Piercas|Zayler|Chaia♥Cyphlan|Mr and Miss Forgetful|Whittiesaur+Bee|Co-Inceptor|Ellina 20. Hogsmeade - January 2074
Boyfriends had to spend time with their girlfriends, right? And girlfriends had to spend time with their boyfriends. Well, they wanted to anyway and Chandler wanted to spend time with Kaia and go to Hogsmeade with her but the thing was hewastooafraidtoaskeher. FAIL. What if she DIDN'T want to go with him or even go to Hogsmeade? She had better things to do, maybe.
He eyed her several times, biting his lip and then looking away again. "Errrr..."
"Yes, Chandler?"
"...Never mind." He would just ask her next time. Yep. Or not.
What a failure of a boyfriend he was.
Last edited by Tibz; 06-11-2011 at 10:09 PM.