Yeah!!!!!!!! It's been posted! Thank you sooo much, and now Hermione will continue with her story........
Chapter 1-Part Two: The first time I ever spoke to Viktor (not Vikky, Viktor) was in the Hogwarts library. I was reading House Elves: Do's and Dont's in attempt to further my S.P.E.W. campaign when I realized that someone was sitting across from me, gazing at me, as if I were as interesting as a tied quidditch game with both seekers chasing the snitch.
I slowly looked up from my book to see the dark, gorgeous eyes of Viktor Krum.
"Uh...." I said, not knowing how to react to this rude and very akward interruption.
"I vas vondering if you could tell me about this, er, S-P-E-W?" he asked quietly. I could tell he was not usedto talking to girls that he didn't know. And apparently, I wasn't used to speaking with world-famous seekers.
"Uh, well, I- it-.." I took a deep breath. "It's the Society for the Protection of Elvish Welfare. Have you ever notices how poorly house elves aretreated? No sick-leave, no pensions, not even decent clothing!!! I believe that something should be done about this monstrosity!"
I hadn't even realized how much I had said or how passionately I had ranted until I saw an amused smirk on his usually serious and solemn face.
"How do I join? he asked, his enjoyment also being betrayed by his voice.
"One sickle and then sign here, please." I said as I whipped out my collecting tin, member form, and badges without hesitation. That made 10 members! I couldn't wait to tell Harry and Ron (or rub it in their faces). After signing, Viktor couldn't seem to think of anything else to talk about, so with a dazzling smile that most people would think him incapable of, he said, "Dobŭr den" and departed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
So, any comments and critique are welcome!!!! Post the next part later.
Dobŭr den!! (Good Day!! in bulgarian)