Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God House elf Amy is a fifth year
Everett belongs to Mordaynes
Amy stared at the costume that she had put together. It was, to all intents and purposes, amazing, she looked even shorter than usual and had chopped up her pillow and her curtain tie and had stitched it on "What are you wearing Samson?" A tone dripped with sarcasm. Not amazement, like she’d expected. "Could say the same about you Everett" Amy retorted sulkily, "at least I don’t look like a 70’s reject"
She’d hit a nerve, "at least I don’t look like a tramp" "I’m not a tramp. I’m a house elf!" She snapped, hurt "Same thing" he snorted.
And then she slapped him |