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Old 05-12-2011, 08:38 PM   #49 (permalink)

PhoenixRising's Avatar
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
coming soon
Second Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

x12 x8
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles View Post
Legend sat somewhere in the back, in his usual seat. He tried to pay attention to Hadley's words but his mind was seriously else where. He had also yet to have his talk with the professor. His hand rose quickly at her question. "Falling down one of the moving staircases and tumbling on and on and on down more moving stair cases until you finally land on one that's not moving and then not breaking anything." Coincidence right? Or lucky yeah. "Oh..and the day before your numbers said that you were not going to get hurt or something." Did numbers say that? He was too rusty in this.
Looking towards the voice of the first to speak, Fina listened and contemplated. "Not really...." But actually, "Well, yes, when you add that last bit about the day before, then I would say that would make it a coincidence for you to not get hurt. Without that though, then it's probably more luck."

Originally Posted by RachieRu View Post
Err. What? That wasn't to do with numbers. That was silly. But still. Finlay would answer it. That was what good headboys did right? "A coincidence could two different events happening that seem to have a connection to each other..." Finlay suggested, raising his hand. "Like I might have the life path number of 1 which says my life might take me down the road of indepedence. My life could go that way, but it could just be a coincidence, and not just because of my life path number."
Leave it to the Head Boy and a Ravenclaw to relate it to numbers. "Precisely! Very good connection!" She smiled at Finn. "And exactly what I was going for; numbers do have power but they might not have anything to do with an event." She reiterated upon her previous statement.

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
...Alex was already confused. WHY had he chosen to take a class on numbers again? Math was his most horrible subject! Still, it sounded kind of cool...he wanted to learn more about this number mysticism stuff. BUT that was not the question at hand right now.

He tried to think of a good answer in his hand, and after he figured out what he wanted to say, he raised his hand. "Well, a coincidence is like...when you say something like 'Oh, I've never broken a single bone in my body!' and then that same day, you break your arm and think maybe that happened cause you jinxed yourself or something. But really, it was just a coincidence and a bunch of bad luck," he explained.
Oh that boy looked kind of familiar, yet not... Did he have a relative or something at Hogwarts? Fina shrugged it off, figuring she would find out sooner or later. What was with all the talk of bone breaking though? Apparently Hogwarts had a bunch of violent students... or was it mere coincidence to Tate's not mentioning his usual 'do not die'. "Yes, I'd say that is a coincidence." Fina agreed.

Originally Posted by Lady of the Lake View Post
Ariadne was puzzled already, and the class had just started. She tried to find an answer for the question Professor Hadley had just asked.

'A mere coincidence could be...meeting a childhood friend on the street after many years in which you hadn't seen each other?' she replied, after having raised her hand. That's what happened to her mum on Diagon Alley, she had bumped into a friend she hadn't seen in 10 years or more.
"Yes, that could be a coincidence, indeed," Fina nodded at the young Gryffindor.

Originally Posted by nogoodforyou View Post
So... it was just welcome for Helena, unfortunately. She kind of regretted that she didn't take the class last year, but better later than never. And professor Hadley was lucky if it was her fourth term at Hogwarts. Because... Helena remembered about those professors who vanished last year.

But anyway. Number mystiiii... what? Ah, Pythagoras. Helena knew a few things about him. And... mere coincidence? She quickly raised her hand, even though she was not completely sure that her example would be a good one. "Let's say that I'll wear tomorrow a blue scarf, and someone else is going to wear a scarf that looks exactly the same. Is that a mere coincidence?" She asked, a bit nervously.
Smiling at the young Slytherin and her suggestion, in which she was unsure about it, she nodded. "Yes, that could indeed be considered a coincidence." These kids were so smart!

Originally Posted by ortalismusicoh View Post
"Erm.. Proffesor isn't a coincidence when something happens to you more than twice without you expecting it too." Said Ness as that was her opinion. So far she kinda liked Proffessor Hadley. She seemed very sweet and kind. It deffinately made sense why she was in Hufflepuff.
Looking next toward a young Hufflepuff, Hadley nodded yet again. "Could be, yes."

Originally Posted by Kimalia View Post
This was a tricky question, Kimalia thought. Clearly numbers can predict what happens, but maybe not how and everything that happens along the way.. Kimalia decided to raise her hand and give her guess a try. "Perhaps coincidences are all the little things that can happen along the way of pursuing a goal." She bit her lip, she needed to add in an example to this vague answer. "Like, numbers could spell out that I'll be going to the shop for a specific item, but maybe along the way to the shop I come across a shortcut to get there faster or find some money to purchase more than one of the same item?"
Another unsure Slytherin; and Professor Hadley thought that Slytherins were supposed to confident oh wait, no that was Gryffindors. "Yes, could be...." Hadley said contemplating. "Coincidences are little things that happen in relation to our desires, I'd go with." Sort of similar to the goal thing, sort of not.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
Ellie grinned when Hadley mentioned it was her fourth year. She liked sharing her Hogwarts experience with the Professor. They were in the same boat. Only Hadley GAVE the homework and Ellie had to DO it. Unfair, that was.


"Is that why the chart in our book's called Pythawhatever?" Cuz of Pythagoras? That made total sense now. Ellie had just assumed it was a word Arithmancy people made up to confuse others. Mostly her. It was a personal offense.

Coincidences were...everything. Because the fourth year firmly believed that you can't predict the future. Even if Reyn insisted you could. Silly man. She loved him. "Coincidences are like...when you say something, and then it happens. Liiiike, if you say that you haven't had Drooble's in forever, and then there just happens to be a piece lying on the street. Coincidence. I wouldn't eat it, though..." No. Eating things lying on the ground was probably a bad idea...
Oh good; Ellie had decided to return for another year of Arithmancy! Smiling at the fourth year, she smiled in amusement about the girl's reference to the chart in their textbooks. "Yes, that is exactly why it's called the Pythagorean Number System."

"Yea, that would be a coincidence, but I'm with you on the not eating gum or candy lying around, unless you know where it came from." Because no one wanted to eat stuff from strangers... Vigilance, people.

Originally Posted by Waterloo View Post
Knox, who was gazing lovingly down at his every so pretty phoenix feather quill looked up when Professor Hadley started talking. Something about number mysticism and Pythagoras and coincidences. All rather confusing.

"It would've been a coincidence if we'd worn the same the same outfit today, ma'am." Macnair said, hand in the air. Except.. well, chances of them wearing the same outfit was incredibly slim. But still. You never know!
Josephina had to snort at the next comment. Well at least they moved on from violent, breaking bones to clothing. "It would be a strange coincidence, indeed."

Originally Posted by AmbiguouslyMe View Post
Tiberius couldn't help but smile, nodding as he heard her mention that number do not control events. He thought he might rather like her perspective on Arithmancy.

Placing down his quill and raising his hand, Tiberius offered his definition. "It could be a mere coincidence if you, say, missed a train and, as a result, met someone that you ended up dating. Others might call that fate, though you'd have to believe things are entirely pre-determined for that to be the case. But, if you were looking for a definition, I'd say a mere coincidence is something that happens as result of something else, unrelated. Because X happened, then Y was able to happen. Y is the coincidence."

Did that make any sense?
And now they were talking about dating? Looking at the unfamiliar older boy, she actually sort of liked his description about coincidences. "Could be destiny, yes. Or coincidence. But yes, very true."

Originally Posted by Emishlon View Post
Jamie had been sitting at the BACK of the classroom for the whole introductory thing. Arithmancy wasn't his subject, at all. When the Professor began the lesson, the boy came out of his daze and sat up straight, finally listening. Pythagoras sounded very familiar, but he had no idea that it was a relevant person.

Errrrr.. the question meant nothing to him, but led him to think of all the coincidences that had occurred in his life.

Maybe he would just mention one of the more important ones, so he raised his hand. "A black cat tried to kill me once, you know, the ones that are bad luck." Everyone knew they were bad luck, right? "So, yeah... that was a coincidence... seeing as it was a BLACK cat." Or maybe they really were bad luck?

What was the question even? And what did it have to do with numbers? He shut up now and kept his head low.
"Not sure how that's a coincidence..." Josephina started, looking at the Slytherin. "But unless you're referring to the fact that because it didn't kill you, then that would be a coincidence." She smiled at him.

Originally Posted by Sherri View Post
Wisteria brushed the end of her violet quill against her cheek thinking of where this was heading. This was her first year in taking this particular subject, she wondered why she never signed up for it before.

She, personally didn't believe in coincidences at all, she felt it was an excuse for anyone to use to make sense of what was unknown to make them feel better. Mysteries of the world don't get any credit, but rather substituted for coincidence. That was her theory at least.

With some effort, though, she raised her hand, "A coincidence is when you say something and soon after it actually happens. For example: I wish I could have seen the Weird Sisters and that night they end up at the three broom sticks having butterbeer, while you're hanging with your friends."

At that moment she wished she could have been there now... lets not get off track, she thought.
"Yes, that would be a coincidence and a rather strange one at that, considering the Weird Sisters are like really old by now," Josephina mused at the mention of the infamous band from like seventy years ago.

Originally Posted by Annabeth View Post
Rachel thought about this question, "A coinsedence is when you say that something has never happened to you before and then the same day it does. Or if you are wearing something brand new and your best friend is wearing it too." beacuse that happened to her the other day.
Josephina nodded at the young Ravenclaw. "Yes, all very true of coincidences." But that wasn't the point of the lesson today, so they were going to move on. It was the point though to bring up the fact that numbers didn't have to control one's life events. They did have meaning yes, but they weren't the sole participant one's life path. In fate, as Tiberius mentioned.

"You all seem to have a good idea that coincidences happen in daily life," Fina began again, as she flicked her wand again at the board, in which her initial welcoming message was replaced with a single word: 'Paragram'.

"Today, however, we'll be working to understand the coincidences associated with a minor art form that has sadly disappeared from daily usage. Though minor, it provides us with another example of the power of numbers. An art form that sprang from Gematria, which is the practice of assigning numbers to letters and thus words to better understand their mystical significance."

Flicking her wand again, her last name appeared on the board:
"As you can see, the numbers in my name add up to 28, which would be the value associated with my surname. But before we go further, can anyone tell me what exactly is a Paragram?"

ooc: Just a quick reminder to NOT edit your posts. If you have something to add, then post again (I'll merge if it's a double post). The only thing you MAY edit for is to correct coding...

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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