Five words synonymous with who you are… Kurumi repeated in her head. Picking up her quill and setting the tip against her parchment, Kurumi thought long and hard for a moment about what words best described her.
Of course, the first word that popped into her mind was COOKIE, so she immediately wrote that one down before pausing to think of another. She decided another one she should add would be her last name since that was a part of who she was, so she wrote HOLLINGBERRY down next to COOKIE. Thinking a bit more, she opted to include her mother’s maiden name since that was also half of who she was and thus, KUROKAWA was added to the list. She still needed three more and, preferably, short ones. NAÏVE came to mind, so she added that to the list and paused as she thought of one more before settling on STUDIOUS.
Now came the hard part: calculations. Rolling the sleeves of her robes up a bit, Kurumi got to work.
Having completed this portion, Kurumi set her quill down and picked up her parchment to take a better look at it. She found it interesting that most of her calculations had ended up in the 20’s, with the exception of HOLLINGBERRY, and wondered if this was a trend with everyone else. Was there something significant with numbers in the 20’s? Was it bad if one of the numbers was much higher than the rest? Kurumi supposed she would just have to wait and see how things turned out.
Looking around, she wondered if Treyen and Connor were alright with these calculations. They both seemed to be rubbish at Arithmancy.