed together by their feet and arms, and in front of a raised stage with a live audience made all 100 of them vanish." Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Nika stood up and clapped for the magician in the video. The whole statue of liberty! That was amazing! Then the next question and Nika began to wave her arm around again. "Once when I was watching this magic show thing on TV and the magician levitated a car!" Did that count as stage magic?..... She beamed as she looked at her professor. This class is awesome! Quote:
Originally Posted by Kimalia Kimalia raised her eyebrow at the disappearance being performed, it was impressive how easily fooled but yet intelligent one muggle magician had to be to fool regular muggles. "There is plenty of stage disappearances, not as great as making a whole monument disappear, but making animals, humans disappear." Kimalia had an idea in her head formed, what if they secretly were muggle-born wizards who confunded the audience. "Professor, what about those muggles who hypnotize people, isn't that some form of muggle magic as well, or are they just secretly using the Imperius curse?" Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou Helena watched the whole video with that muggle magic or whatever it was, but she felt kind of... bored. Seriously. What did that man do? Just vanish the Statue of Liberty. Hehe. And... what if there were some superheroes behind that curtain that moved the statue and then brought it back? All he did was wave his hands at a curtain. Yup. Definitely not impressing.
As for professor Cerulean's question... Helena had no idea. She had heard about those smaller tricks, but these kind... nahh. Quote:
Originally Posted by PandaGirl Stage magic? Now what did her cousin show her that is stage magic? She racked her brains for a solid answer; it had been a long time since she had been told by some of these stuff and Heather tends to be forgetful.
What was that trick called again that she was told was stage magic? Something to do with levitating...levitating...and then disappearing, seeing as it seems, the approach to know stage magic was about disappearing. But she was aware of its difference from the platform magic kind, or so she thought.
going back to that one had a weird name for starters-if only she could remember the day her cousin had showed her that video on his...what was it? a computer; no, it was a laptop. Oh chocohips! It was a muggle gadget, that's what it is. AH! Got it! That trick really blew her mind when she saw it. "Professor." she raised her hand. "uhm...i'm not quite sure, but i really think this would pass up as stage magic...there's this one trick...i think it's called the 'Asrah Levitation'." well, she wasn't sure if it really was the Asrah-whatever the asrah means. "It's performed by..uhm...oh, , by hypnotizing the assistant to lie down on a table, i think...and draped with white cloth and slowly lifted as if the person underneath is really levitating...and once the hypnotized person is put back down on the table, he or she suddenly disappears underneath the cloth." she answered with a very nervous smile. WEll, to be perfectly honest, she wasn't quite sure if it is stage magic or not, no matter how much she can trust her source-which is her memory and her visit to her cousins. Quote:
Originally Posted by Starbreeze "There's a Finnish magician called Simo Aalto who conjures birds!" Eino said with his hand raised. "I saw him in the light box when I was little. My mom said he wasn't a real wizard, but I still think he is." He added the lowered his hand. He didn't understand how someone could conjure birds from a purse but not be a real wizard. It was the same thing as their magic, except that Simo Aalto didn't use a wand. Other than that he didn't know any other muggle magic. Quote:
Originally Posted by emmafan123 Alfie listened to Professor Cerulean with thoughtful interest on her expression, one hand resting delicately beneath her chin as her large blue eyes took in the lesson. It was definitely an interesting topic, and the girl didn't miss the hint as the HOM Professor suggested that maybe each form of magic had influenced one another in the past. Wow. It was really strange to think of some point in the past in which muggle magic and wizard magic were similar to one another, to the point of influencing each other in one way or another. During the video, Alfie watched with curiosity on her expression, listening as the Professor explained what kind of trick this was and how it was the largest thing to ever disappear in history.
As she asked the class for more examples, the blonde thought for a moment, trying to fully understand what this type of magic was. Just...making large things disappear? Unfortunately, the girl couldn't remember ever experiencing or even hearing very much about this kind of magic trick. So she remained silent, watching the room thoughtfully as she waited for someone else to raise their hand and suggest something. Quote:
Originally Posted by elllla_Wtwins Thea simply blinked. She had never really seen any magic tricks. Well.. apart from her FAther and brothers etc when she was little but that was well.. real magic wasn't it?
Leaning forward, she rested her chin on her hands. Meh.
Gemma smiled and shook her head with every answer and the chalk board behind her kept a list of the magic examples.
She smiled at the list very impressed with all of the examples given. She hadn't even heard of all of them and had to admit that she was excited to do some research on the ones that were new to her. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "But...Professor, are we really sure that all these magicians that performed these amazing tricks were really non-magical? Couldn't they have been witches or wizards just trying to live among the non-magical population?" After all, magicians never revealed their tricks and some of the people mentioned, especially Crisis Angel, could very well be real wizards. "Karumi, you do bring up a great point. Like I mentioned before when I spoke about Criss Angel....sometimes Muggle Magicians start getting too talented and too much attention and the Ministry will place someone undercover within their entorouage to check everything out." she paused and then continued, "But to my knowledge none of the more recent Muggle Magicians have turned out to be truly wizards. If they had they would've had a public trial for breaking the Secrecy Act....but there are many that say that Houdini, whom is one of the most famous Muggle Magicians, was truly a wizard, but that was before the Ministry did undercover kind of makes you think." she said with a little nod up and down. "And as many of you have shared with your examples...magic tricks sometimes don't just fall into one category from the board...they can be a combination of the different categories..." she said acknowledging some of the answers that could be in more than one column. Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
She raised her hand. "I've never seen anyone perform it as just a trick, but that's like our Evanesco," she said, bringing up the spell witches and wizards use to make things disappear. "Just like that other man performed a trick similar to Diffindo." She shrugged. She had no idea about any Muggle magic tricks that would relate to what they'd just seen. The professor was excited to see the Slythie actually seeming to find a little bit of interest in the lesson since the last two times she hadn't' really seemed interested too much. She beamed at the young girl, "Once again you bring up two great points about the tricks being very similar to our incantations....points for Slythie..." she paused and then glanced out at all the other students and then continued...this was the perfect introduction to her next question.
"Like Sierra has pointed out that some of the magic tricks that the muggles take part in remind her of a few of our common and some of our not so common incantations." she let that sink in for a few seconds as the walked over the last table and flicked her wand. On the table were about fifteen moving picture frames. Inside each picture frame a movie of a stage magic trick was playing.
"There had to be a point in both the Muggle histories and Wizard histories where each form of magic had to be influenced by the other. It's very interesting to think that at some point in the past both forms of magic were similar to one another, to the point of influencing each other in one way or another. it almost makes you think where they got the idea from or where we got the idea from...maybe each of magics was influenced by the other sometime in the past... " she realized that she was kind of rambling and then focused back in on her ultimate point....the next question.
"Let's take a look at our list of magical tricks that everyone has shared..." she turned towards the board and reviewed it quickly.
She turned back towards the students, "So looking at that list and thinking about the three incantations that Sierra has mentioned, can you think of some other incantations or charms that relate to the Magic Tricks we've listed?" OOC: I'll give you a couple of hours to come up with some answers. Please remember to raise your hand and try not to repeat answers...o and ONLY ONE ANSWER PER PERSON PLEASE... . No chatting remember Gemma is watching you!!!
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