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Old 05-18-2011, 08:18 PM   #2 (permalink)
Formerly: RonHermione 4 eva
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64. Nap - February 2075

Babysitting was easy and tiring to say the least. Chandler was tired and he had his eyes closed while he was lying down which looked like he was napping but he wasn't, he was just resting his eyes and Blaise was somewhere in the house, he was safe. He was always safe when uncle Chandler was there, he was a great babysitter and uncle why Cyp asked him to babysit Blaisey. BEAM.

"BLAISE! Do NOT do zat!" And surprisingly he woke up, yes Chandler fell asleep.

To Blaise ticking his face with a feather and whipped cream everywhere. Bad child!
ANGELO JASON SORDEAU__________________________________________________ _____

Last edited by Tibz; 06-11-2011 at 10:09 PM.
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