Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Parseltongue Everett. Mordaynes Everett and Amy sat underneath the tree by the lake “whats a parseltounge?” Amy asked Everett, tilting her head to the side as she thought “It’s um, well it’s like uh this, like ssssssssss” Everett said weakly
Amy raised an eyebrow unimpressed “like ssssssssss?”
“Hmmmm course” Amy muttered, still unimpressed, she went back to the potions book that lay in her lap, and carried on reading the page. Everett sat staring at the ground embarrassed. After a while Amy spoke “It’s not like that silly, it’s like this SSSSSSSSSSSSSS!”
And then she launched herself at him |