Piercas|Zayler|Chaia♥Cyphlan|Mr and Miss Forgetful|Whittiesaur+Bee|Co-Inceptor|Ellina 20. Veela - October 2074
ChandlerMontaguewasnotaveela. -__- He wasn't even ATTRACTIVE. Oh please, Kaia. EYE ROLL.
"WHY do you zink I'm part veela?! I'm far from anything veela-ish!"
"Because you're hot." Very hot. :3
".....I'm not 'ot. I'm ze coldest zing on Earth right now." Next to Hogwarts which WAS cold.
"Chandler, stop ittttt. If you're going to argue with me and say that you're not I'mma go somewhere else and find another boyfriend who's part veela and admits to it."
And there it was. She loved him too much to do that, right?
"I'm..part veela?" NOT. Inside, Chandler was still arguing.
"Yep." Nope. >__<
Last edited by Tibz; 06-11-2011 at 10:09 PM.