Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Yule Ball Seventh Year
Everett {mini challenge eight: find the snowman} Amy stood behind the snow man, ducking as Everett pelted her with snowballs “gerroof you big noggin!” She squealed before he eventually stopped, and nervously she stepped out into target range, she put her hands up in retreat. Everett ran over and carried on pelting her "ARRRRGGHHHH!" She squealed again, tackling him to the ground. Panting slightly from the effort she sat up. "Dude, I’ve got something to ask you"
"What?" Ummm...."Fancy coming Yule Ball with me? You know, as a..friend" she gabbled.
Everett briefly debated, nodded and went back to attacking her with snow |