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Old 07-08-2011, 03:24 PM   #126 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Tris Annesley
Fifth Year
Default Examples of Platform Magic...Intro to Stage Magic...Question 4
*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*

SPOILER!!: Great examples!!! Some of these I had never heard of or even though about.

Originally Posted by city_girl_95 View Post
OOOH TELLY TIME. Yes the muggle in her was deffinatley fascianted by watching telly. Very. She watched it in awe. Like serious awe. It was amazing and stuff but Amy had seen one a few months ago on telly. And Darren Brown was scarier. Amy breathed a sigh of relief when everyone survived the trick and the telly went up.

Oh. Bye bye telly *cry*

Amy put her hand up, and then back down, she wasn't sure if what she was about to say was magic but it was BLOODY brilliant. And scary. And could go wrong. Houdinni was proof of that. Yes. Amy nodded to herself as she noted down the stuff on the board before putting up her own hand, professor what about the one where people are like chained up in bags and stuff and have to escape in like 30 seconds or they die. OR the one where-

No. Amy couldn't remember.

It was the one with water. And swapping. But that was all she could remember
Originally Posted by PandaGirl View Post
Once more, Heather timidly raised her hand. Really. She was getting used to having to participate more by reciting and this made her feel really good...of course, even better when the professor agrees or says she said the correct answer. Praise is good for the soul at times. "Uhm...there was this trick called 'ZigZag girl'." Now how did Heather know of that? Of course she knew. For a brief background check, her 'muggle' cousins were fanatics of muggle magic tricks; the second of three cousins being the most inclined to performing such at family functions (only the basic things, he would add.) She remembered him telling her various things about muggle magic tricks, one to which he would usually tell to either scare her off or to see the glimmer of amazement in her eyes.

She tried to remember what her cousin told her about the magic trick called 'ZigZag Girl'. It was strongly the same as of the one the professor just showed. The video she just made them watch made her a bit sick though; wizard and witch magic were a lot safer and friendlier (depending on how it is used.) but muggles....they're just plain crazy, edging on to the extremes as if they already have a death wish. Seriously. Sawing a man in half...and seeing that he's still moving is quite...disturbing.

How do they even do that?

"The trick called ZigZag girl is similar to" Heather tried not to think too much about it; in any case, it made her so sick she wanted to throw up, but she remained calm. "I think it goes something like...the magician's assistant is placed inside a box...and the assistant is...cut...into three parts and the middle part is slid apart from the upper and lower part so that the box gives a look of a zigzag." Ugh.cutting people in half-CRAZY. And if that wasn't horrible enough... "and the magician calls on an touch the assistant inside, sort of like to prove it's real, when it's not and is just an illusion" sick, just sick.

She could really feel herself getting sicker every second as she thought about it. In fact, whatever she ate before class started was really attempting to go up and make her throw up. No way. not during class.

Originally Posted by hjhm View Post
So this is where most purebloods don't answer much right? Jonathan knew about muggles and their magic tricks and stuffs like that but Jonathan has never seen any of those in real life. He has grew up and lived his whole life in the wizarding world. His parents, although have come across many muggles.... but apparently not him.

As the professor kept asking questions, if they could give examples about close up magic tricks or platform magic, Jonathan just sat there not knowing whether to answer or not. Although, he still takes notes of everything the professor writes on the board.

Jonathan watched as the professor played the really wicked and at the same time odd muggle magic trick. "What the bloody---" he frowned.

Did they? How could they? Uhm... Why?
Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn View Post
Aurora raised her hand. "There was that muggle who stayed in a thing of ice for hours... but he might have just been insane..." she said. But then again, most muggle 'magicians' were probably insane anyway...
Originally Posted by sevensnared View Post
Aiden listens carefully to other answers. Next, she stares blankly at her laps and thinks for a while. Suddenly, she recalls a muggle magic trick that she had heard of and decides to tell about it. "There is a trick that I have heard of. The "magician"'s assistant gets into a box. Then, the magician will pierce multiple swords from every area of the box. Finally, the assistant comes out unharmed." Aiden wonders what are the tricks behind it. From what she knows, it is impossible to survive that kind of acts.
Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill View Post
Gwen listened to the others talk, while she tried thinking of an example. From where could I know this? I've never seen a muggle magic show... What example?Hmmm..., she continued thinking, but nothing came to her mind.

'Maybe...Um... I think there is something called... 'The Miser's Dream'. That's a trick where a seemingly endless supply of coins is produced from thin air' I guess... But- from where do I know this??!?
Originally Posted by aidan View Post
Audrey had been soaking this all in. She raised her hand. "I have also heard of Criss Angel. He can cause the illusion of going through a window without breaking the glass. He puts a sheet of paper in front of the wind and slowly goes through the window and paper. The paper rips but the window is not damaged in any way."
Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
Ness thought for a while again, she then remembered the show she had once been too, there was amazing things the magician had done that day, like he brought somone from the audience, made her draw something, and then without looking at alll he drew the exact same thing, but there was something much better on Nessies mind to tell the class. She raised her hand and waited her turn."Well proffessor many magicians, get a volounteer to come up, and then the magician will hypnotise them and make them do silly things, and then when he wakes them they remember nothing." said Ness hoping what she said as an example was after all platform magic. She listened to the others and then the Proffessor, for the next question.
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
Now platform magic?

As far as Helena knew, THIS was something completely fake. Or at least most of the things. "How about those people who make their heatbeats slower, and they stay under water, some in chains, for minutes?" Pretty lame, in her opinion. "Or maybe they use a Bubble-head charm."

Yup. That was the trick. Busteeeeed!
Originally Posted by Starbreeze View Post
Ooooh, van-tree-low-key-zoom. Wizards should really adopt that same type of magic, it was very interesting and it could be useful. You know, if you're lonely you can always talk to the doll. Eino would look into it. He knew a spell that would animate inanimate objects but he had never heard of one that makes them talk.

He didn't really know much about muggle magic, and he had never gone to a magic show. All of the things he knew about magic came from the light box he had when he was ten, but his parents got rid of it when he almost electrified himself to death by trying to give it a bath. He raised his hand. "I've seen a man put a woman in a cage, then he throws a cloth over her, and when he removes the cloth she has been transfigured into a tiger!" Was that platform magic? Well, it was performed on a platform, so why wouldn't it be.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Nima let out a small giggle when she heard Sierra's "answer". That magician in the video definitely didn't diffindo anything! It was magic, the awesome muggle kind that everyone made fun of earlier. Bet they don't think it's so "stupid" now. She then bounced up and down raising her hand to answer. "Well I saw this one magician once and he layed down on a bed of pins and then when he got up he was scratch free!" She wanted to try, but her mother had held her back. "I even touched the pins to see if they were sharp and they were just like any regular pins!"

Originally Posted by MagicGlitter View Post
Ariella raised her hand. "I remember reading something about a muggle magician known for his platform magic. His name was Harry Houdini, and he was famous for his disappearing acts. One of his acts included him in a milk can filled with water. He escaped by secretly climbing behind the curtain." She restrained herself from yawning. Learning about muggle magic made her bored. It was clearly not real and not interesting at all.
Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
William raised his hand. " There is the " Indian Rope Trick" Willaim told the professor. " There are three versions of this trick" Willaim said to the professor. " I like this version- The magician hurls a rope into the air, then the assistant climbs the rope,disappears and then he re-apperrs on the ground with rope in same place" Willaim explained to the professor.
Originally Posted by top94a View Post
Raven even raise from muggle environment, still amaze from all of this, He do magic legally at least in school, but those magician in muggle having hi-speed-hand is amazing, maybe he called it talent anyways.

he shot his hand in the air before saying "Usually those so called magician is always, yes always, have an assistant for example trowing knives in a spinning wheel, it illusion, because the hidden, yes hidden, assistant place the knives on the wheel by, what they called, by some of them a reverse pushing" whew that long.
Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
Tiberius smiled, remembering a show that his mother took him to. It was... a well-intentioned effort to bond with him over magic.

Raising his hand, he offered what had been one of his favorite tricks as a younger boy. "there's a trick where the magician puts someone in a box, twists it around a couple of times and then opens it again... To reveal that the volunteer has vanished."
Originally Posted by emmafan123 View Post
Alfie watched the video with pure interest on her expression, knowing all the while that it was some form of illusion, but not exactly sure of how it happened. It was certainly interesting to watch, that was for sure. As the Professor asked for other examples of Platform magic, the blonde thought for a moment, trying her best to come up with something similar. She raised her hand thoughtfully, "I think I've seen another trick where the magician is put in a locked box, with their hands locked by handcuffs or something of the sort. Then they have to escape one way or another, but I'm not sure if that would be considered a Platform trick," she finished softly.
Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
Kimalia didn't answer the last question seeing as she had already given her two examples during the first question when she asked for the difference between wizard and muggle magic. Kimalia raised her hand for another idea that popped into her head, "Well, this isn't necessarily a huge removable item, there's the missing coin trick where they will make it 'disappear' then have it reappear from behind another person's ear." Kimalia wondered whether Squibs have to resort to these type of tricks in order to try proving themselves to wizards. "Another trick I can think of is where one person will shoot a gun and the other person will catch the bullet in their teeth, which is something not recommended for any muggle to try without knowing the mechanics behind it."
Originally Posted by i-am-thorr View Post
SPOILER!!: Close-up Magic answer
"Well, through my short lived dream of becoming a magician when I was younger, I witnessed lots of Close-up Magic," Rebecca started raising her hand. "The most popular being pulling a rabbit out of a hat. A few of others include turning milk into flowers, the 'disappearing' egg, the 'disappearing' coin, and card tricks." She was sure those were correct. And if they weren't, she could look through her magic trick book that she always carries with her, just in case the time should arise that she would need to ask a professor about anything inside the book.

"I once saw this video of this 'mind freak' named Cris Angel," Rebecca started. "And in the video, Cris Angel laid on broken glass and then had a cement roller roll over him. In the end, he survived. With no broken bones or anything. So would that be an example of platform magic?" She wasn't too sure if that counted, but if it didn't it would bring up a good discussion topic.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Oh, great. This was why Sierra hated Muggle Studies class. They were always asked to provide suggestions on Muggle things she'd never experienced before. The only Close Up Magic tricks she'd ever heard of were the ones the professor just explained.

She raised her hand. "Professor, I'm a pureblood witch. I've never..." She trailed off. She hated admitting failure, and that's what she saw this as.

"Eww," Sierra whispered to herself. She eyed the rest of the video with disgust. "They just diffindo'ed that man..." Again, she rolled her eyes. She had very, very little experiences with Muggles and their way of living, so how was she meant to provide an answer to this? She raised her hand again. "Okay, so, I don't know any platform magic. I'm a pureblood witch, and I've just never had many experiences with the Muggle way of doing things," she said. "...but, umm, yeah. They just diffindo'ed that man..."

Or, at least, that's what it looked like to her.
Gemma smiled at the girl. "Sierra, you are doing just fine. That's why I'm introducing this kind of stuff to you all so you can have an idea that it's out worries..." she said with a little nod up and down and then got excited when the girl had seen the magic in the trick, "You are does look like he diffindo'ed him...but nope it was an illusion...many of these tricks resemble one of our almost makes you think where they got the idea from or where we got the idea from...maybe each of magics was influenced by the other sometime in the past. " she beamed at the Slythie's realization. She was hoping someone would see a link.

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Simon raised his hand. "Professor how about spending a month in a box without coming out?" Simon had no idea if that was magic or not but it was pretty cool.
The professor smiled at the boy, "Well, I'm not really sure if that counts as magic...I think that just counts as wanting attention. I mean most of the time those kind of people have someone else lock them in the box and then they try to escape or really do anything amazing while in the box..."


She flicked her wand and again the list on the board was updated.

SPOILER!!: Examples of Platform Magic

"I believe someone mentioned Criss Angel...." she nodded towards the two students that had brought him up and with a flick of her wand an almost see-through picture of the man appeared at the end of the stage. It looked as if you could stick your hand through it but it was still thick enough for you to see the picture.

SPOILER!!: Criss Angel

"Thank you for mentioning him...Criss Angel was a pioneer in platform magic. He was always pushing the boundaries of illusion and even had a show on the Muggle's Las Vegas Strip for a while. I have a few videos of some of his tricks as well if you are interested..." she paused and then continued, "He was so talented that the Ministry issued a wizard work in his entourage to make sure that he wasn't a wizard using magic inappropriately or breaking the Secrecy Act...after a long investigation it was discovered that he was truly one of the most talented Platform Magicians."

She flicked her wand and the purple curtain disappear off of the table. On the table were smaller versions of many of the props needed for the tricks mentioned. Each of these props she had shrunk down with a charm so the students could see them. There were swords, and boxes, and straight jackets, and long chains with locks on them, and a water chamber, etc.

The professor flicked her wand again and the screen appeared again at the front of the stage. "Our last type of Muggle Magic Tricks, which is very tricky, is called stage magic. Such performances are done quite rarely but when performed, they can become one great magic extravaganza. Such type includes making the statue of liberty disappear or walking through the Great Wall of China. " she flicked the lights off and as the video started explained, "This trick is in the Muggle Guiness Book of World Records for being the largest item to ever is pretty amazing and is performed by the most talented Stage Magician, David Copperfield."

Video Link:
Vanishing the Statue of Liberty...pretty cool...ignore the corny music...haha...we'll just pretend that when Gemma showed it there was WAY cooler music...

After the video ended the screen once again disappeared, "Has anyone seen someone perform this type of magic trick before? Or can anyone give me another example of some amazing Stage Magic?"

OOC: I'll give you a couple of hours to come up with some answers. Please remember to raise your hand and try not to repeat answers...o and ONLY ONE ANSWER PER PERSON PLEASE... . No chatting remember Gemma is watching you!!!

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