Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 06-26-2011, 02:25 AM   #130 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Fifty Four

‘I don’t want to hear it’
‘You’ve just walked out on your husband; you need to talk to me about it’
‘No – tell me why’
‘I don’t want to talk about it’ she shifted the weight of Faith in her arms to rub her back ‘Time to sleep again sweetheart – off you go’
‘This is not something for you to just dismiss – this is your life, your babies’ lives, you can’t rob them of a father you fought to be with’
‘He can see them and they can see him whenever they want, this is a break for me from him’
Molly held her neck in worry for her, ‘For how long?’
‘However long it takes for me to trust him again, for me to want to be in the same room as him again – I still love him, I still want to be with him’ she sighed as Faith continued to cry restlessly ‘I just need some time away from him’
‘You’re not supposed to – you can’t just run away from him’
‘I’m not’ she stood up hoping the pacing back and forth would calm her and Faith,
‘You are you’re here and not working this out with him’
‘Haven’t you ever wanted space for a little bit – a chance to – to think about where it was going, where your marriage was going’ she was still trying to soothe the crying in her ear ‘Faith please’
‘Do you want me too-?’
‘- No’ she sighed ‘She wants him’ she held onto her securely ‘She’ll go off eventually’
‘Stop will you please mother’ she snapped and went into the living room to Patience fast asleep in the crib closing the door behind her.

She knocked and wandered in when Molly’s answer came through,
‘Mrs Weasley’
‘Miss Black’
‘Is Ginny here?’
‘The living room’
‘Is it ok if I’ she gestured to the doorway,
‘Faith is restless, she doesn’t need the distraction’
‘Erm… ok’
‘Soph is that you?’ Gin appeared at the door ‘Come on in, I need a favour’
‘Sure’ she followed on,
‘Close the door will you’
She did so hesitantly on Molly’s angry face,
‘I need you to – I can’t get her to sleep, she wants him’
‘He wants to see them too – I offered to bring them to see him tomorrow’
‘I just need you to take her to him to settle her and then bring her right back’

He held on to her smiling ‘Shhh little one, shhh’
‘How do you do it?’
‘She’s like Gin; she won’t sleep unless she’s in my arms most of the time’
‘She’s going to have many a restless night without you’
‘It’ll be one of the reasons she’ll be back though she’ll probably never admit it’
‘I’m going to bang your heads together and when I’m done I’ll take you to see Ron and bash your two heads together’
‘Molly’s not going to ever like you; you’re too much like Sirius’
‘She didn’t like Dad?’
‘Not much – they would be civil enough when the time came for it but they always argued over what was best for me and for them and for the others, about how to stop Voldemort’
‘So she’ll never like me, I can cope with it, loving Charlie and having him love me is enough, is more then enough for me’
‘Sirius never cared much for what she thought either’
‘I guess we’re more alike then I ever knew – thanks for robbing me of him mother’ she said annoyed with her and herself for letting it get to her
Harry went for a change in topic ‘I guess she wants Faith back now she’s asleep?’
‘But I’ll bring them both tomorrow’
‘They said they’d let me out by the end of the week’
‘You need to have made up with her by then’
‘Don’t worry about me and her, it will work it’s self out’
‘Don’t worry – plan your wedding or something’
‘Yeah …about that’
‘Me and Charlie – we set a date’
‘I know that you told us’
‘We changed it’
‘You did?’
‘Are you free next Friday?’
‘What – a week – you’re getting married in a week?’
‘We need to leave – before – no scratch that we just have to go because I can’t stay and have Molly hate me and he can’t stay and listen to it, we’re getting married and we’re going away for a year or two because we have too’
‘But so soon’
‘If we stay any longer we’re going to be torn apart – between Molly and Jade I don’t think I can cope and he can see I can’t’
‘I – right well I’m free’
‘You will walk me down the aisle, right?’ she sat on the edge of the bed, he still held Faith,
‘If it’s still what you want’
‘To give me away and to stand with me up there, maid of honour, best man, bridesmaid in one’
He frowned worryingly ‘Just me up there?’
‘You’re my brother, I want you there’
‘But you don’t want your mum to give you away?’
‘From when I brought that ring for Charlie to right now my mind has been set on it being you that gives me to him Harry – you’re the best link to Dad I’ve got so I’m asking you – will you give me away to Charlie?’
‘Yes – but’
‘No buts’ she grinned ‘You said you would and it’s done’
‘Alright – but have you at least told your mother?’
‘Not yet…’
‘I wouldn’t feel comfortable unless she knew, unless she was ok with it’
‘She can’t stand the idea of me getting married this will not be good news to her as will me getting married next week which is why we won’t be doing it publicly – I want you, Charlie wants Bill’
‘And anyone else?’
‘Well Gin, Cara and the brothers are all in’
His forehead creased ‘And Arthur and Molly?’
‘Arthur wants to tell Molly’
‘You need to tell Molly’
‘You need to tell Molly and you need to tell your mother’
‘Why it just makes things complicated, I just want to get married and go off on our long, long honeymoon and forget about all the mess we’re leaving behind so we can come back Mr and Mrs Black and be happy’ she twisted the diamond ring around her finger anxiously.
‘Mr and Mrs Black’
‘He wants to take my name’
‘Molly doesn’t want me to be a Weasley, but he wants to be a Black’
‘Ok – that’s weird’
‘Ginny’s going to be anxious; I should take her back now’
‘Yeah – ok’ he looked down at her sleeping ‘Tell her if she wants me to put her to sleep too she just has to ask’
‘Don’t be such a smart Alec Harry or she won’t want you back’
‘Just tell her – I guarantee she’ll smile’
‘See you tomorrow’

She took Faith back and apparated them to the Burrow, Charlie was just opening the front door,
‘Hey’ he stepped away from the door to her,
‘Had to take Faith to Harry – she doesn’t sleep without him’
‘So like Gin – Patience is the one like Harry I guess’
‘Even if she has the same smart mouth he does she’ll be gorgeous because she’s related to you’
‘Smooth talker you’ he leant down to kiss her carefully avoiding the baby in her arms, ‘Hmm you look good with her you know – when do you want to start having kids?’
‘I’m in no rush’ she looked down at her lovingly ‘though if they’re this … if it’s like this and just so easy to have them…’
‘We’ll talk some more later babe - ok?’ he kissed her forehead,
Her eyes saw the curtain twitch ‘Yeah – let’s take her in Molly’s at the window’
‘Sure’ he wrapped an arm round her shoulder walking them in and Gin reached out as soon as she walked in,
‘It’s weird being away from them’ she held on ‘Even though I know it’s Harry, I just… hmm it worked’ she touched her cheek gently and put her in the living room crib with her sister and returned to stand at the door.
‘Gin Harry said something’
‘Yeah’ she crossed her arms
‘He asked me to tell you something’
‘Go ahead’
‘He said if you want him to put you to sleep too, you just have to ask’
A small smile formed on the right corner of her mouth and she looked away from her ‘Still Harry, still so flaming nice about everything’
‘He loves you’
‘He loves fighting and being the hero more’ she turned back into the room and closed the door – Soph made a move to go after her but Molly stopped her,
‘Leave her alone’
‘They need to just talk to each other’
‘You have no idea what they need, you have know idea what they’re going through, you have no-’
‘-you have no right to talk to her like that’ Charlie said cutting in ‘Just stop it alright, just stop mum cause I can’t take it anymore’
‘Can’t you see what you’re doing, why you’re doing this to yourself? One failed marriage and your ready to shack up with a teenager to try and stay young; you’re a grown man start acting like one Charles’
‘Charlie, my names Charlie and I am all grown up which should stop you from picking at everything I do but it doesn’t, it should stop you from picking at my fiancée but it doesn’t and it should stop you from getting mad when I tell you we’re getting married next week but I know it won’t!’ he shouted but lowered his voice remembering that the twins were sleeping next door, ‘For once in your life mother let me go to make my own choices and don’t make a fuss, release me from you apron strings because your choking me, because your keeping me tied up when I need my arms to hold her because I love her and I’m going to marry her whether you like it or not’
She held onto his hand firmly wiping away tears from her cheeks as Molly stared him down furiously,
‘I can’t believe that, I can’t believe that she makes you happy’
‘She makes me more then happy, she – she means more to me then anything else in the world, she’s my other half and I can’t be without her, you can’t change the way I feel about her or the way she feels about me’
‘She’s too young to know if she loves you, she’s too young to settle down’
‘She said yes! She planned to propose to me – what other indication can you possibly need that she wants to marry me when the need to be with me forever was there the same time I decided I could never be without her either!?’
‘You’re rushing just think about it a little while longer’
‘I don’t want to, we don’t need to – we’re completely crazy about each other’
‘I do love him Mrs Weasley, more then anything, anyone that I’ve been with’
‘How many have you been with hey – apart from Harry?!’
She broke down in his arms ‘You believe what Ginny said in anger?’ Charlie asked,
‘Why not – just look at how they met, what kind of girl asks the strange boy she just met to her birthday party’
‘He saved my life! He pulled me out of the way of a car!’
‘The same kind of stupid girl that stops in the middle of the road to tie her laces’
‘I had headphones on, I was jogging – I didn’t know – I mean I – I said thanks, I offered to buy him a drink to say thanks – what else can you say when someone saves your life’
‘You don’t have to defend yourself to her Soph’
‘She doesn’t believe me, she doesn’t believe that there was nothing between me and Harry but friendship from the moment he pulled me out of the way from a car that was about to squash me!’
‘People do not accuse without evidence, my children don’t accuse without evidence’
‘Ronald is a perfect example otherwise and you know it, look what he did to Hermione – she left the country to get away from him’ Soph replied and Molly slapped her round the face,

She held her cheek in shock; Charlie’s embrace was back around her in an instant,
‘I – I’
‘Save it Molly’ he replied stroking Sophia’s hair, as he walked them out,
‘Charlie please’
Ginny came out ‘What happened?’
‘She slapped my fiancée’ Charlie answered pulling out his wand ‘See you later Gin’ he apparated them from the front step and Ginny looked at her mother in shock,
She came out of her silent stupor ‘You – why would you do such a thing?
‘She’s not right for him – he’s making a mistake’
‘Then let him make it – it’s his life, he loves her let him go mother, just let him go’
‘I can’t, he’s my son’
‘And what am I, you let me be with Harry, you let Ron be with Hermione and then Pavarti’
‘I don’t agree with him on that, what he did to Hermione was harsh but they were both in the wrong’
‘He dumped her because she refused to sleep with him, what did he tell you? That they just didn’t love each other anymore?!’
‘I – eh – well yes but…’
‘And of course you believe him because he’s Ronnykins, he’s your baby boy, what about Hermione – trust me I’m not saying she’s perfect I hate her guts but honestly for him to treat another human being like he did was wrong – completely and utterly wrong’
‘Ronald is a good boy’
‘Ron is a pig’ she replied ‘Sophia is a good girl, a nice girl and she’s great for Charlie, he loves her, he’s never ever been with anyone like this before and you know for a fact it would take something amazing in a woman for him to bring her to meet you, for him to ask her to marry him’
‘You said it yourself – Harry considered cheating with her and she considered cheating with him’
‘He never would have, neither would she – I made a mistake, I was angry my Husband was dying I didn’t mean it’
‘Oh Ginny’
‘You’re tearing this family apart, you keep jabbing holes in everything and now no one wants to know you, to call you mother – he’s going to hate you for this unless you make up with her’
‘I can’t do that, she’s not right’
‘There is nothing you can do, they love each other you can’t change that, you can’t stop that, and you just have to live with it’
‘Go and look after your daughters Ginerva and make up with your husband – then I might consider changing my mind about her’
‘You know for a fact the situation with me and Harry is different’
‘It’s the same; you and Charlie are just as stubborn as each other’
‘And you know what – we get it from you’
RIP JD Salinger
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