Thread: Harry Potter: Déjà Vu - Sa13+
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Old 06-09-2011, 07:03 PM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 2,689
It's perfectly okay to be a little loony ♥

Oh, thanks everyone!!! Here's the next chapter, hope you like it...


Harry and Ron were either asleep or unconscious. Hermipne tried so hard to ignore her pain, but it was hard. She rolled slowly over to the two boys, both dead to the world. With all her might, she kicked them both in the knees.

Harry woke immediately, but Ron sort of snorted first, then grumbled himself to wakeness. Both boys' eyes widened greatly at the sight of Hermione, though with stress in Harry's case.

She didn't know what to do, but she had to free herself, and the others too. So she had an idea. Ignoring the pain in her head, she rolled over to the wall. She was a little surprised at the boys for not thinking of something, they had been here only a few months ago! The wall was rough, with a rugged and pointy stone poking out.

She leaned her wrists against it, and caressed the duck tape along it for a minute or so, until it wore away. She wriggled her free hands gratefully, then undid her ankles and took the gag off her mouth. She let out a long anticipated breath, and rubbed her joints.

Harry and Ron were gaping in suprise.

"Mmmmmmmm!" They were moaning, obviously wanting her to help them. She put a hand to the back of her head, and when she examined her palm, it was scarlet.

Little did the Deatheaters know, Hermione had her wand, tucked inside her Ugg boot.

"Relashio!" She said quietly, pointing to Ron, then Harry.

"Hermione, are you ok?" Asked Ron the second his mouth was free. She smiled nodding.

"Yea-" but she cut off. Ron was already up, and had stormed up to her, and pinned her against the wall and kissed her full on the mouth, with as much as passion as the first time.
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