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Old 07-07-2011, 05:50 PM   #89 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Everleigh Tris Annesley
Fifth Year
Default Replies and explanation of Muggle Magic Type #1
*RabidRavenclaw*Nymphadora!*BritneySpearsFanatic* *Eclectic*ZetaTauAlphaPrincess*TexasAngel*

SPOILER!!: Replies to everyone...this takes a little bit but I know when I was a student I liked the professor acknowledging my answer

Originally Posted by Harry174 View Post
Simon looked at the Professor and smiled as he thought about how easy the Question was. "Muggle magic is perform by muggles whilst Wizard/Witch Magic are perform by Wizard and Witches." Simon hoped all question would be as easy as this.
Gemma smiled at one of her fave students, "Yes Simon! You state the obvious but it is an important obvious statement!"

Originally Posted by Presley Black View Post
Presley wanted to give an original answer, but all around her people were saying what she planned to say. Tentatively she raised her hand. "Muggle magic is for show. Wizard magic is useful. Most of the time." There. She hadn't heard anyone say that one yet, they might have, but with all the chaos, Presley hadn't heard it at least. "But I think Houdini was for real." she voiced her long-ago formed suspicions that the famous muggle escapist was really a wizard.
The professor's face lit up, "Excellent points Presley!!! Yes you are completely correct..." she paused and listened to her next statement, "There are those in the wizarding community that believe that Houdini was a wizard, but there is no real evidence of that..." she said with a little nod up and down.

Originally Posted by Fred is awesome View Post
Rose raised her hand. Living with Muggles made it easy for her to know the answer. She could even do some Muggle Magic Tricks! 'The difference between Wizard and Mugglee tricks is that in the Wizarding World, it is actually magic, and we know a spell for it! It's easy to do. Muggle Magic is based on illusion, none of it is real, but it looks real! It requires skill and sneakiness!' Rose told the Professor. Eh, it sounded good!
"Yes, I like your description of Muggle Magic!!! Great...Illusion and skill, and SNEAKINESS!!" she said with an approving nod.

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
Tiberius frowned as he heard what he perceived to be disparaging remarks about muggle magic. He blamed the use of the same word for both disciplines, which seemed to mean that muggle magic was inferior.

Raising his hand, he offered a perspective. "It's a shame it's the same word for both, because they really are very different. Muggle magic relies on slight of hand, perception, and manipulation of elements consistent with muggle laws of physics, chemistry, and a bit of showmanship. Our magic, on the other hand, manipulates matter in ways that muggle science doesn't comprehend. Both are every bit as real as the other, but they're really very different disciplines. I'd hazard to guess that many of us could not manage muggle magics without the use of our own.
"O you bring up an excellent point Tiberius!!!" she paused and then continued, "Yes Muggle Magic really should just be called Magic Tricks and it does truly take a very good amount of talent to accomplish. As you may find out today, it's not as easy at it looks and some tricks take lots of practice to perform..." she explained to everyone.

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Swallowing the last of her cookies, and straightening herself up in her seat Louisa raised her hand, "I wouldn't say that muggles do magic. They're better called tricks. They usually use it for fun and entertainment. Those tricks most likely follow the rules of Physics and other mundane science like gravity, matter, etc." There. A nice and simple answer.
Gemma shook her head at the girl, "You are absolutely correct...especially about the tricks part..."

Originally Posted by fanficfanatict View Post
Selina was about to retort to what Violet said when suddenly the lights shut out and two spotlights flashed on the stage. In one was her History of Magic Professor, the other was empty... where was he? She knew that Muggle Studies was supposed to be joined in on this lesson. But alas she did not see her Professor. She shook it off quickly and listened to the first question. It was one that she knew the answer to without even thinking. Her cousin Collin had been doing Muggle Magic tricks for as long as she could remember. Her hand shot in the air and she answered, "Well ma'am, Muggle Magic is an illusion. These people called Magicians put on this shows where they trick the audience into thinking they are doing something fantastical. While Wizard Magic is a certain person with special abilities gift to be able to channel magic through their body and create effects based on that gift. Its usually channeled through a wand."
The young professor smiled at the young girl's answer, "Yes great points!!! but remember that some Muggle Magicians use a type of instrument they call a's not the same as our wands though of course..."

Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
Ness had taken a seat and was bussy nibbling on a cookie, when Proffessor Cerulean started her performances. Ness thought the room looked absoloutley amazing like it always did for History of Magic. Ness watched in excitement as the Proffessor did her tricks. She then put up her hand waited her turn, then replied to the Proffessor's question."Proffessor the difference is that muggle magic isn't proper magic, its all just a bunch of tricks, which look like magic, and wizard magic is proper and real magic that can only be performed by wizards, where as muggle magic can be performed by anyone." ness was sure she was right, so she carried on nibbling on her cookie as she waited for the proffessor to reply back to the students.
"Very good points, but remember that some magical creatures can perform a type of magic similar to ours..." she said with a little nod up and down.

Originally Posted by PandaGirl View Post
Oh. A question she can answer...she thought. Heather gathered her courage and raised her hand to give an answer. Didn't she read about this somewhere?

"Uhm...well...muggle magic......well, it v-varies. There's stage and paranormal ones. But no matter what, t-they rely more on tricking the mind via illusions, not cast, but made or thought well of." yeah, reference as to how many cunning little secret tricks they can do. "..Muggle deals more on intellectual and cunning trickery in order to be performed. The tricks are kept in pure secrecy because.." she continued, hearing her heartbeat getting really fast. "to is considered an art and when someone else knows about the loses its essence...thus muggle magic focuses more on being the mysterious. I think it has something to do with muggles being fascinated with something they don't know..." at this, she got another idea. It's worth a shot voicing it out, at least Heather's gathered courage to talk and be less shy now. "It's just a theory...b-but...would it be possible that muggle magic is just there to appease and entertain? because...basically, they just fascinate people; they really don't do much."
"Great great points...yes most magic in the Muggle world is just an entertainment....or almost a job for these muggles..." she said shaking her head in agreement the whole time the young girl was talking.

Originally Posted by Quick Quotes Quill View Post
‘Muggle magic is just… about making tricks’, Gwen said after having her hand raised. Realizing that her answer was kind of simple, the ravvie decided to add something. ‘Muggles sometimes use technology to help them do the tricks, eh… or things like… electricity. Wizards don't use electricity for a very good reason –we don't need it, in fact we don't need muggle technology at all. Modern muggle technology is a poor substitute for magic.’, she said after a short break.
Gemma smiled at the girl, "You are correct...many of the newer tricks do require a lot of technology to help with the tricks..." she paused and listened to the last statement, "I don't think technology can be considered a poor substitute for magic...the muggles have created a number of amazing things that our world hasn't found a match to yet. " she said trying to get the girl to weight both sides of the story.

Originally Posted by city_girl_95 View Post
Amy put her hand up Muggle magic is all about trick of the eye and slight of hand whereas magic magic is all real, there is no slight of hand or anything like that. Yeah that was a bit of a crap answer, but still
Gemma nodded her head at the girl's answer.

Originally Posted by AuroraQuinn View Post
Aurora pulled a face, muggle magic? A useless spectacle to amuse the simple minded. Except card tricks. They were pretty cool, lots of logic in those.
"Muggle magic" she said with a sneer. "Is fake trickery, isn't useful and doesn't achieve anything in the end. Real magic helps with everyday life and has become necessary to us. And it's permanent where muggle illusions are destroyed the moment the magician stops performing." she said, taking a bite out of her cookie. "But I like your outfit Professor." she added.
Gemma tried not to let her eyebrow cock at the girl's answer....she was not a negative supporter, "Well you are correct that it is fake trickery and that it is destroyed as soon as the magician stops it...great points..." she smiled at the mention of her outfit, "Thank you so much Aurora, it's a little over the top but it would've matched Zookara's..." she said with a tsk, tsk tone towards the empty spot light.

Originally Posted by sevensnared View Post
At the back of the class, Aiden is still munching the cookies. She tried to finish it as soon as possible. "Muggle's so-called-magic does not need magical abilities to make them happen. Those muggle "magicians" use illusions to trick their spectators," cunning indeed, those muggles are. Perhaps they might make good Slytherins too. If they happen to be muggle-borns. "As for wizard magic, well," slackingly holding her wand, she mutters an incantation. "Orchideous," a bouquet of flowers is conjured from Aiden's wand as she continues to talk. "Our magic have actual powers to make things happen unnaturally."
"Well, it depends on what you consider magical the Muggle world being able to perform these tricks is a 'magical ability..." she said with a smile, "And there is a magic trick that allows you to 'conjure' flowers just as you just did...good answer" she said encouragingly.

Originally Posted by RobinBoyWonder View Post
*blink blink*

Aaron grew up in a muggle neighborhood, so he had seen plenty of magic shows. But after a triwizard tournament... Hogwarts flooded... and 7 years of Quidditch... Muggle magic doesn't really compete.

Except card tricks. I don't know how the HECK they do that!!!!!

Aaron raised his hand, "Well, professor," In the goofy outfit, "Muggles.... are muggles... They can't do our 'magic.' So their "magic" is deception and sleight of hand."
"You are correct Aaron!" she said with a smile towards the Slythie.

Originally Posted by top94a View Post
Difference between Wizard magic and Muggle Magic, Raven thought

Raven raised his hand. "I think muggle magic is just a trick, not real magic, we can tell it fake, by our magic, we produce real one, they use equipment and props to cover their tricks, while we use only a wand in open" Raven long opinion, muggle can't do magic they're pretending
"Great points Raven." the young professor said with a smile.

Originally Posted by Orla View Post
Luna raised her hand ''Well muggle magic is fake they're tricks but wizard or witch'es magic is real you're actully doing magic'' said Luna
"Short and simple and correct..." she said with a smile.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Was it a good thing Ellie's hands were too busy with cookies to draw her wand? For the Professor, probably, because as soon as the lights went out, the girl wanted to unholster and light it. Fortunately, it didn't take too long to realize the lights were meant to go out.

She watched, for the most part unimpressed, as Cerulean appeared and did...something odd with rings, dressed most ridiculously. The girl was mainly content she had food. Upon walking in, she wasn't sure what to expect as food, which had become such a staple in Ellie's History of Magic career, was missing last class. But, no, she had it now, and she was content.

Pfffft. What a simple question. "One's real, one's not." Obviously. It wasn't like muggles could do real magic. That was why they were called 'muggles' and not 'witches' or 'wizards'. Pffft.
Gemma tried not to giggle at the girl's answer, "Yes you are correct, very short and simple explanation and answer..."

Originally Posted by Starbreeze View Post
The only type of muggle magic Eino knew was that thing they called Teh-Kee-Nu-Low-Gee, but even that he didn't know very much about. He raised his hand. "Muggle magic is very loud and it produces smoke." Of course, Eino was thinking of the ever so frightening muggle transportation vehicles, especially those Eir-Plumes. "They also don't use a wand." He added. At least, he had never seen a muggle use a wand before. They usually used keys to active the magic teh-kee-nu-low-gee. "Muggle magic is very complicated and there's always an explanation for it, while our magic is just magic..." After that he lowered his hand and wrote down other studebts' answers.
"Great points Eino!" she said with a friendly wink, "But remember that some magicians do use what they call a's not at all like our wand, but they do utilize's more a prop though..."

Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
Hmmm there was no professor Zookara?

But anyway. Wizard magic and muggle magic? "Muggle magic is just... tricks and maybe optical illusions. Nothing real," Helena said with her hand in the air. The wizard magic was the real one. Hehe.
Gemma nodded in approval, "Correct!"

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post

Yup, she should've stayed in bed.

Glancing around as people answered, Evelyn sighed before raising her own hand. She knew what the REAL difference was. "Muggles look stupid while doing their fake tricks, while we're totally awesome with ours." Putting down her hand, the Slytherin was quite smug with her answer.
Gemma cocked her left eyebrow up, "I have to admit that I have seen some pretty amazing Magic Tricks performed that have left me guessing..and trust me the thought that they looked stupid never passed through my brain..." she said with a plain voice....she would never understand why some students didn't see positive things in everything.

Originally Posted by emmafan123 View Post
Alfie was just about to answer Emma's question when class actually began, Professor Cerulean appearing, dressed in the most glorious of costumes. The girl's face lit up with amusement, watching as the Professor showed off a simple muggle magic trick, something she'd seen a few times on muggle television in her own home. She listened, interested, as the woman then asked what the difference was between muggle magic and wizard magic. The girl remained quiet for a moment, listening as other students began to voice their opinions, and soon enough she raised her own hand. "Another difference between the two comes from the purpose behind them," the girl explained, raising her voice just slightly to be heard in the large room. "With muggles, magic is used as a form of entertainment, nothing more. With wizards, we use magic for everyday uses; it has a more practical use to us and we apply it to a wider range of things."
"Great points, Alfie!" she said quickly, "the PURPOSE is very very important!"

Originally Posted by EmilyMalfoy View Post
It was offficial, Professor Cerulean was weird. But that's okay because weird people are a heck of a lot cooler then boring people. No one likes a boring person...except maybe another boring person.

Isobel was glad the class started off with a fairly easy question, one she could answer at least. Isobel promptly raised her hand. "Muggle magic isn't real," she said. "Muggles have magicians who do magic tricks. Emphasis on the tricks, it's not actual magic. They just make it look real. Or sometimes they have something hidden that helps them. Anyway, it's not real, but our magic is." Isobel looked at Professor Cerulean for a moment. "I like your outfit Professor," she said; it was pretty.
Gemma shook her head approvingly at the girls answer, "Correct and thank you Isobel! I'm happy you are here today!"

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Kurumi's attention was completely off Professor Cerulean and on the empty spotlight. How could this be a combined class without Professor Zookara? Then again, History of Magic had seemed to be overlapping with Muggle Studies this term, what with their conversation about pirates and how non-magical people could have created pirate legends out of real wizards. Frowning noticeably, Kurumi slouched in her seat a bit.

Another term where professors go missing…she really didn’t like the sound of this at all – especially since Professor Cerulean didn’t seem to concerned that her colleague was missing.

Non-magical people’s magic is well, just that. The element of magic as we know it, we being witches and wizards, isn’t used but rather it is an illusion that creates the appearance of doing supernatural things by a slight of hand or some other trick. Many non-magical magicians will use mirrors or trick boxes to accomplish this.” Kurumi wasn’t sure she really liked people labeling one as more real than the other. To non-magical people, their form of magic was just as real as theirs was in the wizarding world. “Most of their forms of magic do not use wands to help create the illusion of performing amazing feats, but they instead use their hands and cover things with blankets. We know that wandless magic is very difficult and very few witches and wizards are able to perform this. So, our form of magic usually requires the use of a wand and some sort of incantation.
The professor smiled at one of her fave students, "Yes, you bring up some great points! And you are correct at implying that both forms of magic are very real in a sense just not always the same form of magic..."

Originally Posted by Saraie View Post
Caroline who actually was starting to nod off to sleep, jumping slightly and her head shot up when the lights went off. Darn big comfy chair making her all sleepy and stuff. What? was the professor wearing a marching band uniform? That's what it looked like to her. Its was going to be a talent show. Okay alright where was a piano she was ready to play.

A tiny bit of her happeness died when the professor started tapping two gold rings together. Muggle magic tricks. Pff she could do better things then that. She raised her hand rather quickly. "Muggle magic isn't real. There's always some trick behind what they do. Ours on the other hand is REAL."
"Well it depends on what you consider REAL to be..." she said as a statement trying to get the girl to think about the statement a little bit deeper.

The young professor shook her head, "I'm not really sure if saying it's not real is the Muggle world it is real and I have seen some pretty amazing tricks that were technically a real illusion..." she said encouragingly.

Originally Posted by Tommehbell View Post
She was dozing in her seat when the class started and she awoke with a jerk. "What," she slurred as she pulled herself into conciseness. Maddox smiled as she took in the attire the professor was wearing. "Well that is festive," she smiled.

She was barely listening to the lesson, but she did catch the tail end of the question and she raised her hand to answer, "Well muggles use slight of hand and illusions as their magic. Though some of them are really elaborate. Anyone can be a magician. I saw that David Copperfield once he was really good." she commented. "Wizard magic is ancient magic. We can conjure the winds, manipulate time, cheat death. Its our essence. Its a part of us." she said sitting down.
"Great points Maddox!" she paused and then continued, "but remember that there are some tricks that muggles have been doing for ages as well and can be considered ancient magic tricks...tricks being the key word though."

Originally Posted by Jason Potter Weasley View Post
William is hurt by Emma;s ignorance of him befire the professor started class. How could Rex even lik her, let alone be her" Fake" brother. " Willaim smiled at Sierra for thanking him.
" Well, most of the tricks by Muggle Magicians are excactly that, tricks but in the Wizarding World, it is true magic " William told the professor.
"Great thinking William!" she said with a smile.

Originally Posted by Pinky View Post
BUMMER... what a downer this was!? She was HOPING that they could get on stage and do something like ACT or DANCE or something. SIGHS FOR LIFE.

Raising her hand with a slightly crestfallen look on her face she grumpily answered, "Muggle magic isn't magic at all... it's slight of hand and such. An illusion. Our magic is REAL. We are born with magical blood that allows us to cast the magic out of us in the form of spells and et cetera. Muggles are simply mundane people attempting to portray what we do naturally... and quite poorly, might I add."

Yeah the thing with the rings just then? LAME. SO LAME.
The professor cocked her eyebrow a little, "No remember that not every muggle is considered mundane and there are some amazing tricks out there that leave many wizards even trying to guess what just happened..." she said trying to get some of these young wizards to see the positive.

Originally Posted by Imsosikk07 View Post
Seeing Professor Cerulean's explosive entrance made her jump, but then she chuckled. Elektra sat back finishing her top hat cookie and her eyes lit up. Muggle magic! Oh, Elektra knew about that so well...well...she watched a lot of magic shows on TV with her cousin AJ. As Professor Cerulean asked what the difference was between wizard and muggle magic Elektra raised her hand hesitantly as she was still trying to think of how to answer and then said, "Well with muggle magic it's all an illusion. Wizard magic is the real deal...or something like that."
The young professor shook her head approvingly at the young girl.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post

Sierra watched, unamused, as some sort of show started on the stage. While normal thirteen-year-olds would be bouncing up and down and out of their seats over shows like this one, Sierra just sat there and stared. First off, she was no normal thirteen-year-old. Secondly, as a pureblood witch, she was highly unamused at the tricks being displayed on the stage.

In the darkness of the theater, she rolled her eyes. Zookara was missing. No surprise there. Sierra hadn't seen the man since...what? November or so? Maybe longer. Who knew. At least it was question and answer time, though, which she was, surprisingly, more interested in than the tricks being shown onstage. She raised her hand. "Muggle magic is just a bunch of tricks. There's a secret behind it, and you just have to know the secret in order to do the trick," she said. Like that ring trick you just did. "Our magic isn't just a trick, though. It's real and has real effects."
"You are correct about the secrets part of Muggle Magic...sometimes that is the most important aspect of the trick..." she said with a smile.

Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
Nika fidgeted around in her seat at the very front as she looked aroundfor her professor. Where could she have been!? She just shrugged it off and nibled on a cookie as she waited for class to begin. Then as if her professor had read her thoughts she appeared and Nika couldn't help, but get up and give her a standing ovation. Then she quickly sat down to raise her hand for the question. "Well we muggles... I mean the muggles have magicians to entertain them while wizards use it for everyday living.
She smiled at the girl's statement, "Yes very important point, Nika!"

Originally Posted by Macavity View Post
Simon been sitting back in one of the seats in the larger then normal classroom....rather the auditoreum in which they found themselves in. Finally when the lights went off, his attention was up at the grount once more, figuring it was the signla for the lesson to begin, Professor Cerulean's appearance on stage confirmation of that.

He raised his hand as requested at the question before speaking to answer. "The difference is muggle magic is illusion and tricks of the eye and mind to make people believe soemthing to happen while wizard magic is the actual accomplishment of said feats."The boy trying to hide the disappointment at the other professor's absence that he had previously noticed at other times.
"Great answer!" she said with a nod up and down.

Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
Kimalia was a little stunned to see the appearance of the Professor. She was saddened to note that the handsome muggle studies professor wasn't around anymore, but that vanished as soon as she heard the first question, raising her hand. "Well, muggle magic isn't necessarily real magic for obvious reasons, they mainly rely on trickery and science. Such as removing a table cloth from a table full of dishes without breaking any or pulling a rabbit out of a hat." That's the first part. "Wizard magic deals more into the unknown, like allowing a dish to wash itself in mid air, or all those secret enchantments like silencing a room."
"Great explanation Kimalia!" she said with a smile, "especially that explanation of wizarding magic and dealing with the unknown."

Originally Posted by Syd (: View Post
Dallin settled into his seat as Professor Cerulean came on stage. At her question he raised his hand. "Muggle magic is just tricks. That's why they're called magic tricks." His voice was quite loud, because he wanted to make sure he was heard. "Wizards use actual magic."
"Very good Dallin." she said with a smile.

Originally Posted by Herminny View Post
Well that certainly explained the set up quite a bit. It was absolutely amazing. And now the first question was ked she raised her hand and responded, "Well muggle magic is more slight of hand or tricks of the eye. Basically muggle magic is just tricks. Wizard magic is real, what you see is what it truly is.", Chloe responded with her hand raised high.
"I like how you explained's what you truly get...remember that muggle magic is very real just not real magic..." she left that statement for the girl to think about...

OOC: A great explanation to help with the real vs not real comments.

Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post

Lara'seyes widened when the Professor appeared that way, she thought it was the coolest thing that ever happened in a lesson.At first she wanted to stand up and applaude but of course she didn't.

Anyway that amusment didn't last much as the first question was already asked. Lara paused for a moment thinking of an answer she raised her hand ,cleared her thraot and answered briefly "Muggles don't do magic!" the she added "They think they do, but they don't. Their magic is nothing like ours that's if they have it" she nodded assuring what she said ,she was sure of that answer even thought she's not an expert at Muggle's life
"YES! You used the perfect words...'their magic is nothing like ours'...that is much better than saying it's not real! Thank you Lara!" she said excitedly...she was happy to have had this statement saved for the last...

Gemma was very pleased with all of the answers. There were some biased, there were some well informed, and there were some creative answers...but best of all the answers were all correct.

She flicked her wand and on the backboard behind her a bright shining and flashing line split the board. Then titles appeared over each half...Muggle Magic on the left and Wizard Magic on the right. (She was a list person and liked to share the lists of items with the students for future reference....hint, hint, hint =0] ) Then instantly a list of the students differences appeared in each column.

"These were all great answers! Thank you one thing tha tI want to remind you is that many of your pointed out how 'real' one form of magic was compared to another...but I don't think that being 'real' is really the difference between the two...I mean the magic tricks the muggle magicians perform are very real...I have seen some that leave many, including wizards guessing..." she glanced over at the empty spotlight again and said softly, "Excuse me for a second please..." she turned towards the entrance door and conjured her patronus, a red panda. She spoke to the panda and then with a flick of her wand it was off and out the door. "Let's see if my Red Panda can locate Professor Zookara..." she said calmly watching the iridescent cloud trail behind the panda disappear out the door.

"Now where was I?" she asked to herself and to no one really..."O yes...Muggle Magic is an interesting thing. It combines a a little bit of talent with a little bit of illusion with a little bit of slight of hand with a little bit imagination." she said as she flicked her wand in the air. As she did this each of the underlined words in her statement appeared in sparkling smoke across the stage. Each word hung there and then disappeared slowly.

"Muggle Magic is completely different from Wizarding Magic and really shouldn't be compared because they are soooo different...." she motioned towards the board.

SPOILER!!: List on the Board

"There are a few different types of Muggle Magic that I would like to introduce you all to today...I'm going to show you an example of each one as we go along..." she said motioning towards the spotlighted and covered tables.

"Now keep in mind that Muggle Magic is very much a form of illusion and more of a performance for entertainment purposes and that most, if not all, Muggle Magicians don't really have magic abilities...however before the Secrecy Act there were some Wizards that shared their magic openly in the form of Magicianry" (Yes, I think I made up the word Magicianry." in order to make themselves famous or to make extra money." she said.

The board behind her flipped over and divided into different sections. As the professor says each type the board will do it's job and make a list of each type and the points about that type and famous magicians that performed that type.

"So let's start with the first form of Muggle Magic..." she paused and walked over to a table that was covered with a green table cloth and spotlighted in green as well. "The first one is called Close Up magic. It's the type that requires the least skill and many can do it with just a little practice. It usually involves the use of simple things such as a deck of cards, some small balls or a coin. It entails making people believe in one thing but doing something else. This kind of trick proves that the hand is faster than the eye. " she paused for just a second so the board could keep notes in green to match the table and spotlight. "An example of this type of magic was my extremely lame rings trick from earlier"

"Can anyone name some more Close Up Magic tricks that they have witnessed or heard about?" she said glancing over the crowd.

OOC: I'll give you a couple of hours to come up with some answers. Please remember to raise your hand and try not to repeat answers...o and ONLY ONE ANSWER PER PERSON PLEASE... . No chatting remember Gemma is watching you!!!

And hang tight, I promise towards the end of class your charries will get to perform some magic...=0]

Last edited by Lezleighd; 07-07-2011 at 06:42 PM.
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