Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Leprechaun Amy is a sixth year
Daisy belongs to Lunax246, Mikey belongs to Michael White Amy's AWESOME dancing... “He didly didly doo” Amy grinned as she danced on the spot “What are you doing?” Daisy asked staring at Amy worriedly, chewing her lip “Can’t you tell?” Amy asked, stopping and staring at Daisy, “isn’t it obvious?” “No”. Daisy said “Definitely not” Mikey nodded “Oh”, Amy pouted, “maybe I should be wearing green then...”she mumbled disheartened “Whhhhyy?” Both Mikey and Daisy asked, beyond confused now “Cuz then you’d know who I am”
“We know who you are, a mental child dancing awfully” they nodded
Amy pouted again, “nooooooooooo” she shook her head, "trust your elders" “Who are you then?”
“Isn’t it obvious?”
“No. Duh.” “I’m a leprechaun. Duh” Amy said slowly, still staring at them
Last edited by city_girl_95; 05-14-2011 at 12:05 PM.