Draco and Hermione run for their lives- literally.
Chapter 29: Escape
The blast from the dungeon shook the floors above it, startling everyone. Severus ducked instinctively, grabbing onto the railing of the dungeon stairs. Bellatrix sprang from her bed, wand immediately at the ready, and waited to attack whatever it was that caused the uproar. Narcissa sat bolt upright and whipped her head sideways toward her husband. He was missing. A stifling sense of foreboding overtook her and she slid out of bed, her graceful fingers reaching for her wand. She felt nothing but the smooth polished wood of her nightstand. Her hand froze there as she gasped in understanding. Her heart began to race. Draco.
Narcissa almost collided with her sister as they both raced from their bedrooms to the stairs.
“What the bloody hell was that?” cried Bellatrix.
Narcissa never stopped moving but called back a simple “I don’t know,” over her shoulder. The first floor was chaotic as several house elves ran to and fro, trying to make sense of the commotion and fretting over what they should do to fix it.
“Where did that come from?!” demanded Bellatrix. The frightened elves pointed at the stairs leading to the dungeons. Bellatrix stopped in her tracks. “The Mudblood!” she growled as she looked over at her sister. “Where is Lucius?” Narcissa remained silent, but her heart sank as she saw a flash of comprehension cross her sister’s face. Bellatrix narrowed her eyes and glared at her. “Where is Draco, Cissy?” she hissed, her voice dripping with venom as she spoke his name.
Narcissa’s eyes widened slightly but she set her jaw in defiance and stared her sister down. “I will end your poisonous existence if you touch my son,” she hissed back with equal ferocity.
Simultaneously, both women bolted for the dungeon stairs, pushing and grabbing at each other in an attempt to get there first. Narcissa knew she was at a dangerous disadvantage without her wand, but she gambled on the hope that Bella hadn’t noticed its absence.
They reached the stairs at the same time. Narcissa paused just long enough to allow her sister to step in front of her. Then she gave Bellatrix a hard shove.
Bella lost her balance and tumbled down the stairs, her head smacking sharply against the stone as she crashed onto the floor below. Narcissa raced down the stairs and leapt nimbly over her sister’s body, her midnight blue robe fluttering over Bella’s face. She had only gone a few steps more when a jet of blue light hit her squarely in the back. She flew forward several feet and hit the floor hard, completely unconscious.
Bellatrix stood at the foot of the stairs, blood trickling down the side of her face. Her seething, hateful expression melted into an air of triumph as she lowered her wand. Satisfied that she had stupefied her sister hard enough, Bella marched down the hallway, making sure to step on Narcissa as she moved past.
She saw the interrogation room door hanging askew on its hinges. As she drew closer, she noticed broken glass and pieces of rock littering the floor. Stepping carefully inside, she shouted a litany of curses when she saw the empty table. She looked wildly around the room and assessed the damage. A large pile of stones was mounded in the far corner, obviously fallen from the wall and ceiling. Her traitor nephew and the Mudblood were nowhere to be seen.
Bellatrix was halfway out the door when she heard a soft moan. Quickly turning around, she followed the pitiful sound to the large pile of rubble.
She could just make out wisps of white-blonde hair and a hand with a large serpentine ring on it through the dust and rock. Her eyes widened when she saw who it was.
“Lucius! What the hell happened?!” she cried. His voice was too muffled to be understood, but his hand stretched out the inch or two the stones permitted and reached toward Bella. She waved her wand and the stones flew away from the pile, releasing Lucius from their trap.
He lay there, not getting up, covered with dust and bleeding in several places. “Draco…the girl…gone,” he wheezed. Bella growled and whipped her head toward the door.
“When?!” she commanded.
“Just a few moments ago,” he answered weakly.
Oh wait ‘til I get my hands on them, she thought as she stormed out of the room.
“Bella, wait!!” Lucius’s voice was stronger now as he watched her turn her back on him. “You can’t just leave me here!” he called. “Bellatrix!!!” But he would have to wait for another helping hand; his sister-in-law was already running down the corridor.
She tore down the hall until she reached a landing; four separate entrances made a half-circle around it, each with a hidden passage that snaked through the underground labyrinth of the manor. She paused and peered into each entrance, as if looking for a faint trace of the two runaways. Finding nothing obvious, she pointed her wand at the first entrance on the far right.
“Hominem Revelio!” she shouted into the darkness of the passage. Nothing happened. Narrowing her eyes impatiently, she repeated the spell into the second passage. Again, it gave up no information. Fuming, she shot the spell down the third passage. A faint glow emanated from deep inside. A wicked laugh burst from her lips.
“Ready or not, here I come,” she sang and launched herself down the passage.
With only a few minutes’ lead, Draco hurried through the narrow, dimly lit passageway. He’d tried levitating Hermione both behind and in front of him, but that caused him to go slower around the twists and turns to keep from running her into the walls. In the end, he picked her back up and carried her in his arms. The distance of the passage, combined with the weight of Hermione’s nearly-unconscious body, was wearing him out quickly.
He’d run through his limited options quickly in his mind.
We can’t apparate- neither of us knows how. I can’t take her on my broom now- I’d never be able to keep her on and balance at the same time. There are no fireplaces down here to Floo, it’s too far to go anywhere on foot, and she needs a healer NOW.
He didn’t panic; his brain was too used to calculating and re-calculating every move he made on a normal day. Today he just had to calculate as if his life depended on it. Literally. He subconsciously held Hermione a little tighter as his brain worked rapidly through several scenarios. He sighed with relief when the answer came to him.
He turned to go back up the passageway; for his plan to work, they’d need to back-track about an eighth of a mile. Changing direction was difficult with Hermione in his arms. There was barely enough room to turn 180 degrees without banging her head on the wall. He had to practically fold her in half to make the turn, causing her to whimper loudly.
“Sorry, sorry!” he whispered as he got them in the right direction and began trekking back the way they’d come.
Draco was panting with exertion; his back was strained and the muscles in his thighs were burning from their effort. But they were nearing their detour so he concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other.
Up the incline, two more bends to the right and we’re there, he told himself. Over the sound of his own heavy breathing, however, he began to hear a rustling sound, and then a voice. Both were getting louder. Draco listened carefully and picked up his pace. His blood turned to ice when he heard the voice again.
“I’m going to get you,” it sang in a hauntingly childish tone. “You can’t hide from me-e!”
His heart failed him for a moment.
Recalculate again. Can we make it to the door before she gets there, or are we running straight for her? Should I turn around and try to make it outside? He took the gamble that they could make it to the door, and so he ran for it. The jostling of her body sent Hermione into a fit of pain- she cried out loudly, and couldn’t stop.
please, Hermione!!” he whispered as loudly as he dared. Still, it hurt her too much to hold back her cries.
“Is that you, Mudblood?” The gleeful, disembodied voice was much closer now.
Draco managed to angle his wand toward her and whisper, “I’m sorry, love-
Severus Snape had been at the top of the dungeon’s stairs when he saw Bellatrix cast the stunning spell at her sister. He waited until she was out of sight, then hurried down the stairs to Narcissa. He swore silently as he stooped down, carefully rolling her over and gathering her in his arms. She was limp, unconscious, and her cheek was bruised and scraped from her fall.
Ennervate,” he intoned wandlessly, and watched as Narcissa’s eyes fluttered open, a soft moan escaping her lips.
“Bella hit you from behind- she’s on her way to the room,” he responded.
“No!” she said, pushing herself from Severus’s hold and standing unsteadily for a moment. “Draco! He has my wand! We have to reach him before she does! And I don’t know where Lucius is!” she cried, panic supplying her with ample strength to pursue them. Severus put his hands on her shoulders.
“Don’t, Narcissa! As you said, you don’t have a wand. The danger is too great for you without one. Stay here- I’ll find Draco.”
“Like hell I will!” she retorted and started down the hall. Sighing, Severus followed closely behind her.
They looked into the remains of the interrogation room; Narcissa gasped when she saw her husband lying atop a mound of rocks, battered and broken. “Lucius!” she cried and rushed to him, kneeling down at his side. He was still too weak to move, but he painfully turned his head to face his wife.
son…took the girl…did this to me,” he spoke acidly, but with great effort. “Bella…left me…went after them.”
Narcissa’s hand flew to her mouth; she was terrified and furious all at the same time. “Oh, my boy! She’ll kill him!” Without another thought for her husband, she sprang from his side and raced to the door. Lucius, increasingly frustrated at now being left behind by
two women, called after her.
“Damn it, Narcissa! Come back here and help me!”
Narcissa’s path was blocked by Severus. He was standing in the doorway, an immovable object. Narcissa pounded on his chest with her petite fists, making no difference whatsoever in his stance.
“Severus! Move out of my way! He’s my son!!” she screamed, frantic tears spilling down her cheeks. He held fast.
“No. You will only get yourself killed,” he replied sternly. Taking out his wand, he looked at her, compassion softening his eyes. “I do hope you’ll forgive me for this someday, Narcissa,” he said remorsefully. Her eyes widened and she took a step backward as he pointed his wand at her.
“Severus- no! You wouldn’t!”
Stupefy!” he commanded and watched her fall for the second time in as many minutes from the spell. It sickened him that he had to copy Bellatrix.
Without a word to Lucius- who was now demanding that he help him up- Severus raced down the hall, hoping against hope that he would reach the children before disaster struck.
Draco was sucking air into his lungs, sweat running down his face and making his shirt cling to his back. He moved as fast as his burdened legs would carry him.
Just one more turn. His aunt’s voice was terribly close now.
“I’m going to kill you slowly!”
Fifty feet from the door. Sheer will propelled Draco’s body forward. His strength was giving out; he could feel his legs beginning to buckle under him. He felt Hermione cling more tightly, certain that she knew he was barely staying upright.
Thirty feet. Bellatrix was right around the corner; he could already smell her cloying perfume, hear her raspy breathing. She was nearly on top of them. He was staggering now, unable to walk straight. He miss-stepped and hit the wall, ricocheting off the opposite one as he regained his balance. Hermione’s face was contorted with pain as she silently cried out from fear and hurt.
Twenty feet. He could see the door- he pointed his wand to open it. His aunt would meet them any second.
Ten feet. “Please, please,
please!” he whispered in desperation. He looked up just as Bellatrix rounded the corner and stood before them.
“Don't you dare!” she cried and raised her wand. Draco dropped Hermione to her feet, keeping one arm under her arms, and launched them both at the door. With one hand he shoved Hermione through the doorway; with the other he swung his father’s wand wildly and cast a protective charm. He was certain it wouldn’t be nearly strong enough. He dove headfirst for the doorway, landing just outside of it and rolling through to the other side. A powerful jet of green light shot mere inches above his head as the Killing Curse reduced the stone wall beside him to rubble.
As soon as he cleared the doorway, the wall re-sealed itself behind him, charmed to close as soon as a Malfoy passed through it. He landed right on top of Hermione, who was lying on the stone floor and bleeding from her side and head. Her mouth opened in a yelp of pain, but no sound came out.
Remembering what he’d done, Draco immediately removed the silencing spell and heard her moan weakly.
He knelt beside her and took her face in his hands. “Stay with me, sweetheart, stay with me! Can you get up? Can you try?” As he spoke, another green streak of light soared past them. He could hear his aunt screaming at them in rage. The hole she had blasted in the wall from her first Killing Curse had afforded her enough space to continue her attack, and she wasn’t letting up.
Hermione raised herself up on her elbows, but she was visibly shaking from the exertion. She looked at him in horror and dismay. “I can’t- I’m so sorry!” she cried.
“It’s okay, please, you’re hurt!” Draco responded. He turned her body so that her head was facing the direction they were headed. Then he moved in front of her, grabbed her under the arms and began dragging her down the passage. She bit her lip to keep from crying out; being pulled like that was excruciating. She tried to help him by pushing off the floor with her feet.
Arcs of green light still shot perilously near them. A great blast stopped them in their tracks. Bellatrix was blasting a bigger hole in the wall in an attempt to get to them.
Oh God, she just won’t stop! Draco’s mind shouted in despair. One more blast and she’d be inside.
Don't you dare!” Severus heard Bellatrix scream. He had nearly caught up with her. Brandishing his wand, he rushed forward in time to hear her roar “
Avada Kedavra!!”
His heart stopped; he prayed to anyone who would listen that Draco and Hermione were still alive. When he heard Bella’s subsequent cry of rage, he exhaled in great relief. He peered around the corner and saw the woman blasting holes in the wall, and reckoned that the children must be on the other side. He flattened himself against the wall. He couldn’t go out and stop her. He couldn’t blow the cover he’d painstakingly built for years.
Damn this double-agent rubbish to hell! But he was the only one who stood between the two fleeing teens and their relentless assassin.
He uttered a silent incantation and gave an animal-like call down the corridor. And then he waited.
A moment later, the shrill cry of a hawk echoed down the passageway. His hawk. He’d called Sarah-Jane to him, knowing that she would have been circling the Manor since his arrival. She never strayed far from him. She flew through the hidden exit on the grounds of the Manor and down into the passage to find her master. As she drew nearer, Severus transferred a telepathic instruction to her. She zeroed in on her victim as she came into view.
Bellatrix’s right hand was raised to fire another blasting curse at the wall when she felt something painfully sharp rake the back of her hand. Before she could understand what was happening, her wand was wrenched out of her hand by a pair of powerfully sharp talons. The hawk flew in an arc, depositing Bella’s wand well out of her reach and, before the woman could summon it back, turned and hurtled straight for her.
Bellatrix moved her hands in front of her face only a second before Sarah-Jane’s talons dug themselves into her flesh. Screaming in surprise and pain, Bella tried desperately to shake the attacking bird off her forearms, but to no avail. Sarah-Jane’s strong wings flapped wildly as she removed her talons from Bella’s arms and immediately tangled them in her hair. She flew back and forth, dragging Bella with her as the woman shrieked and grabbed at her head.
The hawk pulled her off balance and sent her flailing onto the floor. Bella kicked and punched wildly as her attacker bore down on her; tufts of feathers and curly black hair wafted in the air, and the duet of screeches from woman and bird reverberated off the walls in a deafening cacophony. Bella realized she was going to lose the fight and curled up in a ball as she was attacked from all sides. Sarah-Jane dove and clawed, pecked and bit, gouging flesh from the woman’s arms, neck, and scalp and shredding the fabric of her clothes.
Finally, Severus sent her the mental signal to stop. The hawk floated gracefully to the floor and preened her amber-colored feathers, highlighted with streaks of ruby red. When she finished her cleaning, she rose from the floor, gliding silently around the corner of the passage and settling lightly on Severus’s arm. She nuzzled his cheek affectionately and he stroked her feathers, thanking her for a job well done.
“Now go and find yourself a nice, juicy rabbit,” he whispered, and Sarah-Jane took off down the corridor, flying over the motionless, bleeding form of Bellatrix.
Severus strode briskly back up the passageway, smirking that, though still annoyingly alive, Bellatrix wouldn’t be bothering anyone for quite a while. He reentered the decimated interrogation room to revive Narcissa and once again ask her forgiveness. And then maybe,
if he felt like it, he would give Lucius a hand too.
Draco assumed that the screech he heard was just another one of his aunt’s murderous cries. But the curses suddenly stopped flying, and the screeches separated into two distinct voices. Knowing he shouldn’t stop for even a moment, Draco paused anyway and craned his neck to see what was going on. What looked like a very large bird seemed to be attacking his aunt, pulling her away from the wall. He stared dumbly at the bizarre scene for a moment.
Well that’s something I didn’t expect to see.
“Draco, what is it?” called Hermione from the floor. Her voice brought him back to their current situation and he knelt down beside her.
“I don’t know, but whatever it is, it’s getting in the way of my aunt’s pursuit.” He smoothed the hair from her face and made another quick assessment of her wounds. He was worried about the two biggest, the one on her side and the one on her head. They still hadn’t stopped bleeding. He placed his hand on her ribcage and probed each rib with his fingers. Good, none of them were broken, so the wound on her side was fairly superficial.
He bent down and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her lips; then he held out his temporary wand and closed up the two large wounds. Pulling two phials from his pocket, he cradled her head and opened the first one. He tipped the Blood Replenishing Potion back against her mouth, and she drank it down. Then he unstoppered the Pain Potion and held it to her lips as she tried to force it down.
“We’re going to make it, love- I promise you,” he said with fierce conviction as he held her gently on the floor.
“I believe you,” she replied. “Now let’s stop talking and get going!”