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Old 05-31-2011, 07:03 AM   #20 (permalink)

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★ wannabe historian ★ Baekry

SPOILER!!: Comments
Originally Posted by Shanners View Post

OMFG! Lori says she should totally just be the star of this now ;D

My inner Lori cried when Stephen yelled about being left on a doorstep in the winter.

Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
Adam... hair... Adam... hair... Adam... hair....

OMIGOSH ADAM FEELS SO SPECIAL WOO. Even if him and Stephen never did get onto such great terms, he doesn't like the idea of him being left on a doorstep. Neither does Lawraa though D;

Loved it Lulu.
Originally Posted by Nimmiii View Post

Thing?! Oh maaaan


So THIS is why you needed his middle name! I shoulda known!

causually is the key word there hehehe!

I found this really funny

But now you have to hurry and write the next chapter!!! Cause you know how impatient I am! And for goodness sake, link this in your sig or something, it takes me forever to find it!

ily <3
Originally Posted by HG_forever View Post
I need more!
I reeaally loved it Lulu!
Quite funny, if I may so myself


You guys are soo lovely And thank you for the comments <3
I'm really sorry you had to wait over 2 months for the next part :/

Chapter 4: Everything is Beautiful and Nothing Hurts

Once the Italian trio entered the living room, everyone else finished their small conversations and turned to them.

“So tell us what happened?” Adam asked. Stephen was about to answer when his brother interjected.

“Basically, Stephen real parents told his ‘aunt’ that they had given him up for adoption since they couldn’t handle having a child. But we obviously know that’s not true. Nor did the aunt know about the truth,” Leonard answered, messing with Stephen’s hair. Stephen tried to shoo him away, but nothing worked.

“You’re still going to look for them?” Lori asked, with a slight worried face. Stephen just nodded. “Maybe it’s not such a good idea to keep looking for them,”

“It’s his choice, Lori. We can’t tell him what to do. He should decide on his own whether or not he wants to keep looking for them,” Tyler spoke, eyeing the three that had now just sat down on a couch. Everyone now stayed quiet for some time, not knowing what to say next. But Lucy broke the silence.

“Since it’s almost lunch, do you guys mind help me set up?” she asked everyone. Well, a pregnant woman wouldn’t be able to do it all herself. Feeling pity for Lucy, everyone nodded and headed to the kitchen. Except for Stephen and Tyler.

“Do you mind me borrowing your car? I want to go visit Aimee for a bit,” Stephen asked, hoping yes was going to be the answer.

“Sure,” Tyler chuckled, taking his keys out of his pockets and handing them to Dino. “Just please don’t destroy it or else I’m coming after you,” he added.

“Don’t worry. I’m a very careful driver, thank you very much. I’m only going to Hertford which is like an hour away,” Stephen said, taking the keys and heading for the door. Well, that was easier than he expected. But he has managed to get his license last summer and was finally going to put it to good use. Entering the car and turning it on, Stephen checked the mirrors and put his seat belt on. Not because of safety, but because he was used to having his brother drive that a seat belt was definitely needed every time. Putting it into ‘Drive’, Stephen slowly moved the car and began to head out.

“HAI STEEEEEPHENNNNNNNNNNNN!” Someone inside the car yelled. Stephen jumped, jerking the car into a stop and placed it in park. Looking into the rear view mirror, he saw Kat, grinning from the trunk.

“I’m going to kill you!” he yelled, taking his seat belt off and jumping to the back of the car.


“What are you doing here?! Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere else where you won’t bother people?” Stephen asked, hitting her on the head with a pillow he randomly found.

“I was bored, like always so I decided to hide away in my uncle’s car. But then I fell asleep until I felt the car move and I thought I was being kidnapped!”
Kat started to freak out, biting her nails in anxiety. Stephen rolled his eyes, sighing in the process as well. Leave it to Kat to make someone almost have a heart attack while they’re driving. Making his way out the car, Stephen saw Tyler and everyone else at the window, watching the scene outside. He just pointed to the trunk, where he opened the door and Kat popped out, waving. Everyone just shook their head, chuckled and went back to their own business. Stephen closed the door, and went to sit in the driver’s seat again. “So where are we going?”

“We? I’m going to visit Aimee, you’re heading back inside with everyone else,” Stephen answered her. Turning the car back on, he checked the mirrors and saw Kat’s face again. She looked like she was about to burst into tears. Stephen never liked to see any girl cry, even if they were strangers. It was something he probably learned from being raised by people who went out their way to help others.

“But she’s my friend too..” Kat sobbed, only to make the guilt in Stephen grow. Sighing and rolling his eyes, Stephen caved in.

“Alright, you can come. But you have to behave or else I’m going to leave you stranded there!” He warned her. Kat beamed and sat in the passenger seat, buckled and all exhilarated for the trip. Putting the car into ‘drive’ once again, he drove off onto the road. “Put this address in so we won’t get lost,” he said to Kat, handing her a piece of paper as she took the GPS into her hands.

“It says make a left turn 4 blocks up,” Kat spoke, who seemed to be so focused on the GPS. At least she wasn’t causing a ruckus right now. The ride was about an hour long, where Kat decided to nap and snore a bit. Stephen couldn't help but laugh and shake his head. Once they arrived, Stephen slapped Kat on her arm, making her jump. “I swear the sheep did it!” She called out, looking all daze from suddenly being awakened. “Oh, this is it? She has a nice house,” she mentioned, looking around at everything else. It was pretty quiet outside except for all the children playing in the streets.

“This isn’t her house. We have to park a few houses up so her brothers won’t see me,” Stephen explained, turning off the car and getting out. Kat followed behind him and closed her door. Locking the doors, Stephen looked for Aimee’s house, which was noticeably down the block.

“Her family doesn’t know you’re dating her?” Kat asked.

“I think they do. But her dad doesn't ‘approve’ of me because I’m a wizard. He doesn't approve of the wizarding world in general. Her brothers are always getting her into trouble so I might have to sneak in,” he said, walking on the sidewalk where more children were coming outside to play. At 12:30, who wouldn't be outside enjoy the nice weather they had today?

“So how are you going to sneak in without anyone seeing you?”

“That’s where you come in,” Stephen smirked. “I need you to pretend you’re selling something to distract her brothers. Make sure you get very dramatic, that way both of them come outside to see. Then, I climb through her window and invite her out with us. She’ll obviously use the front door, unless her brothers aren’t there. Deal?”

“That sounds like fun!” Kat clapped her hands together and walked faster towards Aimee’s house with Stephen. To their luck, when they arrived, there was somehow a ladder near Aimee’s window in which Stephen could use to get up there. Quietly walking towards it, he nodded to Kat for her to begin her small mission. Kat cleared her throat and knocked. One boy, with similar blonde hair to Aimee’s answered the door. “Hi, my name is Kitty and I’m a girl scout. Would you kindly buy some cookies from me?” Kat said to him.

“I don’t see any cookies anywhere. Plus, you’re not wearing a girls’ scout uniform,” Aimee’s brother retorted.

“It’s dirty and I obviously haven’t had much time to wash it since I’m trying to sell cookies. So would you please buy at least one box?!” Kat yelled, loud enough that probably the entire neighborhood heard her.

“No! I won’t buy a box of cookies you don’t even have! Now, go away!” The brother yelled. Stephen looked through the window that seemed to be part of the living room, but saw Aimee’s other brother there too. Sighing, he poked his out to Kat and mouthed ‘Come on!’, signaling her to try harder. Slightly nodding, Kat sighed and prepared herself.

“Listen to me, twerp! You will buy a box of my cookies whether you like it or not! Or I will keep coming back here until you buy 5 or more boxes! Do you really want me to keep coming back?!” Kat yelled, her fist close to the boy’s face.

“What’s going on here?” asked one of the twins. Stephen couldn’t really tell them apart just yet but he referred to them as mushrooms. He took this opportunity to fix the ladder in front of Aimee’s window and quickly climb up. He tried hard not to laugh at the continuous yelling and arguing Kat had begun with the twins. Luuckily, Aimee had her bedroom window open, where she was dancing and singing inside. He climbed inside, watching his girlfriend singing along to some song on her stereo.

“I see the ‘dance lesson’ at the wedding didn’t work quite well,” Stephen spoke, watching Aimee tripping over her own feet many times.

“Stephen!” The blonde girl beamed, dropping her comb, which she was using as a microphone and attacking him with a hug. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“Then there’s no point in surprising you,” he laughed. The pair shared a kiss and parted when Stephen had something else to say. “I had to bring Kat with me, hope you don’t mind,”

“Not all at! She’s fun to be with,” Aimee smiled.

“Alright, so would you like to hang out with us today? Don’t waste such a nice day indoors, singing into your brush and dancing like there’s fleas on you,” Stephen commented, laughing at the pouty face Aimee just made.

“Sure, I’ll just tell my brothers I’m going to the bookstore or something,” Aimee commented, turning off her stereo and putting the brush on the dresser.

“Awesome. We’ll be in a black SUV up the block from here. I’m gonna tell Kat to just go back to the car,” Stephen nodded, climbing back out the window quickly. Still seeing Kat arguing with the twins, he ‘psssted’ and nudged his head to the left.

“Fine! Don’t buy my cookies! I wouldn’t want your dirty hands on them anyways!” Kat said, walking away from them. But not before hitting both the twins on the head with a pebble and breaking into a run. Stephen heard their sigh of frustration and saw them walk back into the living room. He then himself broke into a run towards the car and got in. “That was fun! Let’s do it again sometime!”

Stephen laughed at Kat’s comment. “When you get a boyfriend, we’ll do this too,” he said. Kat shrugged her shoulders and sat in the back seats of the car. The two chatted while Aimee finally arrived to the car.

“Hi, Kat!” she greeted her and hugged. “So where are we going?” Aimee asked, putting on her seat belt and waiting for an answer.

“Let’s go shopping!” Kat cheered and gave Stephen a pleading looked. He sighed, mouthing a ‘fine’ and driving off.

Last edited by Star-Lord; 05-31-2011 at 04:38 PM.
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