Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Mooch Sammy :] Amy sat in Sammy’s room, reading her Sims 3 manual, she flicked through it, looking for the pictures, waiting for Sammy to finish so they could go to Diagon Alley. “Why did you pay £10 for this? It’s rubbish” “Oi!” Sammy snapped from the bathroom “I’m just saying, it’s dumb” She shrugged, watching Sammy walk through the door “It’s not dumb, it’s great”
“It’s not though, it’s not even realistic”
“Excuse me?”
“Well, whats a Mooch?”
“This is” Sammy said throwing her pillow into Amy’s face, Amy rolled her eyes and chucked the manual at her "Can we go now?" |