The professor smiled as the students one by one finished up the little quiz. She flicked her sword and all of the papers with their pirate names shot into the air and flew towards the board. As they reached the board, it looked as though they were absorbed into the board and by one...each person's name and pirate name was listed across the board in an old fashioned type handwritting. Quote:
Dirty Ethel Flint-Ariella Adler
Dirty Sam Cash-Simon Bennett
Bloody Roger Flint-Riley Sinclair
Bloody Mary Flint-Isabella Evans
Calico Mary Cash-Samira Spinks
Iron Charity Kidd-Chloe Morets
Mad Bess Bonney-Nika Adler
Mad Anne Flint-Ariana Hartley
Red William Bonney-Daichi Katharos
Iron Ethel Kidd-Thea-Aurora Eden
Red Mary Rackham-Daisy Tucker
Dread Pirate Liz-Amy Samson
Iron Roger Kidd-Stradivarius Salander
Red Harry Flint-Carter Phillips
Dirty Mary Rackham-Fallon McCarthy
Captain Sam Flint-Simon DeSimpson
Dirty Sam Rackham-Evan Cartwright
Dirty Anne Rackham-Freya Raven Salvatore
Bloody Ethel Flint-Evelyn Rose Flores
Iron Ethel Kidd-Olivia O’Hughes
Bloody James Cash-James S. Wilkes
Iron William Cash-Dallin McKinley
Captain Anne Rackham-Gwendolyn Greene
Mad Anne Flint-Luna Kieren
Dirty Bess Rackham-Danielle Dubois
Dead Pirate Vane-Ryden Di Marco
Dirty Jenny Kidd-Helena Hopkins
Mad Ethel Kidd-Heather Olsen
Bloody William Rackham-William Montcennaggio
Mad Tom Bonney-Rose Deluise
Dread Pirate Rackham-Danielle Zara Griffiths
Dread Pirate Cookie-Karumi Hollingberry
Dirty Jenny Rackham-Janice Elizabeth
Dread Pirate Vane-Sierra Greingoth
Dirty Anne Bonney-Alfiana Port
Dirty James Flint-Oakley Gunter
Calico Ethel Rackham-Ellie Stone
Red Charity Kidd-Caroline Scott
Dread Pirate Flint-Hugo Doyle
Black Anne Rackham-Aiden Heartnett
Captain Tom Rackham-Treyen S. Lockhart
Mad Bess Flint-Vashti Greenwell
Dirty Ann Rackham-Jasmina Bennett
Captain Ethel Kidd-Isabelle Dupont
Bloody William Flint-Michael White
Red Jenny Kidd-Selina Skylar
Mad Tom kidd-Eino Uronen
Gemma turned to watch and once everyone's name was done being written out on the board, she turned back to the class and with a smile said, "Arg! Ye be some strong pirate names!" she said with a little wink as she held up her sword and pointed it out at the classroom.
She put her sword down on the handrail in front of her and smiled suddenly talking like herself again, "Hello everyone! And welcome again to Lesson Two of History of Magic! This week we will be covering a subject that is rooted in both Magic and Muggle history. This is something that just recently has sparked the interest of many wizards here at Hogwarts and in the Wizarding Community with the arrival of our mystery ship in the lake..." she said motioning with her hand out the window that faced the mystery ship.
She paused and then glanced across the faces of the students, "Ay! I be talkin' about Pirates!" she said with a smile and her best pirate accent.
"Pirates are something that can be found in both Muggle and Wizarding history. And in both accounts are often linked to some kind of magic. In the wizarding world, most of the magic that the pirates used is easily explained. In the Muggle world, the magic was a mystery in their stories." she said with a smile.
"I had you take the pirate name quiz just as something fun...don't worry I won't call any of you by those names." the professor said with a little nod up and down. "But before we get too far into pirates, can anyone name any famous or even fictional pirates from either the wizarding or muggle world and stories?" she said looking out into the crowd.
OOC: Please have fun listing these pirates. They can be anything from movie pirates to real pirates to fairy tale pirates to anything. Please limit your answers to one to give the others a chance to answer! I'll give you a little bit of time to get answers in! Don't forget to raise your hand first! And remember there should be no talking/chatting cuz Gemma is stalking watching you...