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Old 06-26-2011, 06:51 AM   #2 (permalink)
Some Mystical Girl
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Join Date: Aug 2010
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Becca. x Lauccatastic! (: Love You Girlies. <3

17. Cauldron : Hubble, Bubble...
Hogwarts Winter 2076

Danielle looked down into the cauldron suspiciously.

“Hmm… how about we put this in next?” she said slowly, picking up the strange looking powder that looked like the picture of the powdered horn in the book. Orabelle shrugged- “Go on” she sighed as a nervous Dani let the granules fall into the cauldron.

She froze still as nothing happened, even Orabelle did. “Phew” Dani sighed with a smirk at her friend-
“That was good…” she started, before a loud BANG emerged from their cauldron- both girls left to look at each other with smudges of smoke all over their faces.
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