Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: England
Posts: 1,658
Hogwarts RPG Name: Megara Kostas First Year | Hello everyone. My exams start tomorrow (eek) so I may not be able to update as often. I have tried to write as many chapters as possible this weekend, but I will probably only post 1 or two a week. But anyway, here's the next chapter. I hope you like it!  Chapter Thirty-Nine - Caught
Izabella had just returned from patroling the corridors, looking for students out of their common rooms after hours. Completely drained, she collapsed onto her bed and closed her eyes.
Her head was foggy and her eyes would hardly stay open. She pulled herself up and started to yank off her robes when there was a loud knock at the door.
Izabella groaned and lifted her clothes back on, dragging her feet then tugging open the door.
“Yes?” she said wearily. She frowned slightly at Dawlish and Kingsley, confused as to why they were outside her bedroom.
“You need to come with us Miss Prince.” Dawlish said in a serious manner.
Izabella frowned and looked between them both.
“What's happened?” she asked, her voice panicked.
“I'm afraid we can't tell you that. Follow us please.” Dawlish said, turning sharply and heading down the corridor. Kingsley gave her a look for a moment and Izabella rushed after them, feeling wide awake and a squirm in her stomach.
What if they had found Sirius? Would he go back to Azkaban? Or was it something to do with Voldemort... Lucius perhaps?
They stopped outside Dumbledore's office and the gargoyle immediately jumped aside for them. Izabella's breathing had become ragged and quick. She swallowed loudly then followed them up the moving staircase and burst into the circular room.
Dumbledore was sat calmly behind his desk, the Minister of Magic was pacing by the window, Percy Weasley beside him and Umbridge stood, looking triumphant in the middle of the room, holding tightly onto the shoulder of a young student, who had her face buried in her hands.
Izabella looked around and saw Harry by Professor McGonagall. She rushed over to him, placing her hands on his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” she demanded, her forehead creased. He nodded slightly, looking at the floor. Izabella turned to face the room and raised an eyebrow. “What's going on?”
“Seen as you act like the boy's guardian, we thought you would like to be involved in his expulsion.” Umbridge said, smiling like a toad. Izabella narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth but Dumbledore interrupted her.
“Harry will not be getting expelled tonight.” he said in a calm voice. “Unless of course, you can provide sufficient evidence.”
“Yes I can.” Umbridge said jubliantly. “Marietta, tell the Minister what you told me earlier this evening.”
Marietta shook her head forcefully and buried her face in her robes.
“Come on now dear, tell us-” Fudge stopped abruptly as Marietta lowered her hands to reveal the word SNEAK across her face in large boils. She once again covered her face, sobbing into her robes. Umbridge sighed impatiently.
“Miss Edgecombe came to me tonight and told me that an illegal Defence Against the Dark Arts group was having a secret meeting within the school. And if you remember Minister, I sent you a report about Potter holding a meeting some six months ago about starting this very group and it is my theory that these meetings have been happening regularly for six months.”
“Do you have any evidence?” Dumbledore asked politley.
“Well, yes! Miss Edgecombe of course.” Umbridge spluttered.
“Miss Edgecombe only informed you about the meeting that was taking place tonight.”
Izabella was watched the proceedings closely when she felt a draft pass her from the direction of Kingsley. When Umbridge questioned the young girl, asking if the meetings had been happening for six months, Marietta shook her head. Izabella smirked and lowered her gaze to the ground in an attempt to cover her satisfaction.
“No matter. We still have this.” Umbridge declared, pulling out a piece of parchment with a list of names on. Izabella felt Harry tense beside her. Fudge snatched the parchment and read it carefully, his face dropping as he turned to look at Dumbledore.
“Dumbledore's Army?” he whispered. Dumbledore took the list and looked at it for a moment then, amazingly, he smiled.
“Well. You caught me.”
“What?” Fudge frowned.
“It says Dumbledore's Army. Not Potter's. Tonight was our first meeting.”
“So... So you have... Been plotting against me!” Fudge exclaimed.
“Yes.” Dumbledore said cheerfully.
“I came to expel Potter...”
“And instead you get to arrest me. Isn't that wonderful?”
“Weasley! Do you have all of this?” Fudge said, turning to Percy excitedly.
“Yes sir, I have!”
“Excellent. Send an owl to the Daily Prophet straight away!”
Percy nodded and rushed from the room, clinging to his notes. McGonagall and Izabella exchanged a look filled with fear. Harry suddenly understood.
“No Professor! You can't-”
“Harry be quiet.” Dumbledore ordered. Izabella placed a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.
“Dawlish. Kingsley. Escort Dumbledore to Azkaban where he will wait until his trial.” Fudge said, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Dumbledore chuckled.
“Ah, you don't expect me to come quietly do you? And if you try and take me by force I will have to hurt you.” he said, sighing quietly. Dawlish moved his hand to his wand and Dumbledore reacted instantly.
A flash of silver light bounced around the office then there was a cloud of thick smoke and a thud as someone fell to the floor. Izabella grabbed Harry and pulled him down whilst McGonagall jumped at Marietta and pulled her out of harms way. There was a cry then another bang and Izabella looked up to see Dumbledore emerging from the smoke.
“Are you alright?” he asked, everyone nodding in response. The dust cleared and the bodies of the two Aurors, Fudge and Umbridge lay unconscious on the floor. “I had to hex Kingsley or it would of looked suspicious. Thank him for modifying Miss Edgecombe's memory.” he said to McGonagall. She nodded and he turned to Harry.
“Listen Harry. It is very important for you to continue Occlumency with Professor Snape. Make sure you empty your mind before you sleep and do everything Professor Snape tells you okay?”
Harry nodded slightly and Dumbledore lifted his gaze to Izabella.
“Keep doing what you are doing.” he said, smiling and she nodded. “I'll be back soon, don't worry.”
The bodies began to stir and Fawkes screeched, circling above Dumbledore's head. “Remember to empty your mind Harry.” he said quickly and touched Harry's arm for a breif moment before grabbing the phoenix's tail and disappearing in a flash of fire.
“Where has he gone?” Fudge said, pushing himself up from the floor.
“He can't have disapparated. He must of gone down here.” Umbridge said as she hurried down the stairs, Dawlish and Kingsley following her.
Fudge turned to glare at McGonagall.
“You had better get those two off to bed.” he snapped. McGonagall raised an eyebrow then marched from the room, pushing Marietta in front of her. Izabella squeezed Harry's hand gently and gave him a small smile before he left the room.
“Lucius speaks very highly of you.” Fudge said suddenly, looking at her with a calculating look. Izabella stared at him with a stony face.
“Dumbledore will always be here when someone needs him.” she said quietly. She passed him and quickly ran down the stairs and back into her room. Exhausted, she fell onto her bed, curling up into a ball and she drifted to sleep straight away.
__________________ SlytherinGirl. FanFic Lover |